Sexyy Red Launches Controversial Lip Gloss Line ‘NORTHSIDE PRINCESS’: The Rapper’s Bold Move into Beauty.

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( In the ever-evolving world of hip-hop, where artists are constantly redefining their brand and expanding their empires beyond music, a new player has entered the arena. St. Louis rapper Sexyy Red, known for her unapologetic lyrics and audacious persona, is setting her sights on a new frontier: the beauty industry. Following in the footsteps of Rihanna, who successfully transitioned from music superstar to beauty mogul with her Fenty Beauty line, Sexyy Red is making her mark with the launch of her own lip gloss line under the brand name “NORTHSIDE PRINCESS.” However, the rapper’s bold move into the beauty space is not without its fair share of controversy, particularly due to the provocative names she has chosen for her products.

Sexyy Red Launches Controversial Lip Gloss Line 'NORTHSIDE PRINCESS': The Rapper's Bold Move into Beauty.

Sexyy Red: From Rapper to Business Mogul

Sexyy Red, whose real name is Janae Wherry, has quickly become one of the most talked-about figures in hip-hop. Known for her gritty, unfiltered lyrics and her unabashed embrace of her “ghetto” roots, she has carved out a niche for herself in the rap game. Songs like “Pound Town” and “SkeeYee” have cemented her reputation as a rapper who is not afraid to push boundaries and challenge societal norms. But it seems that music alone is not enough for this rising star. With the launch of her NORTHSIDE PRINCESS brand, Sexyy Red is signaling her intention to become more than just a rapper—she wants to be a business mogul.

In an Instagram post announcing the launch of her lip gloss line, Sexyy Red expressed her excitement, stating, “Introducing NORTHSIDE PRINCESS the brand & my first product will b my lip gloss. I’m so excited.” The post was accompanied by a series of images showcasing the lip gloss in various vibrant colors and textures. The launch of this beauty line is a significant step for Sexyy Red, as it represents her foray into the world of entrepreneurship and brand-building—a space that has been dominated by female artists like Rihanna, Kylie Jenner, and Lady Gaga.

NORTHSIDE PRINCESS: A Brand with a Controversial Twist

While the launch of a lip gloss line might seem like a natural extension for a female artist looking to diversify her brand, the controversy lies in the names of the products themselves. NORTHSIDE PRINCESS is not just any lip gloss line—it’s a line that unapologetically embraces the same raw, explicit themes that characterize Sexyy Red’s music. The lip glosses come in a range of flavors with names that are as provocative as they are eyebrow-raising: “Coochie Juice,” “Bootyhole Brown,” “Nut,” “Yellow Discharge,” “Blue Ballz,” “Gonorrhea,” and more.

These names have sparked a heated debate online, with many questioning whether Sexyy Red is playing into harmful stereotypes and potentially alienating mainstream consumers. While some fans appreciate her boldness and see it as a continuation of her “no-holds-barred” persona, others are concerned that she might be crossing a line. The question on everyone’s mind is whether Sexyy Red is pushing the envelope in a way that will resonate with consumers or if she is simply courting controversy for the sake of attention.

The Inspiration Behind the Brand

Sexyy Red’s decision to name her lip glosses after sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and other explicit references is undoubtedly a bold marketing strategy. In interviews, the rapper has explained that the names are meant to be a reflection of her unapologetic approach to life and her desire to reclaim language and imagery that has historically been used to shame and stigmatize women, particularly women from marginalized communities.

“I’m just being real,” Sexyy Red stated in a recent interview. “A lot of people don’t want to talk about this stuff, but it’s real life. I’m not trying to be like anyone else; I’m just being myself. If people can’t handle it, that’s on them.”

This raw authenticity has been a hallmark of Sexyy Red’s career, and it’s clear that she’s bringing the same energy to her beauty line. By choosing names that are deliberately provocative, she is challenging societal norms around beauty and sexuality. However, the question remains whether this strategy will resonate with consumers in the long run, especially considering the potential backlash from parents and more conservative audiences.

