Donald Trump Calls for Peace as Zelenskyy’s Leadership Faces Scrutiny in Ukraine Crisis.

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( The amount of pop cultural ignorance on display since Zelenskyy left the White House on Friday is mind-blowing.

Literally, people who haven’t followed one ounce of the Ukraine conflict for the last three years suddenly erupted with social media banners and what they believe are witty one-liners that really stick it to Americans who are supporting America’s newfound courage on cutting off Zelenskyy’s thrice extended meal ticket.

Only one world leader is fighting to end the killing of Ukrainian people. His name is Donald Trump.

Putin wants to kill Ukrainians. Zelenskyy is indifferent to it. And global leadership from the useless European Union is arguing to keep the killing going.

Clueless nation-states that were originally on the side of the Ukrainian people now make proclamations over who will be the most devoted to seeing more Ukrainians killed.

One of the more moronic proclamations came from Kaja Kallas. A witless diplomat who literally attempted to argue that NOW the “European Union will show the world that they are the leaders.” Why now, lady? You’ve had three years to step up, and in that time, the U.S. has given $185 billion in aid, while the EU as an organization has provided $45 billion. Even when you add the EU’s contributions to the rest of the top ten nations that have helped you barely cross $122 billion.

For a war that began needlessly, with closing in on 1.7 million injured/dead, with 3 million Ukrainians that were forced to leave their homes and would like to return – how much longer do we play this claptrap?

Donald Trump Calls for Peace as Zelenskyy’s Leadership Faces Scrutiny in Ukraine Crisis.

Some facts might be helpful.

Russia is winning the war. Because it’s a numbers game, they can afford to lay siege to the eastern half of Ukraine and wait everybody out. One inch per day is all they need to battle Ukraine from a stalemate to a victory.

Ukraine is losing because of numbers. Both nations have begun forcing civilians into conscription. This means non-military persons are being asked to serve as hamburger meat to the machines of war. 800k casualties for Ukraine. Close to a million casualties for Russia. Sons, brothers, cousins, fathers, uncles, and grandfathers who aren’t trained for war. The difference is Russia has seemingly endless amounts of people by comparison. Putin doesn’t care how many bodies it costs him, and now, evidently, Zelensky doesn’t seem to either.

Both men are now dictators. They weren’t at the beginning of the conflict. Zelensky won 73% of the vote when elected—even his cross-dressing dances on national television seemed to have no impact. But since that time, he has suspended elections and installed himself as the supreme ruler.

All of our help has had little impact. Despite the world ponying up nearly 4 billion total aid dollars, the best Ukraine has been able to do is a stalemate at the border of Ukraine and Donetsk. If money could have solved this problem, then Zelenskyy would have mismanaged the money he had been sent in a historic and utterly horrid, maybe even criminal, way.

The USA offered a solution that would offer security guarantees, shared prosperity, and help in rebuilding a new Ukraine. Had Zelenskyy been focused on his people instead of his paycheck, he could have taken credit for and watched as his nation migrated home and rebuilt their lives and their historic, formerly beautiful nation.

Zelenskyy’s temper tantrum on Friday was not the beginning of talks. Counterparts from both nations (USA and Ukraine), foreign affairs departments, state, commerce, and national security had been meeting for ten days. Important progress appeared to be made, and an agreement that Zelenskyy and Trump were both slated to sign on Friday resulted from those arduous hours and days of hammering out details. Then, when the cameras were on him, Zelenskyy decided to play Trump for the chump he always played Biden for. But the two men are nothing alike. And Zelensky “found out.”

All of the feigned “outrage” from American progressives who know almost nothing about the situation and European leaders angling for a chance to advance their own bonafides are meaningless.

Point to one secular progressive left-wing group that is currently working with Ukrainian refugees to assist them. I know of multiple evangelical Christian ministries that are and have donated to the ones I trust most.

Zelenskyy isn’t George Washington, and he’s not Churchill. I’ve studied both carefully, and Zelenskyy’s lack of character alone places him outside the historical reach of those two icons. He lies. He baits, then switches. He’s “lost track” of the aid we’ve already sent. He’s not getting another dime.

President Trump wants the war to end. He wants the needless killing of innocent Ukrainian kids to be stopped. He’d like a chance to help Ukraine rebuild. He’d like to see a beautiful Ukraine take the war-shattered state’s place.

He’s already going to punish Putin with policies. Our own energy policy going forward will bankrupt the Putin checkbook. But those of you who only saw a sound byte from Friday would know that.

President Trump wants peace for Ukrainians across the globe, and he’d love to help them reclaim their homeland for their future—a future in which he wants to see them prosper.

His handicap is that he’s the only world leader who wants it. He wants it even more than the Ukrainian dictator who says one thing in private and then the opposite when cameras roll.

Stand with the Ukrainian people.

End the killing.

Dump Zelenskyy.

A new beginning awaits.

Written by Kevin McCullough


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