Why Truth Matters: Exposing Political Lies Ahead of the 2024 Election.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Now I don’t know about you, but for sure I’m so ready for hearing some truth! Have you been listening to certain people who just say stuff that’s not even close to true. Truth telling isn’t even in their vocabulary.

Let’s just check out J.D. Vance, who was calling the man he’s now working for Hitler. J.D. is now supporting him with a straight face, lying for him! We could hardly believe what he said recently when he claimed our Haitian brothers and sisters were in Springfield, Ohio eating people’s cats and dogs! He went on with a straight face to tell us if that’s what he had to do to get people’s attention, that’s what he would do—or something like that!  Weeks later, he’s still doing it. He never once has said that he was just kidding! If he cared about truth and his constituents and their well-being, he wouldn’t even play  like that.  He told this lie to people he was elected to serve in the high office called United States Senate!

Why Truth Matters: Exposing Political Lies Ahead of the 2024 Election.

And what do you think about Dumbo who wants to be President again?  He’s had his chance to name just one thing he did to make our lives better!  He’s calling Vice-President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden all kinds of despicable names that are more fitting of him. We are now told by his own staff when he was in the White House with the responsibility to care for the people they aren’t voting for him. He was choosing to commit crimes and enrich himself. Fortunately, there were some in his administration with integrity and are now truth tellers because they understand the danger of having this person back in the White House who is now having as his best buddy, Vladimir Putin, to whom Dumbo was secretly sending Covid test material that was needed for the people this miserable person was taking the help away from, and who has a record of causing far too many persons to be dying needlessly!

President Barack Obama, known as the world’s most admired person, just took on Dumbo while speaking in Pennsylvania at a rally supporting Vice-President Kamala Harris’ campaign for President.  I hope you didn’t miss the fact that First Lady Michelle Obama was right there next to him!  It is my prayer that President Obama will continue to tell the American people what they need to hear before they even think of voting for Dumbo—otherwise known as Donald John Trump who is not getting the vote of many of his family members. His niece, Dr. Mary Trump, has long been trying to tell us who this person really is.

One does not have to be a Democrat to know the danger of even considering Dumbo.  The sensible ones are voting against him and voting for Vice-President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz because they’ve decided we need honest and competent people to lead our country.  Such admirable people like former Congresswoman Liz Cheney, her father Dick Cheney, the generals who worked for Dumbo and many more are voting for Vice-President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz.

President Obama reminded us that Dumbo is a 78 year-old billionaire person who hasn’t stopped whining and thinking about himself and selling you the Word of God Bible—Trump Edition, gold sneakers and $100,000 watches you don’t need, while he enriches himself!  He doesn’t care about women’s lives.  He remined his audience not to boo Dumbo—just vote because Dumbo doesn’t hear your boos, but he will hear your vote!  Continue to listen to President Obama’s advice about Dumbo. You must vote November 5, 2024 and you will continue to know why in order to preserve our freedom and democracy, you won’t be voting for Dumbo!

Written By Dr. E. Faye Williams

Official website; http://www.efayewilliams.com/

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