(ThyBlackMan.com) The majority of Americans (that voted) have made their choice known, with their choice of the Executive Branch of the United States’ government. But there is a flaw in our Constitution.
If the President fails to do the lawful will of the people, the President can be impeached. After two years, if a U.S. representative fails to do the will of their constituents, the representative can be voted out of office. However, if a U.S. senator fails to do the will of the voters that put them in office, the people have to wait six years in order to vote them out of office. The senator has little incentive to perform accordingly. That must be changed.
For example, the Democrats and Republicans collectively have the majority of the seats in the Senate. Let us concur that a Republican President has an agenda that the majority of people voted for. Let us also say (just for this example) that the Democrat Senators want to be divisive and want to vote against the President’s nominations and policies.
As it is now, the Republicans have a 53-47 seat majority, but that does not guarantee passage of bills and nominations. We have acrimonious Democrats, pretending to be Republicans, who will go against their own party to slow down or stop that for which the people voted. What are the voters to do, once they realize that they made the wrong choice? Why should the people be handcuffed for six years?
I propose the following. At every state primary, when the Senator is approaching their second year in office, I propose that a “yes or no” checkbox be on the ballot asking if the Senator should face a recall election. If the majority (or two-thirds) of people dislike the performance of the senator, or they neglected the will of the people, the voters can choose someone else in the mid-term or general election to replace the “Rino”. That way, a new person can be voted in to finish the remaining four years, replacing the hostile senator, and the President’s agenda can move forward.
What do you think of this?
Staff Writer; Herman Cummings
You may also purchase this writer book which is entitled; Moses Didn’t Write About Creation.
Note: Recently Herman published a new book which is entitled; The Sabbath That Assassinated Atheism – Christian Faith Publishing.
There are reasons for the deliberate slowness of a proposed Bill that is on its way to becoming a Law occur. One such reason is to allow time for the Senators, and others involved have a reasonable amount of time to think about the effects this proposed Bill will have on the people. There isn’t any good reason to speed up the U.S. Constitutional processes addressing the peaceful transition of power because Trump, a Republican, and in my way of thinking, a suspected “Yankee Rino “( i.e. a northern Yankee who has pulled the wool over the eyes of many confederate minded southerners by promising to be their long awaited Savior that will fully restore white supremacy to make America great again) is the President Elect. As far as this is concerned, there is nothing wrong with the system as is.