Defending Kamala Harris: Protecting and Uplifting Black Women in America.

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( Minister el-Hajj Milak el-Shabazz, formerly known as Minister Malcolm X, once said “The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the Black woman. The most neglected person in America is the Black woman.”

One of the first images for many that comes to mind after hearing Minister el-Shabazz quote is the mistreatment, inhumanity that Black women since the period of slavery suffered at the hands of white men and women.  However, the greatest offenders by far were Black men.

Black men who stood by as Black women were raped by sadistic perverted whites during slavery. To be fair if they had attempted to intervene to try and stop the rape, they themselves would have been killed right there on the stop. The rape would still have occurred after the killing.

They were forced to stand witness to the perversion that was being afflicted on the Black woman. Many would never recover from being forced to stand and watch the evil that was being afflicted on the Black woman. They would carry the anger and shame for the rest of their lives.

Defending Kamala Harris: Protecting and Uplifting Black Women in America.

Although they had chosen life over intervention many died emotionally, mentally and spiritually after being forced to watch and not be able to act. It haunted them until the day they died.

After slavery was finally on paper officially ended in the US, Black men still found themselves placed in the embarrassing position of standing with what was left of their manhood hanging limping in their hands as a Black was assaulted, attacked and abused physically, intellectually, emotionally, economically and spiritually.

Unfortunately, and sadly Black women in the US are stilling being attacked and instead of Black men rising up to protect and defend the Black woman, they continued to perform like handkerchief head negros. Sad but true.

Let’s be clear, the attack on Black women in 2024 is not just coming from white men and white women. It is coming from Black men standing and sitting while playing pocket pool unable, unwilling to protect the Black woman. The Black woman is suffering abuse and attack by Black men or to be more accurate negros.

Exhibit Number One, Vice President Kamala Harris. Yes, the Black woman whose mother was Asian Indian but still is Blacker than many of us. The Black woman whose Black father was born in Jamaica but somehow in the minds of the peabrains among us means she is not African American. That may be true technically.

However, for those who don’t know Africans during the slave trade were brought from Africa and dropped in Cuba, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico and other Carribean and Latin America countries as well what later became the US. A Black living today in Brazil, Haiti, Cuba may have just as much if not more African DNA than some Black person in the US.

Why we as a people would try and belittle, disrespect or dismiss another African brother or sisters is beyond me. Makes me wonder that perhaps those that do are not African enough themselves. Perhaps they got too much other people’s DNA and got them all confused. Lost brothers and sisters who have no idea who they are.

But let me bring it back to Vice President Kamala Harris. Back in the day, according to what I have read, when Jackie Robinson went to the plate to bat, Black people throughout the US were in the batter’s box with Jackie Robinson.

When he hit, they hit. When he struck out, they struck out. When the game was over, they were tired, their bodies ached. That was because they knew Jackie Robinson was batting for them.

When Joe Louis was in the ring throwing punches and taking punches, Black people sat by their radios throwing punches and taking punches. They were in that ring with Joe Louis because Joe Louis was fighting for them.

When the fight was over their bodies ached from taking punches. Nevertheless, they felt joy, great joy because Joe Louis had won. He won, they won.

When President-elected Barack H. Obama placed his hand on the Bible as he took the oath of office becoming the President of the United States of America, Black people throughout the US and the world had their hands on that Bible. They also had their hearts.

Many of us throughout his eight years in the Oval Office found ourselves in that office, on stages, in press conferences, on television, in churches with the brother. When he was no longer President, we took a deep breath and relaxed. He had served the race well.

Vice President Kamala Haris is a Black woman despite what the fake news, the racist, perverted con man and his sick puppies might try to say otherwise. They are not important. Why anyone would take the word of a serial racist as if a person was Black or not is beyond me. Not going to focus on it. Just going to keep moving forward.

But what I will call and call out constantly is those handkerchief heads, fetch@@@@@@, and prostitutes among us, the overseer among us who would do the work of Massa and attack Vice President Kamala Harris, a Black woman.

When you look in the face of Vice President Kamala Harris if you do not see your mother, grandmother, great grandmother, grand aunt, cousin, sister, daughter something ain’t right. If you look into the face of Vice President Kamala Harris and do not see Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Maya Angelo, Angela Davis, and so many more and do not see the face of Vice President Kamala Harris something ain’t right.

Vice President Kamala Harris is that Black woman, that unnamed African enslaved woman who is being attacked and called everything but a child of God. Not going to sit back and let the racists and others get away with it. In particular, not going to let the handkerchief heads, fetch@@@@@@, and prostitutes attack Vice President Harris with their lies, distortion, misrepresentation, falsifications, misreporting, and falsehoods.

To the handkerchief heads, fetch@@@@@@, and prostitutes among us not going to let you get away with your disrespect of Vice President Kamala Harris, a Black woman. As Colonel Abrams might say, “I’m not gonna let, I’m not gonna let, let you, you get the best,” of Vice President Kamala Harris, a Black woman.

Staff Writer; Al Alatunji

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