(ThyBlackMan.com) There are many sistas that have been hurt by men that cheat. We walk away wondering why is that we don’t seen to get what we deserve. Many of us put everything into the person we care about. We don’t deserve to bare the weight of the other women ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) So much attention is focused on attracting the “perfect” partner and getting married. Relationships these days are more about societal norms and status than family and community building. Many of us entered a relationship to escape having to work on and love thyself. We have bought into the notion that ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) It is common to hear the perspective that every child is different. Parents are told it is necessary to get involved in your child’s academic process, help your child work on good behavior, invest in your child learning life skills, and they need to be mannerable…yet individuals. The thing ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Black slavery never ended, it just took root in the minds of black Americans. Roots that would continue to cause black people to stay divided, make excuses, sabotage themselves, abort their unborn children, allow the oppressor to define them, blame everybody else, always struggle, need help from the government, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Let me start this by saying please excuse my mouth in advance. I have a genetic disorder called “cussin” I know my mouth is terrible so I’ll try to cut down on as many of the obscenities as possible. If you are offended by bad language flip to the ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) It is good quality to be open, free and honest. However, sometimes the biggest hearts incur great amounts of emotional pain. Sometimes this can be traced back to a lack of boundaries. There are certain things that should be known by you, and you alone. Some thought and experiences should ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) How do we honestly determine the value if an African American man – a real one? Slave society once determined his value by how many women he could impregnate. But then that same society which bread him to be promiscuous, also put him down because he was just that. ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Do you really get what you deserve in life? It’s a question that many of us ponder on a daily bases. Did I deserve that promotion? Did I deserve that heartbreak in my last relationship? I’m sure the list of questions like these can go on forever, but what if ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The answer is yes. When my girls were young, there were two words they were forbidden to say in our home to each other or others. Stupid and dumb. Why? I grew up in a household where these two little words were said to me over and over until I ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Having a strong support circle of friends is a blessing. They are a wonderful resource even when you are married. Some of us have heard its important to have a best friend(s) even when you get married, because you can’t always tell your husband everything. Due to this many ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) As mothers it’s only natural to love, and be protective of, your children. Just as there is a special bond between fathers and daughters…the same can be said for sons and mothers. When the bond with our sons is healthy we are a blessing, and immeasurable amount of wisdom, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Gratitude is a very important part of relationships. It requires us to be thankful for the people in our life, and the sacrifices they make for us. Some make the mistake of thinking this is a kin to having things kept over one’s head. We have those that are ...
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