(ThyBlackMan.com) If the current crop of declared GOP presidential contenders is the party’s field of dreams for 2012, we’re in real trouble. Reviewing the line up thus far, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, Tim Pawlenty, the group has the charisma factor of a ball of wax. Let’s face it charisma is more than 50% of presidential candidates appeal and for the most part this group is just plain dullsville when stacked up against Obama.
So far, Republicans’ quest for the White House in 2012 is looking more like a bad reality show at best, giving team Obama ample room for confidence the president will win a second term. Comb over, business titan Donald Trump’s flirtation with running for president was truly embarrassing. This week, just when we thought he couldn’t top his ridiculous press conference, taking credit for forcing Obama to reveal his birth certificate, Trump declared he wouldn’t run for president but “I maintain the strong conviction that if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary and, ultimately , the general election.” Hardly, Americans won’t elect a birther as president.
Then Newt Gingrich decided to launch his GOP presidential campaign by slamming House Republican Paul Ryan’s Medicare overhaul plan. The professorial Gingrich appeared on Meet the Press this past Sunday and exclaimed to David Gregory Ryan’s Medicare plan “I don’t think right-wing social engineering is any more desirable than left-wing social engineering. I don’t think imposing radical change from the right or the left is a very good way for a free society to operate.”
What’s so radical about Ryan’s plan to cut Medicare costs by privatizing it, making it competitive and based on quality of care? Medicare needs to end as we’ve known it for 40 plus years because it’s no longer working.
Beside the fact Gingrich has been married three times, the Wall Street Journal summed up Gingrich’s troubled campaign, “The episode reveals the Georgian’s weakness as a candidate, and especially as a potential President –to wit, his odd combination of partisan, divisive rhetoric and poll-driven policy timidity.” Making matters worse, Gingrich now is recanting what he said as inaccurate. Charlie Sheen might call this “losing.”
While Romney may be able to out fund raise his competitors, his fatal flaw is Romneycare, Massachusetts state run healthcare program, which he started as governor. As a Republican, I don’t know how he can explain this away as anything but a stepping stone to government run Obamacare. If Sarah Palin and Rep. Michele Bachmann dive in the race, it will make the crowded field of 2012 GOP presidential candidates look even more doubtful. At this point, Republicans should pray and hope there is a dark horse waiting in the wings because so far 2012 is shaping up to look like 1996 when Bill Clinton faced off against an anemic Bob Dole. And the rest is history.
Written By Crystal Wright
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Can you Herman Cain Supporters explain this???
And he wants to be our next president? Come on now…
This is just another atrocious article focusing on none of the real issues that our country faces. Ron Paul is a physician, former flight surgeon in the Air Force, has an amazing track record during his time in congress, has an amazing ability of predicting everything that has happened with our economy, and he is the only politician running that is genuinely interested in individual rights and reducing the size of government. All Obama has in his arsenal is charisma, positivity, failed policies, and token empty promises that have become the theme of the last 3 presidential elections. All RP has is historical facts, an exhaustive knowledge of every issue that currently affect Americans, and a track record of never supporting any bill that has lead America into the present mess we find ourselves in today (i.e. the wars, the size of government, and the economy). I would hardly call that a dull candidate. RP would absolutely destroy Obama in a debate.
Now, onto what I actually believe. Ron Paul has no chance at winning either the GOP candidacy or the presidential candidacy because he’s not a NeoCon, he doesn’t support bail outs, he doesn’t support the military industrial complex, he doesn’t support the medical industrial complex, and he doesn’t support corporatism. In fact, he doesn’t support any special interest groups whatsoever. Unfortunately, this is the only way puppets like Obama can get elected. They can make whatever promises they want during the campaign, then once elected they can serve the interests of those who got them into office in the first place. Even though Ron Paul is literally the only completely genuine politician in Washington, they will stop at nothing to smear him and make him out to be some sort of villain.
Hopefully the docile masses that voted for the very first time last election will wise up this time by actually educating themselves on the issues, and not just vote for a guy because he’s not in the same party as W or because he’s black. At least I will have my integrity when I vote for Ron Paul.
Whomever said Ron Paul would not get the democratic vote is very mistaken. Conservatives and Liberals alike are both sick of the status quo. Ron Paul is absolutely the only candidate that will cross party lines and get both votes. Maybe you should take a minute and educate yourselves to Ron Paul’s supporters and you would know that first hand. He is the only candidate for 2012.
@Shishir ….I consider myself an individual, not mainstream, side-stream, extreme, Paulite or Obamanite, or whatever other convenient label is out there. My objection is not with individuals coming up with their own comments. But when a press that is supposed to have journalistic integrity and report fairly start using names like “crazy uncle” without even accurately portraying Ron Paul’s positions, let alone responding to them in any intellectual way, it just shows that they are derelict in their professional duties or just dishonest, or both. My objection is that some commentators just regurgitate that stuff. Is it really a spontaneous that some many commentators start regurgitating these terms on their own? Or is their some influence from what are allowed to see or hear on the outlets?
