(ThyBlackMan.com) As a true man of substance, you have to treat your own life like it’s a business. Treat it like a fortune 500 company. As CEO of your life, you determine which direction to go into. You set the agenda. You determine what your main life goals are, and ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Did you know children whose fathers aren’t involved in their lives are nine times more likely to not graduate from high school, ten times more likely to use illegal drugs and 20 times more likely to have behavioral disorders. These statistics can be disheartening. However, there is a group ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I started to name this post ‘Ho’ish Tendencies’…but I wanted to make this one crystal clear. Too many good dudes out there are giving their precious time, their hard earned money and their hearts to females, that to be frank with you, simply don’t deserve it. I’ve met countless ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) When does a boy become a man? At puberty? When he fathers a child? When he can provide for himself? When he can support a family? Or is it simply, when he turns 21? In the Old Days a knight in training could not become a full fledged warrior, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Fellas… Stop worshiping women! I can’t put it any plainer or more simple than that. Women want a man who they can admire…they’re not looking for a guy to worship them. Oh, they might like it for a moment..all the attention and what not. But eventually she’ll get tired ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) One of my favorite Prophets in the bible has to be the Prophet Jeremiah. According to Jeremiah 1:5, before he was even formed in his mother’s womb, the Lord said, “I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you, I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) According to Help for Midlife Crisis, “Midlife” is a metaphor for anytime where we have logged enough miles that certain things have been settled, accomplished, or are well under way. No one after all, outside of a life threatening illness, really knows if they have passed the literal mid-point ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) “Yo.” “Wassup.” “Spill your Beans.” “Talk.” “What!” None of these are acceptable ways to answer the phone-hence this weeks topic, Good Phone Etiquette. In business weather you work for yourself or for somebody else how you deal with people on the phone can sometimes be as important as your ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Nine talking points about the potentially powerful condition of being Black… 1. It’s unlikely but possible that you could get killed today. Or any day. I’m sorry, but that’s the truth. I tell you that not to scare you but because knowing that could save your life. There are ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) There is nothing so beautiful as to see a confident brother, making his move. And then you see the cheap suit, gold and diamond-OIDS encrusted on everything and then he opens his mouth and there you see that open face. You don’t know if this brother owns the local gym ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I was fortunate enough to travel to Philadelphia, PA to attend the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development Annual Conference. One of the most fascinating sessions that I have ever attended had to have been, “Inspiring Black Males to Soar” by Principal Baruti Kafele. Principal Kafele provided all attendees ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) So You Are on the come up! All of that education or hard work in the trenches has paid off. And now “Its about that time.” …you are clenching your success. You have a major dinner with a large corporate company to sell your concept to, it simply does ...
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