Diddy Called Out by Eminem: Tupac & Notorious B.I.G. Murders Resurface in Latest Album.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) For decades, the murders of Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. have haunted the world of hip-hop, shrouded in mystery and conspiracy theories. Many believe that there’s more to the story than what the public has been told, with some of the most chilling accusations targeting one of hip-hop’s most powerful figures—Sean “Diddy” Combs. Recently, the spotlight has shifted back to Diddy, not just because of ongoing investigations but also due to lyrics from Eminem’s latest album. In a scathing verse, Eminem subtly but powerfully points fingers at Diddy, reigniting the firestorm of rumors and suspicions surrounding his alleged role in the tragic deaths of both iconic rappers.

Diddy Called Out by Eminem: Tupac & Notorious B.I.G. Murders Resurface in Latest Album.

Eminem, never one to shy away from controversy, has made headlines with the release of his new album The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grace) Expanded Mourner’s Edition. Within one of its most talked-about tracks, titled Fuel, the Detroit rapper raises eyebrows as he questions Diddy’s involvement in the murders of Tupac and Biggie.

In his lyrical attack, Eminem doesn’t mince words, rapping:

“So who’ll be picked next, whose name gonna be next up?
Notorious B.I.G.’s death was the domino effect of Tupac’s murder.
Like facial tissue, whose clock should I clean next? Puff’s?
‘Til he’s in police handcuffs, guilty, will he step up?
Like gee, never turned himself in, who knows all the murders there’ll have been?!?”

These lines reference a belief long-held by conspiracy theorists that Biggie’s death was not just an isolated incident but a reaction to Tupac’s murder. Eminem appears to question whether Diddy played a role in setting off this chain of events and implies that the music mogul has remained suspiciously unscathed through decades of turmoil. But does Eminem really believe Diddy is guilty? Or is this just another case of Slim Shady stirring up drama?

The Beef Between Eminem and Diddy

To understand the significance of Eminem’s verse, it’s important to take a look at the complicated relationship between Eminem and Diddy. Over the years, there hasn’t been any publicized feud between the two. However, that doesn’t mean tension hasn’t existed beneath the surface. Diddy has long been a power player in the industry, running Bad Boy Records, which played a crucial role in shaping East Coast hip-hop, while Eminem, coming from the Midwest, dominated the charts with a more rebellious and unapologetic approach.

Some have speculated that there’s been quiet rivalry and competition between the two empires. Eminem’s affiliation with Dr. Dre and Death Row Records (a West Coast label) also brought him closer to the East Coast-West Coast feud that defined the ’90s. Even though Eminem rose to prominence after Tupac and Biggie’s deaths, he’s always had an awareness of the tension that brewed within the industry during that era. His latest lyrics may reflect a longstanding discomfort or suspicions regarding Diddy’s influence during those tumultuous years.

Did Diddy Really Get Biggie Killed?

One of the most enduring conspiracy theories in hip-hop is that Diddy had some role, whether directly or indirectly, in the murder of his close friend and business partner, The Notorious B.I.G. (Christopher Wallace). Biggie’s death in 1997 came just six months after Tupac Shakur was gunned down in Las Vegas, raising questions about whether the two killings were connected.

Some believe that Biggie’s murder was a revenge hit for Tupac’s death, though no definitive evidence has ever surfaced to prove this. Others, however, have suggested that Diddy himself orchestrated the hit on Biggie as part of a more nefarious plan to gain power and control in the industry. Critics of this theory often point out that Diddy was close friends with Biggie, and such an act would be the ultimate betrayal.

But rumors die hard in hip-hop, and the suspicion that Diddy may have played a hand in Biggie’s murder has lingered, especially as the case has gone unsolved for decades. Diddy, of course, has always maintained his innocence, but the lack of closure has kept the speculation alive.

Was Diddy Involved in Tupac’s Murder?

Perhaps the most controversial claim is that Diddy was involved in the murder of Tupac Shakur. While Tupac’s death was officially attributed to gang violence—an apparent hit orchestrated by the Southside Crips—many believe there were deeper forces at play. Some have accused Diddy of hiring gang members to take Tupac out in retaliation for perceived slights and the infamous East Coast-West Coast beef, which escalated into personal attacks between Tupac and Biggie.