Regarding the difference between non-intervention and isolationism. Would you agree that the current interventionist foreign policy is more than just sending food to 3rd world countries, that it also leads to wars, wars in the name of spreading democracy, and humanitarianism (Irag and Libya as current examples)? It is two sides of the same coin because it is from the same philosophical justification, which assumes that people cannot take care of themselves, and the world needs a Cop.
I agree with Ron Paul that the current interventionist foreign policy of being Cop to the world is actually isolationism. Because that policy employs embargoes, economic sanctions, guns and bombs in the name of spreading democracy. Of course when you block commerce and communicate only with guns and bombs, you are isolating them from you, and you from them.
This debate will be merely philosophical when those in power realize that we are broke and can’t finance this anymore. It would be like the spoil kid in store crying for buying a new toy, but the parents are penniless and the credit card is maxed out. The sad part is that more treasure will be lost, and blood be spilled until then.
Yes I have a family member in jail for being caught with an ounce of Marijuanna. Do I think it’s unfair? He(( yea. I voted for Obama and he didn’t change sh*t. That white guy’s the only one saying he’d get more brothers out of jail than anyone. If you’re black, watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NZfeHN7DxQ
“First,what’s a good ol’ boy called Jim-Bob doing on this thread?”
HandsomeBlackCowboyBrett1953, I’m Asian American you stereotypical idiot!!!
Please see below, while I criticize Congressman Pauls persona , I think I made my point about his policies, most of which I find sound and in keeping with the constitutional except for his isolationism, yes its isolationism.Not non intervention or any other fancy euphemism.
While “crazy uncle” may seem harsh to you, that is how he comes off to mainstream America(no I dont mean MSM by that).In the meantime, please see below bizarre charges of treason,corporatism hurled against both parties and that those who doubt his candidacy has promise as “bonkers” .Alas this is usually typical of Paulites!
hangtime55 says:
May 22, 2011 at 10:34 am
Ms Wright , what are you talking about ? Ron Paul , doubtful in 2012 ???
Your absolutely bonkers ! You know , as well as the majority of this country that the Tea Party Movement surprised not the people of America , but the Establishment government . Never b4 has the people’s voice sounded so loudly . Your comment about Ron Paul being doubtful in 20102 is just another example of the Government controlled Media , and their jobs in convincing and fooling the Anerican people . You should not only be shameful of selling out to Corporate America , you should be held on charges of Treason
Racism is a very serious charge.Provide references that Congressman Paul made such statements or that he was associated with dubious individuals that way Obama was and still is.Now I do find it disturbing that a lot of Paulites are open anti semites(I think many of them are actually foolish enough to concur that because Ron Paul wants to cut aid to Israel,he is one of them..when actually he wants to cancel aid to Jordan,Egypt,Palestinian Authority as well) ,some even truthers and many resemble those isolationists(yes isolationists,not non interventionists I know the difference ,thank you) prior to WWII.That said Ron Paul himself to my knowledge never made any anti Semitic or anti black statement or any other bigoted statement and neither did he associate with such individuals.If you have evidence to the contrary ,please provide it.
1) ‘I dont think the country will find it palatable’
“This comment appears to care what others think rather than conscientiously voting as an individual”
Well of course since this forum concerns how American people would view the potential GOP candidates ,it is not unsuitable to wonder how others may percieve them.
All said and done, Ron Paul would be perfect if only he didnt that Ross Perot thing going on.All his positions are pitch perfect and are exactly what the country needs.Only on foreign policy am I unable to see him eye to eye.And that is a big “only”!Look at his reaction to Osamas killing!He sounded positively anemic and craven,he didnt dispaly any healthy triumphalism(yes it is healthy in small doses) in the destruction of an evil individual who butchered 3000 of his countrymen.I dont quite care for the progressive Ted Roosevelt but I agree with his dictum of “talk softly and carry a big stick” and appreciate his macho demeanor.
Herman Cain is a great businessman and has the perfect socon credentials.He has the charisma and the earthy wit that the more cerebral Paul lacks(not that Cain is dumb ,he has a bachelors in Math and a masters in Computer Science).However he supported TARP, was the Chairman of the Federal Reserve and he has pretty much admitted foreign policy is not forte. A very big “however”!
Allz I gotz to say is one thing my brother: R O N P A U L 2 0 1 2
Mr. Ron Paul for 2012 Republican Nom and President.
-Strengthen our USD
-Balance the Budget
-No Mandated Healthcare
-Creates MANY JOBS
-New Crop Industries
-Free Market
-Very Pro Life
-No Bailout
-No Patriot Act
-Stays out of foreign DOMESTIC AFFAIRS, but contract/trade with all
-No Unjustified War with no objectives
-Brings our Troops Home after over 10 YEARS OF FIGHTING!!!!
