(ThyBlackMan.com) What makes you a Christian? No, this is not an academic inquiry, as if I am asking you a non-controversial question like how tall are you, or what primary school did you attend or if you had a good breakfast this morning. No, I am neither seeking a quotation of Bible verses nor some fancy theological explanation. I am not seeking information as regards the elements that come together to produce a Christian for, in truth, that is very well known.
Everyone who knows anything about Christianity knows that being a Christian is about believing in Jesus Christ, and his redemptive work on the cross, and committing to him through the grace of Almighty God. Sometimes these persons are referred to as born again Christians, or committed Christians, or merely saved or converted.
That’s fine. That is what makes anyone a true follower of Jesus Christ, but the question is not what makes someone a Christian. The question is more pointed, hence more delicate. What makes you a Christian? What gives you the right, the boldness to stand up and say, “I am a Christian.”
Some years ago I carried out a year-long evangelical campaign in a certain area of Barbados, and during the campaign I visited a certain house and spoke to a woman. During our conversation I asked her if she was a Christian, and she said yes, she attends church every Sunday, and some days in the week as well; and she sings in the church choir.
To be truthful, that was like music to my ears, and then I asked her another question. Have you ever accepted Jesus Christ as your personal saviour? And she answered promptly. No.
The good news is that this woman did accept Jesus Christ, then and there, found peace with God, and was happily converted.
All these situations do not end as well, some people would argue that they are as much Christian as you are, even though they have not been converted, and who are you or anybody else to judge them.
True, we sometimes become very judgmental, and judge people harshly for even minor indiscretions, and sometimes we do even greater foolishness without the slightest hesitation. But that is not the issue here.
That woman thought she was a Christian by going to church regularly and singing in the church choir. The rich man who questioned Jesus in Matthew 19:16 thought he had eternal life and lacked nothing, and the five foolish virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 thought they were just fine. But all these people suffered from the same problem.
Misconception, self-delusion, mistaken belief.
In church, I have often wondered how many of us in the congregation would go with Jesus if he appeared now. Not because I question someone’s, or my own, standing in Christ, but because I know that the warning to “give diligence to make your calling and election sure” (2 Peter 1:10) is often not taken with due gravity.
Personally, I would rather you judge me harshly, and point out to me what you think I am doing wrong, and at least give me a chance to consider my ways, rather that you not saying anything, and I wake up in eternity facing the Great White Throne Judgment of Revelation 20: 11-13.
Christianity is pure religion, consisting of nothing that is inappropriate or unacceptable to God. Pure religion has God’s approval, is what true worship is about, and in all of its manifestations you see that which is uplifting to humanity.
So what is pure religion, and how do Christians exemplify it for the world to see?
Let us start with Brother James and his amazing, crystal-clear definition:
“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27)
Let us break down what James is saying to its essential core, for this helps us to get to the heart of the matter. James said that pure religion was about caring for people and living morally upright.
Now let us turn to Micah as he addressed God’s requirement for social justice:
“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” (Micah 6:8)
Micah and James are saying the very same thing but in a different way. Micah was about caring for people (do justly, and to love mercy) and living morally upright (walk humbly with thy God).
And then Jesus summed it all up beautifully when dealing with a lawyer:
“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 22:37-40)
Jesus said here quite clearly that it comes down to two things. First “love the Lord thy God” and second “love thy neighbour as thyself” and if we are honest, we have to accept that many people still do not get it, among these are people who claim to be Christian.
It is impossible for someone to be a Christian and not love God, or do not have compassion towards fellow humans. That is what Jesus was saying, and what James was saying, and what Micah was saying.
If it is one thing that loving God does, and be assured that loving God inspires and impels Christians to do many things, then know for sure that loving God generates true compassion.
How do you feel when you see something that is awful; like a thug punching an old lady into unconsciousness because she would not let him snatch her handbag?
How do you feel when you see a hand-cuffed youth on the ground being brutalised by a police officer?
What is your reaction when you witness or hear of a young boy being abandoned in a forest by his parents because he was naughty?
How do you feel when you hear of an injured, poor man being refused treatment at a hospital because he had no medical insurance?
How do you feel when you hear of a hungry lad who took a slice of bread from the fridge and was subsequently whipped by his dad until his skin was bleeding all over.
The big question is this. How would Jesus feel or act in each of these situations?
The problem we have, and alas, some people who call themselves Christians are just as guilty, is that our minds are corrupt and we see people as white people, black people, brown people, red people, immigrants, indigenous, rich people, poor people and such like.
Jesus sees people as God’s children in need of salvation, and for whom he died.
True Christians see individuals as our brothers and sisters; faulty, sinful, even criminal at times, wayward and rebellious, but to the last someone who is capable of living a transformed life in Christ. If you have not transitioned to this level of spirituality, if your hope is not for their salvation, then you are not in sync with Jesus Christ. Can you then describe yourself as a Christian?
Staff Writer; Henderson W.
