Khadijah Haqq’s Ex-NFL Husband Bobby McCray Files for Divorce, Seeks Spousal Support.

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( In a world where the lines between traditional gender roles are increasingly blurred, the once unthinkable has become the norm. Former NFL star Bobby McCray has set the internet ablaze after filing for divorce from his wife, actress Khadijah Haqq, with a bold request: spousal support. Yes, you read that right. The man who once dominated on the football field is now seeking financial support from his soon-to-be ex-wife, leaving many fans and followers questioning whether chivalry is truly dead—or if it’s simply evolved into something far more complex.

Khadijah Haqq's Ex-NFL Husband Bobby McCray Files for Divorce, Seeks Spousal Support.

The Breakup: When Love Turns Cold

The breakup between Bobby McCray and Khadijah Haqq was far from a surprise to those who’ve been following their relationship. The couple, who began dating in 2010 and tied the knot shortly after, appeared to have a fairytale romance. But as we all know, even the most glamorous relationships can crumble behind closed doors. According to court documents obtained by TMZ, McCray officially filed for divorce, listing July 7, 2023, as the date of separation. The reason? Irreconcilable differences—a catch-all term that often hides the deeper, messier truth of what went wrong.

Khadijah had already hinted at trouble in paradise when she announced their split last August. The two share three minor children, making the stakes even higher in what could become a highly contentious divorce. But it’s McCray’s request for spousal support that has truly shocked fans and reignited the debate over gender roles in divorce settlements.

Spousal Support: A New Era for Men?

For years, spousal support has been seen as a lifeline for women leaving marriages, particularly those who sacrificed careers to raise children or support their husbands’ ambitions. But as more women step into the role of primary breadwinner, a growing number of men are flipping the script—and Bobby McCray is the latest to join their ranks.

McCray isn’t just asking for joint legal and physical custody of their children; he’s also requesting that Khadijah fork over financial support to maintain his lifestyle post-divorce. Even more surprising, he’s asking the court to terminate Khadijah’s ability to seek spousal support from him, effectively shutting down any chance of her receiving financial assistance from a man who once earned millions playing professional football.

The audacity of it all has left many fans scratching their heads. After all, McCray’s net worth is estimated to be around $10 million, while Khadijah’s wealth, though substantial, pales in comparison. So why is a man with deep pockets asking his wife for money?

Why Men Have No Shame in Asking for Spousal Support

The rise of men seeking spousal support is a phenomenon that has been quietly gaining traction in recent years, challenging long-held stereotypes about masculinity and financial dependence. Traditionally, men have been expected to be the providers, the ones who ensure their family’s financial security even after a marriage dissolves. But as gender roles evolve, so too does the concept of fairness in divorce settlements.

For some men, asking for spousal support is less about financial need and more about asserting their rights in a system that has historically favored women. It’s a way of leveling the playing field, ensuring that they aren’t left destitute while their ex-wives thrive. But for others, like McCray, it’s hard to ignore the possibility that this request is more about ego than necessity.

In many cases, men who seek spousal support are doing so to maintain a certain standard of living—one they’ve grown accustomed to during the marriage. And while some may argue that this is only fair, especially in situations where the wife’s career outpaced the husband’s, others see it as a sign of pettiness, a way to cling to the trappings of a life that’s no longer theirs.

Fan Reactions: The Internet Weighs In

As news of McCray’s spousal support request spread, social media exploded with reactions, many of them critical. Fans were quick to point out the irony of a man worth millions asking for money from a woman who has significantly less wealth. The general consensus? McCray’s move is not just unexpected—it’s downright sassy.

“Requesting spousal support as a man is overly sassy ?,” one fan commented, capturing the sentiments of many who felt that McCray’s request was more about scoring points in the divorce than any genuine financial need.

“All these men learning from each other but when someone gone learn from Russell Wilson? ?” another fan quipped, referencing the Seattle Seahawks quarterback known for his strong marriage to singer Ciara and his refusal to engage in public drama.

Others were even more blunt in their assessment. “Requesting SPOUSAL support from the woman that has your 3 children is BUGGED OUT ??????????,” one fan wrote, highlighting the perceived unfairness of McCray’s request in light of Khadijah’s role as the mother of their children.

The backlash wasn’t just limited to McCray’s request for money, though. The idea of a man seeking spousal support at all struck a nerve with many, who saw it as a reversal of traditional gender roles in a way that felt disingenuous.

“Requesting for spousal support as a man is giving ‘he’s the wife while she’s the husband,’” one commenter noted, echoing the sentiment that McCray’s actions were undermining his masculinity in the eyes of the public.

The Petty Factor: Is This Just About Money?

While some fans were quick to call out McCray for what they saw as a petty move, others speculated that his request for spousal support might be rooted in something deeper than financial need. After all, Khadijah has been the more public figure in recent years, with a successful acting career and a strong social media presence that has kept her in the spotlight. Could it be that McCray’s request is less about the money and more about reasserting his dominance in a relationship where he may have felt overshadowed?

“He’s worth 10 million and she has way less than that. He’s definitely being petty,” one fan concluded, suggesting that McCray’s request was more about sending a message than securing his financial future.

Others took aim at the very concept of spousal support, questioning its relevance in a world where both men and women are increasingly independent and self-sufficient.

“They need to get rid of ‘spousal support.’ After the divorce, go on about your life. You still hanging on to the person by hanging on to their money. If it’s not child support, let it df go. That goes for everybody!” one passionate commenter wrote, capturing the growing sentiment that spousal support is an outdated concept in modern relationships.

But perhaps the most cutting critique came from those who questioned McCray’s masculinity altogether.

“At this point, men who demand spousal support from their wives should also identify themselves as a sissy ?,” one fan snarked, highlighting the stigma that still surrounds men who seek financial support from their ex-wives.

A New Normal or a Passing Trend?

So, what does McCray’s request for spousal support say about the changing dynamics of marriage and divorce? On one hand, it’s a reflection of the growing equality between men and women, where both parties are seen as equally responsible for supporting one another, even after a marriage ends. But on the other hand, it’s a reminder that old stereotypes die hard—and that the idea of a man asking for financial help from his wife is still met with skepticism, if not outright disdain.

As more men step into the role of spousal support recipient, it’s clear that the conversation around gender and divorce is far from over. Will we see more men like Bobby McCray challenging the status quo, or will the backlash prove too strong for this trend to take hold? Only time will tell.

But one thing is certain: in the world of celebrity breakups, where money, power, and ego are always at play, the fight for spousal support is just one more way to score points—and keep the drama alive long after the love is gone.

Staff Writer; Jamar Jackson

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