(ThyBlackMan.com) Black Love.  It begins simply enough: you are everything he says he ever wanted.  You are smart, independent, charming, sexy, and a suitable representative of the two of you. You are able to bring thoughts, opinions, and ideas to the union. You are not dead weight that he has ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I was thinking to myself the other day – I have NEVER been hit on at church.  Real, genuine churchgoing men are like unicorns, so why when I take my seat in the pews seeing all manner of men before me like I’ve just landed at the other end ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Today’s technology gives men, all kinds of men, access to women like they’ve never, ever had. Have you ever stopped to think about that? I mean really ponder what a man has access to. The married woman. The stripper The hood-rat. The porn star. The weird classmate from the 10th grade. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) We’ve all heard of her; she’s been crooned, immortalized and hyped since the beginning of the 1990’s as the strong, self-sufficient black woman.  She’s appeared in film, literature and theater as the saving grace of the black family and the antidote to black male patriarchy.  In the process, she’s ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) What exactly is a mid-life crisis?  The term ‘mid-life crisis’ is a purely Western phenomenon used to describe a period in one’s life that is marked by self-doubt, an emerging sense that one has not lived one’s dreams and a tendency to recapture the nostalgia of one’s youth.  A ...

(ThyBlackMan.com)                         My Story “Wayne, that boy sho need you.”  Those words were etched into my spirit by my late father, Charley C. Croomes, Sr. over twenty years ago, speaking of my oldest son, now in his twenties.  “I know, dad. I know” was the only conviction I could whisper in ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Black men we got to do better by our women! Bitch this, hoe that, is all that I hear when it comes to our music, our movies, and our everyday feelings towards our women, and I am just about sick of it. Yes I came up listening to hardcore ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Being a black man in America is not for the weak, in fact, I can’t think of another group of men that would be able to withstand the torment that we face daily. Let’s see, where shall we begin? First of all, many of us are born into this ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I’m going to get right to it, brothers we are seriously slipping, we are slipping in our homes (if we are not still with mama), we are slipping with our kids, we are slipping with our women, and last but not least, we are slipping with ourselves.  The year ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) It seems like we just love sentencing our youth to death, particularly the young Black Male. The latest on the path to destruction is six year old  Albert Roundtree Jr, that currently has a video circulating on youtube, and the young Brother is talking about how he can make ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I remember when I first learned about the KKK as a child. They were portrayed to me as a villainous White posse that went around killing Blacks after slavery to “put them in their place.” I had so much disdain for this crew of cowards, especially when I would ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Summertime has always been my favorite time of the year, probably because it was my father’s favorite time of the year. I was a Daddy’s girl, and summertime meant we got to hit the streets of New York and explore all that the Big Apple has to offer. My ...