Keeping A Stiff Upper Lip…

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( I didn’t cry at either grandfathers funerals. Nor my mothers. Nor my grandmothers. Please don’t think me uncaring because I’m not. Honoring them was the point. They raised me to keep a stiff upper lip in public. Conversely, breaking down around others shouldn’t cause embarrassment. Everyone has the right to grieve in his own fashion. Mine was maintaining composure out of respect. Switching subjects, the lack of self-control pays costly dividends in criminal justice settings. So many Nadra Enzi brothers and sisters find themselves behind bars; under state supervision or worse because of not using this simple behavioral technique. The moment emotion runs wild is when the clock starts running against you.
Endless discussions are had across American Hoodscape about managing emotion. Staying out of trouble is part of the civil right of safety I promote. Keeping a stiff upper lip makes it harder to gift wrap yourself for the criminal justice system. Black folks are its most high profile component and obviously more caution is needed. Such notoriety argues against being impulsive. Self-control is literally the choice of champions. Avoiding arguments; following fail safe behaviors deactivating fights and gun battles constitute fully half the 21st Century Civil Rights Movement. Controlling ourselves is priority number one given well known legal sanctions. Filling jail space for misguided self-espression is self-destructive. Comparisons to 60s marchers or lyrically labeling urban predation ” the Struggle ” ring hollow.
I promote playing worst case scenarios out before taking action. Hypothetically seeing yourself in cuffs or dead beats the real thing. Free people rehearse options, especially risky ones. Slaves act without thinking and enrich all around them- police departments; detention centers; bail bondsmen; prosecutors; the profiteers list continues. Weighing risk verses reward is the best favor one gives himself. In an era of NCIC and state crime databases knowing whether you’ve been naughty or nice takes moments. Walking around weighted down by warrants or records because of habitual rashness isn’t freedom. It’s simply slavery upgraded. Color optional.
It’s become cliche’ to see Black folks raising hell in public places. Lack of decorum creates paper trails leading to less paper in our pockets. One outburst  costs thousands. Who can afford this in a down economy? It’s not just wrong it’s also expensive. Not to mention contributing to stereotypes better left unaided. Promoting better emotional control is self-love without being preachy. Anyone can blow his top. Doing so as a lifestyle destroys too many inner cities and outer lives.
Avoiding trouble is easy: just keep a stiff upper lip. It’s cheaper than the consequences.

Written By Nadra Enzi

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