Understanding Privilege in America: How Luigi Mangione and Social Hierarchies Shape Society.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) In America there has been a longstanding tradition of special treatment for individuals and families of means. Such individuals and families have been credited with advancing America to its greatness economically, socially and politically among other nations.

If it had not been for these special and privileged individuals the US would be just another Western Hemisphere nation. It would probably not be as economically sustainable as Canada, but it would not be Honduras or Guatemala.

Understanding Privilege in America: How Luigi Mangione and Social Hierarchies Shape Society.

Believe it or not, there are individuals in the US who have special privileges. A significant, perhaps an overwhelming majority of Americans have accepted that reality. The reality that certain individuals and families are entitled certain privileges due to their station in life and status that others may not be entitled to.

It might not be politically or socially correct to publicly acknowledge the reality. However, it is part of America’s social and economic fabric, its caste system.

A sizable majority of Americans are loyal and give reverence to that system. At times, they have  voted to make sure the high priests of America’s caste system, billionaires and millionaires, remain entrenched and comfortable at the top of that caste system. Some would argue that it has been done even at the expense of their own economic self-interest.

An important element of this special privilege is the principle of discretion and disposition. Under the principle of discretion and disposition, basic elements of application and law are arbitrarily discharged with discretion and disposition by those who have the power to enforce that application or law.

A longstanding and essential element that is taken inconsideration in administering the principle of discretion and disposition is privilege. The principle of discretion and disposition with its special privilege and consideration is omnipresent throughout American society.

It is manifested at traffic violations stops. An individual is stopped for a motor vehicle violation. The officer who initiates the stop upon approaching the automobile realizes that the individual  stopped is entitled to special privilege and treatment due to their status or station in life.

The individual is allowed to continue their travels with the friendly reminder to be careful and safe. The special treatment is not always tied to celebrity or wealth. It might be as simple as the officer knew the person. A best friend, a former teammate in high school, a favorite teacher or the mother of the officer’s love interest. Whatever the consideration or circumstance, the principle of discretion and disposition is applied.

Another individual stopped for the same infraction is not known by the officer, does not have special privilege and treatment, the individual is ticketed

Police officers are not the only profession which uses the principle of discretion and disposition. Prosecutors used the principle in determining what cases go to trial and what do not.

It is used for cases that are dropped despite there being enough evidence to move forward.

Cases not pursued because someone in the prosecutor’s office knew the individual or knew people close to the offending individual. The decision was made to drop the case.

On the other hand, someone who committed the same or lesser charge would end up before a judge. It turns out the judge knows the person’s family or someone else who was willing to speak on behalf of the individual. Someone who was close to or respected by the judge. The person would end up with a proverbial slap on the hiney.

“Go and sin no more.”

Emergency medical personnel on a street or in a hospital emergency operating room use the principle of discretion and disposition in life and death situations.

Gee Money Jr. is laying on the stretcher, blood oozing from his eleven bullet holes in the emergency operating room. The emergency operating room knows Gee Money Jr. from the three bullet holes they patched up less than a year ago.

The chance of him surviving this latest attack with the doctors and nurses doing everything humanly possible was slim to none. They make the decision to do what is legally and professionally required and nothing more.

In another room in the emergency ward, doctors and nurses moved heaven and earth trying to do everything humanly possible and more to save the life of the sister of one of the doctors. The sister was in an automobile accident. The prognosis was not good but that did not stop the team of doctors and nurses from doing all they could and more.

Gee Money Jr. does not receive the same level of medical attention as the sister of one of the doctors. It is not something that many people, if they are honest, would have any problem with. They too accepted the principle of discretion and disposition.

Outside of Gee Money Jr’s family and crew, a significant number of people would question why medical personnel should use their time and resources to do anything for him. It might be cold, but it is real. As real as the eleven bullet holes on the cold body of the late Gee Money Jr.

The principle of discretion and disposition is used in banking as to who gets loans and who does not. It has been used in college admission at prestigious colleges and universities since the very early days of such colleges and universities. The principle and its use can be found throughout American society.

Special consideration tried to privilege which is connected to station in life, status, celebrity and money is as American as cherry pie, jazz, violence and the KKK.

Those who have such consideration and such privilege should not be demonized or attacked.  Instead, it should be recognized and acknowledged. If not, it has the potential to undermine the very character and essence of America.

William Shakespeare in “Macbeth” mentions the Great Chain of Being and the Natural Order of the Universe.  It was essential for mankind to obey, respect and not break the chain of being.

Everything from God down to the most inanimate object (a rock for example) had its place in the social hierarchy of the universe. If mankind individually or collectively acted outside of the natural order of things disrupting the chain of being all types of confusion, horror, chaos would occur.

Conceivably similar might be the case with America’s society as reinforced by its principle of discretion and disposition. Some may try to deny it but special consideration and privilege allows for the natural order of America to not disrupt its chain of being.

There are those who would defy that privilege exist. They prefer to keep their heads buried deep in the sand. Nevertheless, privilege exists and some people, because of their special circumstances and privilege, must be treated differently. America’s chain of being requires it.

Yes, there are laws, but some because of their special circumstances and privilege are above the law. It allows them to go on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and murder someone and be able to  keep on walking.

Let me make myself perfectly clear, life is sacred. No man, woman or child should take the life of another person or animal. That is my belief, and I make no apology for my belief. It is part of what defines me.

Nevertheless, so as not to offend America’s great chain of being and natural order of the universe, Luigi Mangione, the alleged shooter of a United Healthcare CEO must be allowed to go free. Why?  Because he is privileged.

To deny Luigi Mangione the use of his privilege may just cause the entire chain of being to break. The consequences of which might cause night to become day, the sun to travel around the moon, cats to give birth to elephants and monumental chaos throughout America.

Staff Writer; Al Alatunji

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