(ThyBlackMan.com) In Black America, young boys are learning unconventionally how to be strong, responsible, law-abiding, productive male contributors to their communities. In large number, they are influenced by behavior they see exhibited on television, or are seeking guidance from anyone who will listen. Morals and ethics are not high priority in ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) As our nation celebrated the importance of fathers nearly 2 weeks ago, and now it’s a good time to reflect on how we show them love in the policies we create. And there is no greater place to do that than in the federal government’s Child Support Enforcement program, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) When you hit midlife, it’s natural to look back at what you’ve experienced so far. You may discover that, with about half of your life already behind you, you haven’t done all you’d hoped to do, or become the kind of man you’d like to be. But a midlife crisis ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Memo to fathers of newborns: there’s more to your baby than late-night feedings, changing diapers, and struggling with car seats. I hope you can stay awake long enough to read this, because I’m hoping to make your life a little easier. Now, in most cases, the first months of ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) For many younger children, the language of their world is play. When fathers don’t speak that language, but instead try to relate in an adult way, kids can’t understand or relate, and may experience feelings of frustration, isolation, or ignorance. Sometimes fathers feel the lack of connection, too. But ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I thought about my daughters, who don’t need yet another image, song or slogan that makes them look forward to becoming somebody’s baby’s mama, without giving a second thought to doing the hard work necessary to create a stable and sustainable family structure (we also had long conversations when Fantasia’s Baby Mama ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The importance of literacy and comprehension is paramount for Black children to be successful academically. Black children must have strong skills in literacy and comprehension to compete in school and life. What good is reading words if you do not understand the meaning of words and cannot apply them ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Arguably the necktie remains one of the most given gifts to fathers on Father’s Day. According to Shawna Blake, a journalist for Helium.com, “Today the necktie is a bit passé, for there are many dads who don’t find a use for the neck ornament.” There are probably few fathers ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) This coming Sunday marks the celebration of Father’s Day for many around the nation. My son and I have made a big mess constructing an arts and craft thingy for his dad. I love seeing those two interact together, it warms my heart and I feel blessed to have ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I really had no idea of what to write about when thinking about the celebration of Father’s Day. I never knew my father. I was two years old when he was killed in my grandmother’s front yard. I was told, when I was old enough to digest the information ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) This Fathers’ Day will be a difficult one as it has always been for many people who do not have fond memories of their father. There are stories of abuse, neglect and abandonment, but there are also great stories of fathers and other men coming into the lives of ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) In the month of May, a news story broke about a social experiment that was being performed on a young child named Storm. The parents of said child decided to leave the gender up to him/her to prove that it is something to be learned as opposed to thrust ...
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