Arthur Lewin; Did God Make The World, and all that it contains?

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( In the past many advanced “creationism,” a strict interpretation of the Bible’s account of creation, in opposition to evolution. Today “intelligent design” is in the forefront against Charles Darwin’s theory that life arose spontaneously and slowly changed (evolved) in response to the environment into millions of different kinds (species) of life inculding us.

In 1925, a teacher in Tennessee was brought up on charges for teaching the theory of evolution. He was ultimately exonerated by the courts. Today  many are advocating that intelligent design be permitted to be taught  alongside evolution. Many scientists, educators and others are claiming that the notion of “intelligent desgin” is just a clever reworking of the long repudiated notion of Creationism. It may well be. However, it does coincide with what what most believe, namely that God (or some other notion of a Creator) is ultimately behind all things.

Furthermore, scientists, even in their theories, have only been able to trace things but so far back. They postulate that 13 billion years ago all the matter in the universe was compacted into a ball about one inch square. And then there was a stupendous expolosion, a “Big Bang,” and its debris became all the stars and planets and floating rocks and gases that the universe contains.

But what happened before the Big Bang? That science cannot say. And so could that not have been the Time of God? Where did the initial lump of matter come from? Could not God have created it? And couldn’t the Creator have so engineered the initial explosion that it ultimately produced an earth that would ultimately produce humanity? 

In fact, Rene Descartes, one of the Fathers of Western Science, long ago declared that God created the world and then left it entirely alone. And this declaration of Descartes, referred to as “Cartesian Dualism” laid the groundwork for scientific research and discovery safe from the demands of the Church authorities of his day who required, oftentimes under pain of death, that all profess belief in God. Did Descartes really believe what he said or did he propose it to save his neck?

In any case, his declaration was never formally repudiated by the scientific community. In the debate about intelligent design, ultimately this is what is on the table. If intelligent design is defeated it will mean that Descartes’, and by extension science’s, compact or compromise with religion has been revoked. But should it be?

In the early 20th century a mathematician with the curious name of Godel, proved that any system of logic has things about it which are true that cannot be proved using the axioms, the logical building blocks, of the system itself. And so being that humans are a part of the material world, how could we ever know what happened before there was a material world. Again, could that not have been the Time of God? And so we see that, ultimately, Evolution and Intelligent Design do not really contradict.

Staff Writer; Arthur Lewin

This talented writer has also self published a book which is entitled; Read Like Your Life Depends On It.