One of the most shocking developments in this theory came in recent years when Duane “Keefe D” Davis, a known gang member and uncle to Tupac’s shooter, Orlando Anderson, claimed that Diddy had offered him $1 million to kill Tupac. Keefe D’s confession has been picked apart by investigators, but no solid proof of Diddy’s involvement has emerged. Still, the accusation alone has caused many to look at Diddy with suspicion.

In 2023, Keefe D was charged with Tupac’s murder, but rumors persist that Diddy had a hand in the crime, even if he didn’t pull the strings himself. What makes this even more tantalizing is the fact that Diddy has never faced legal consequences or serious charges in connection with either murder, leaving a cloud of uncertainty around his legacy.

Is This All Karma for Diddy?

Diddy has always been one of the most polarizing figures in hip-hop. On one hand, he’s celebrated for his business acumen, his empire-building with Bad Boy Records, and his contributions to the genre. On the other hand, he’s been dogged by rumors of shady dealings, criminal associations, and personal misconduct. In the past year alone, Diddy has faced 10 lawsuits, most of them related to abuse, assault, and other forms of misconduct. Many are beginning to wonder if the chickens are finally coming home to roost for the hip-hop mogul.

Is it all karma? Eminem’s lyrics suggest that Diddy has gotten away with too much for too long. His refusal to “step up” or face legal consequences for his alleged involvement in Tupac and Biggie’s deaths, as Eminem suggests, might finally be catching up with him. Whether or not the lawsuits he currently faces are related to these events, they are a reminder that power and influence do not guarantee immunity from justice.

Adding fuel to the fire are rumors that Diddy has long been associated with three-letter agencies, and some even claim that he possesses incriminating footage of celebrities from his notorious parties. These claims, while unproven, paint a picture of a man who has always operated in the shadows, pulling strings and avoiding the consequences of his actions.

50 Cent, never one to miss an opportunity to stoke controversy, has reportedly been working on a Netflix docuseries titled Diddy Do It?, which promises to delve into these conspiracy theories in even greater depth. If the show sees the light of day, it’s sure to reignite the conversation around Diddy’s involvement in the deaths of Tupac and Biggie, as well as his influence in the hip-hop world.

Fan Reactions: A Divided Community

When Eminem released The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grace) Expanded Mourner’s Edition, fans were quick to dissect his lyrics, and the track Fuel has since sparked a massive debate within the hip-hop community. While some fans are applauding Eminem for addressing a topic that has long been swept under the rug, others are questioning whether Slim Shady is going too far. After all, the accusations leveled against Diddy have never been proven in a court of law, and many believe that Eminem’s words could stir up old wounds without offering anything new to the conversation.

Still, the buzz surrounding the track can’t be denied. On social media, fans have taken sides, with some arguing that Eminem is merely speaking the truth that others are too scared to say, while others accuse him of chasing clout by exploiting two of hip-hop’s most tragic deaths. One thing is for sure: the conversation isn’t going away anytime soon.

Some fans have even speculated that Diddy’s current legal troubles, his lawsuits, and the resurfacing of these murder rumors are all part of a larger karmic reckoning. “What goes around comes around,” one Twitter user wrote, “Diddy’s been skating for too long. Time for him to pay the piper.”

Others, however, are more skeptical. “Eminem just loves to stir the pot,” a Reddit commenter suggested. “He’s got no beef with Diddy, but he knows that saying his name is gonna get headlines. It’s just another controversy for Slim Shady.”

Diddy’s Future

Whether or not Diddy had a role in the murders of Tupac and Biggie may never be known for sure. What’s clear, however, is that the suspicions and conspiracy theories surrounding these tragic deaths are far from dead. Eminem’s latest album has thrust these questions back into the spotlight, forcing both fans and the hip-hop community to confront the uncomfortable reality that justice for Tupac and Biggie may never be fully served.

As Diddy continues to face legal battles and public scrutiny, it remains to be seen whether he can maintain his powerful position in the industry, or if these allegations and rumors will finally catch up with him. Is this all karma coming full circle for one of hip-hop’s most controversial figures? Only time will tell.

Staff Writer; Jamar Jackson

This brother has a passion for poetry and music. One may contact him at; JJackson@ThyBlackMan.com.