You can contact this Christian brother at: HWard@ThyBlackMan.com.
Well you made some interesting points. Like me, you parse things out. I did not like you telling this person “You have no clue about who Jesus Christ is and what He came to do”. That is harsh and unchristian like talk. In replying I think Jesus would have come alongside this person and show how they might view things more expansively. That is the brilliance of God in the form of Jesus. Also God loves everyone, even those who have not heard the good news or cannot hear it. We all have things in our lives that we would want changed such as cancer, miscarriage, illness, financial failures, marriage incompatibility and betrayal etc etc. I tried to “obtain” these blessings. Life gives and it takes no matter who you believe in and no matter what culture you live in. You work and ask God for help in every situation. As is stated Psalm 91:15
When he calls out to Me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him. So no matter who you believe in, God will answer you. So it is obvious, the Psalms where written before we all knew about Jesus and God said call upon me and I will answer you. That is comforting and it is true.
Hello Sir.
I pray that the presence and influence of Our Lord Christ Jesus remains on you. Thanks for sharing this dissertation, it provoked and excited me at the same time and I felt compelled to respond as led. Hardly do I ever read stories on national syndicated platforms and feel obliged to respond. Frankly, I feel like there are other forums that are better suited to my contribution. Nevertheless, I am under obligation and obedience to share my feedback on this very important subject, and I hope my response with be cordially entertained. If anything, that is shared comes across as challenging, please receive with a heart of love and humility. I strongly believe that we are all trying our best to be followers of Our Lord Jesus.
Let me share a bit about myself. I am a born-again believer in Jesus Christ and more importantly, I am a STRICT follower of Christ Jesus. I capitalized the word “strict” for a reason, and that’s to follow Him as a disciple not as a Christian. And there a is big world of difference between those 2 titles. From a Christian perspective, you eloquently shared what is required to be a Christian and I believe that’s exactly what the problem is with the Christian religion known as “Christianity”. If I may, please let me try and define what a Christian is and to use some of your definitions above. A Christian is someone that heard a message about Jesus Christ and all that Jesus came to share with the world, and they become fascinated with the message and faithfully responded accordingly, and from that moment, they consider themselves a Christian. Some may be filled with the Holy Spirit, some may not but they still consider themselves Christian.
Your case study is a very good example, and I have met so many people in such state of confusion and ignorance. Personally, I do not blame such people. If they have not been trained well, how are they supposed to understand? And if they have not been chosen and sent with the right message, how can the rest know the truth? Christianity as we know it and you rightly shared is about some of the truth and not the whole truth. Let me explain. Jesus Christ is the Life Source of Christianity and anyone that debates that is ignorant of the truth. There’s nothing I can do to help such a person. Secondly, Jesus Christ came into this world to establish not a Religion called Christianity but to establish a Kingdom known as Kingdom of God. This is the entire focus of Jesus Christ Ministry. His redemptive missionary project was to come into our world, from an invisible world known as Heaven and to recruit sons and daughters, who would FIRST believe in Him and secondly, follow Him into the Kingdom. This is what is at the heart of Jesus Christ message – The Kingdom of God here on earth. (Mathew 4:17)
I read your piece above very well and nowhere did I find any reference to the Kingdom. And that my friend is what qualifies you as a Christian, the lack of Kingdom Theology. You have no clue about who Jesus Christ is and what He came to do. To follow someone is to follow them wherever they lead or instruct you to go. Jesus Christ came to make a way available for believers in Him to enter the Kingdom here on earth and enjoy a life free of illnesses, diseases, corruption, addiction etc. That is what life and life abundantly is about. All a Christian has been trained to do is to believe in Christ Jesus and that’s the end of their faith. And just like you, a Christian will sometimes reach out to others in the name of Jesus Christ to offer invitation to believe in Jesus. But they seldom share with people the message of the Kingdom. Which is the only message Jesus came to preach (Luke 4.43).
I want you to do me a favor; can you ask yourself when was the last time you heard a Christian preacher or Pastor preach on the Kingdom? However, what you hear from a Christian Pastor is all kinds of message apart from that which Jesus instructed us to preach. (NIV – Mathew 10.6)
As you rightly pointed out, Christianity is a Religion. And you are absolutely correct. Christianity is nothing more than other religions such as Islam, Buddhist, Scientology etc. Jesus never came to establish a religion but a Kingdom. I pray that you research this revelation and position yourself under the authority of the Holy Spirit to bless you with a spirit of revelation and wisdom in the Knowledge of Christ Jesus. The only way you know and advance your knowledge is through the Holy Spirit. I encourage you to stop being a Christian and to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all that you are seeking in your life will be added to you. That’s the life in the Kingdom. Some people are living that life daily as Kingdom citizen, as ambassadors from another place here on earth. Kingdom citizens understand their place here on earth, that they are here in the world but not from here. And there is no Christian bone or sentiment in their lives.
Thanks for reading.
May God bless you with the spirit of revelation and wisdom in the Knowledge of Christ Jesus. Amen.