Fun Things to Talk About With Your Wife…

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( Marriage can bring two people in close contact for longer than any other human activity. One of the most common things couples do together is talk, so a happy marriage can mean finding interesting things to talk about.

Don’t worry, there’s plenty to discuss. In a lifetime together, a couple need never run out of conversation topics. Small talk might be the most fun, but some research indicates that the happiest people are those who engage in more substantive conversations.

Shared Interests
Politics and religion make notoriously poor dinner topics, but between two people who deeply appreciate each other, almost any topic can lead to a lively conversation. That’s not to say any topic will be enjoyable for participants.

Unless you are each confident with a respectful style of debate, touchy topics about which you share a point of view might be safer than those that spur debate. You’ll have the best time when both of you enjoy the topic and the discussion.

Individual Interests
Topics about which you are particularly well-informed can be pleasant because they provide opportunity for more substantial conversation. Sharing your knowledge, and exploring your wife’s interests can open new worlds for each of you.

Enjoy learning and sharing with your spouse your unique knowledge about hobbies, professional pursuits, academic interests and childhood experiences–any topic that invites you to share or visit new concepts.

Many couples are surprised to discover a mutual interest in bird watching. The world around us provides infinite substance for observation and discussion in a marriage.

The weather, the clouds, plants of the season, wildlife, land formations and the universe beyond our own world all invite substantial discussions unrelated to ourselves and our individual interests.

Music, movies, sports, art and crafts provide endless fodder for conversation. Talk about how a movie or a piece of music makes you feel. Explore how art expresses ideas that are important to you, or the values you find embodied in a crafter’s work. Talk about why you or your wife admires one athlete but not another.

Usually a safe go-to topic, mutual affection can be another subject of seemingly endless banter. If you are a fair and conscientious mate, chances are she’ll always enjoy talking about your mutual attraction.

The Future
Making plans doesn’t have to be difficult work. Discussion of plans, ambitions, hopes and desires can be fun between two people sharing a lifetime together. Making plans together can extend the pleasure of special occasions like vacations or holidays, and add more enjoyment to daily routines like shopping or household chores.

The world of imagination can be a wonderful place to find things to talk about with your wife. What would you have been if you had lived 500 years ago? What role would she play if she were in a fantasy world?

Fantasy has long been the substance of family fun, so don’t be afraid to let your mind wander while you enjoy a fruitful conversation with the love of your life.

Written By Abe Whitmar