Please, let’s bring America’s Troops home. They deserve it. We could have fought 2 WWII in this time.
Leave the Middle East, and all other Nations that are agreed to be sovereign, ALONE with regard to DOMESTIC AFFAIRS.
American Lives are NOT toys.
Bring our Troops Home
Mr. Ron Paul 2012
Ms Wright , what are you talking about ? Ron Paul , doubtful in 2012 ???
Your absolutely bonkers ! You know , as well as the majority of this country that the Tea Party Movement surprised not the people of America , but the Establishment government . Never b4 has the people’s voice sounded so loudly . Your comment about Ron Paul being doubtful in 20102 is just another example of the Government controlled Media , and their jobs in convincing and fooling the Anerican people . You should not only be shameful of selling out to Corporate America , you should be held on charges of Treason !
If anyone of you are thinking of Herman Cain at this point of time, rewatch the GOP debate. His problem is the same problem as Barack Obama: it’s all rhetoric. His answer to every question was just regurgitated cnservative talking points.
Consider Ron Paul.
Crystal, do you honestly believe that Herman Cain is lacking in charisma? Have you ever heard him speak? If he and President Obama are ever in a debate, I promise you that Herman will mop up the floor with our “charismatic” President!!
I’m very curious to know how he will be perceived in Mainstreet America. Let’s be fair, conservatives are in a different world. I should know, I’m friends with a couple of them in social media. They make me feel old, lol! But honestly, I want young blood, not old. I like Ryan or Rubio or Christie. If experience matters, then Daniels or Perry. That’s just my opinion.
I actually believe he will be treated fairly with the media because the man is as obscure as they come. So they’ll be digging up info on him and what he stands for. But this I know for a fact: if Sarah Palin was criticized for being Gov in Alaska(Alaska exists?) and vetting her, lord knows Pizza is the answer, lol!
But we will find out who the real Cain is in the coming months when Mainstreet is looking at the GOP field and are saying to themselves, “Oh wow! Who the heck is he!?” And since he has no experience whatsoever in office, they really are going to ask questions instead of commenting their favorite pizzas. That may arguably be his biggest weakness and should prepare.
But there is one underrared aspect of this: African-Anerican voters. How will they perceive Cain as a nominee? In the GOP!? For minorities hearing that, they will believe is a joke. Don’t they have a “black” man in the office? What makes this man better than Obama? And they will talk about it, you can count on it and Cain will need to address the African-American community. After all, doesn’t he want to share his story with them? Cain better be prepared for what’s coming. He has no idea and with no experience, he better learn quick.
Trust me, I’ve been there before and I’m Hispanic. It can get really divisive as to who you believe in and what you stand for. It can get real ugly.
God bless.
@Andy Cain is former Federal Reserve. Therefore, he is beholden to the money masters on wallstreet. The money masters only see one color… the green of the Federal Reserve Note.
@Rose haha. That is pretty clever.
@Ericules Did you think it was likely that there was going to be a non-white president in 2008? Probably not? So why say things like “I like Ron Paul, but…” If he is your candidate, why not just vote for him in the GOP primary. I mean that is the whole point of a primary. If the candidate is selected by the media, and party establishment, why have a primary? Have the electorate been so programmed by the media that they can’t even vote based on their thoughts?
Anti-war, Anti-patriot act, Anti-bebt (no, not necessarily an oxymoron) act Democrats would vote for Ron Paul. Independents favor Ron Paul by double digits over the O. Personal and economic liberty appeals to all.
When Ron Paul say something as rational and sensible the following, he got my vote.
“Unlike this President, I do not believe it is our place to dictate how Israel runs her affairs. There can only be peace in the region if those sides work out their differences among one another.”
Shishir says:
May 21, 2011 at 2:25 pm
I disagree with some caveats. Currently it does look rather chaotic, but then again doesnt every field in the preceeding year?Tim Pawlenty and Michelle Bachmann have strong net positives.Romney is a plastic Mormon RINO , that didnt play well in 2008,not sure why this would change now.Ron Paul is great on the constitution but in general he sounds and looks like a crazy uncle and isolationism in this day and age is not a feasible option.Newt Gingrich is more like a mad professor with a touch of Bill Clinton when it comes to women,not a good combo.I like Sarah Palin(looks like she may run) but she is damaged goods, she coped ineptly with the media onslaught and her quitting the governership didnt help matters.Barring Chris Christie(who says he wont run) I agree with Mark Steyn that it looks like a Pawlenty/Bachmann.
Im not as down on Herman Cain as much as you.Sure he never held office but there was another Republican who was drafted and was one of the most successful presidents-Dwight Eisenhower.Now Im not comparing Cain to Eisenhower(the man who won WWII) especially when it comes to foreign policy but to point out that a man who did not previously hold elected office can win.I wouldnt write him off completely.
I think at this point, it would be wise for us to vote for someone who HASN’T held office.