Fan Reactions: A Mixed Bag

As with anything Sexyy Red does, the reaction to the NORTHSIDE PRINCESS lip gloss line has been a mix of praise and criticism. On social media, fans have been vocal about their opinions, with some applauding the rapper for staying true to herself and others expressing concern about the potential impact on young fans.

One fan commented, “These little girls are gonna want to support their favorite rapper and parents gonna tell them ‘Fuck no’ cause you name your lipsticks raunchy things lmaooll.”

Another user echoed this sentiment, saying, “This the kinda shit you will find in a Spencer’s store at the mall. You ain’t getting in Macy’s with those flavors.”

Parents, in particular, have been outspoken in their disapproval. One parent expressed their frustration on Twitter, writing, “As a parent, this is beyond disappointing. How can you push this trash onto society, especially knowing that young kids look up to you? What happened to setting a positive example? This isn’t empowerment; it’s degrading. Our community deserves better than this nonsense.”

Others have questioned the wisdom of naming lip glosses after STDs, pointing out that these are products that could potentially be marketed to young people. One critic remarked, “Making lip gloss named after sexually transmitted diseases? These are products that young kids can come across. You are a fucking loser, no wonder that EP bombed.”

Even within the hip-hop community, there has been some backlash. A prominent blogger commented, “You should put this outrageous ratchet nonsense to the side and stream Elden Ring tbh.”

2025-Sexyy Red Launches Controversial Lip Gloss Line 'NORTHSIDE PRINCESS' The Rapper's Bold Move into Beauty.

The Challenge Ahead: Will NORTHSIDE PRINCESS Succeed?

The launch of the NORTHSIDE PRINCESS brand and its controversial product names raises important questions about the future of Sexyy Red’s business ventures. Is she positioning herself as a fearless entrepreneur who refuses to conform to industry standards, or is she risking her reputation and alienating potential customers with her provocative choices?

Sexyy Red’s decision to embrace the same raw, explicit themes that have defined her music in her beauty line is both a strength and a potential weakness. On one hand, it sets her apart from other beauty brands, allowing her to carve out a unique niche in a crowded market. On the other hand, it may limit the brand’s appeal to a broader audience, particularly those who are looking for products that align with more traditional beauty standards.

Moreover, the success of a beauty brand often depends on its ability to reach a wide range of consumers, including those who may not be familiar with the founder’s music or persona. While the names of the lip glosses may resonate with Sexyy Red’s core fan base, they may also alienate potential customers who are turned off by the explicit references.

The Future of Sexyy Red’s Empire

Regardless of the controversy, there is no denying that Sexyy Red is making waves in both the music and beauty industries. By launching her own lip gloss line, she is following in the footsteps of other female artists who have successfully transitioned from music to business, such as Rihanna with Fenty Beauty and Kylie Jenner with Kylie Cosmetics. However, the road ahead is not without its challenges.

Sexyy Red’s ability to navigate the controversy surrounding her brand and to expand her business beyond her core fan base will be crucial to the success of NORTHSIDE PRINCESS. If she can leverage her bold, unapologetic persona to create a beauty brand that resonates with a broader audience, she could very well establish herself as a major player in the industry. However, if the controversy continues to overshadow the quality of her products, she may find it difficult to gain traction in an increasingly competitive market.

Only time will tell whether NORTHSIDE PRINCESS will become a household name or just another flash in the pan. For now, Sexyy Red is embracing the controversy and staying true to herself—no matter what the critics say. As she continues to build her brand and expand her empire, one thing is clear: Sexyy Red is not afraid to take risks, and she’s not backing down from the challenges ahead. Whether you love her or hate her, there’s no denying that Sexyy Red is here to stay—and she’s ready to take the beauty world by storm, one controversial lip gloss at a time.

Staff Writer; Jamar Jackson

This brother has a passion for poetry and music. One may contact him at;