Amber Rose & Joseline Hernandez Fight on ‘BET’ College Hill: Drama Unfolds in New Footage.

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( In a world where celebrity drama constantly makes headlines, the recent altercation between Amber Rose and Joseline Hernandez on ‘BET’ College Hill: Celebrity Edition has reignited discussions about their careers and constant involvement in controversies. Both women have made names for themselves in the entertainment industry, not only for their talents but also for their propensity for drama and fights. As grown women with children, many question why they continue to engage in such behavior and why a network like BET would cast them in a show intended to highlight the positive aspects of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Amber Rose: From Video Vixen to Controversy Queen

Amber Rose, born Amber Levonchuck, first rose to fame as a model and video vixen, making appearances in music videos for artists like Kanye West and Ludacris. Her striking appearance, characterized by her shaved head and bold fashion choices, quickly made her a recognizable figure in the entertainment world. However, it wasn’t just her looks that kept her in the spotlight.

Amber has been a part of numerous controversies over the years. From her high-profile relationships with Kanye West and Wiz Khalifa to her outspoken nature on social media, she has never shied away from the public eye. Despite being a mother of two, Amber often finds herself at the center of drama, whether it’s due to her candid comments on social issues or her feuds with other celebrities.

Joseline Hernandez: The Puerto Rican Princess of Reality TV

Joseline Hernandez, known as the “Puerto Rican Princess,” made her mark on reality television with her fiery personality on VH1’s ‘Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta.’ Born in Puerto Rico and raised in Florida, Joseline’s rise to fame was marked by her tumultuous relationship with music producer Stevie J, which played out on national television.

Joseline’s aggressive behavior and frequent altercations with cast members made her a standout on ‘Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta.’ She has since tried to build a music career and appeared in other reality shows, but her penchant for drama remains a significant part of her public persona. Despite being a mother, Joseline continues to engage in confrontations, much to the fascination and dismay of viewers.

Amber Rose & Joseline Hernandez Fight on 'BET' College Hill: Drama Unfolds in New Footage.

The Fight on ‘BET’ College Hill: Celebrity Edition

The altercation between Amber Rose and Joseline Hernandez on ‘BET’ College Hill: Celebrity Edition has been the talk of the town. The show, intended to celebrate the HBCU experience by bringing celebrities to attend classes and participate in campus life, took a dramatic turn when the two women clashed. The fight, which stemmed from a heated discussion about race and identity, escalated quickly and turned physical.

BET decided not to air the full extent of the altercation, out of respect for the HBCUs, but footage obtained by TMZ showed the severity of the fight. The video, though without sound, clearly depicted the chaos that ensued, leaving fans in shock and disbelief.

Fans’ Reactions to the Fight

As with any celebrity drama, the fight between Amber and Joseline sparked a wide range of reactions from fans. Social media platforms were flooded with comments, memes, and debates about who was at fault and who came out on top.

“Amber being bald-headed saved her tbh ??” one user commented, referring to Joseline’s attempts to pull Amber’s hair, which was non-existent due to her shaved head.

“Amber swung the entire time, I ain’t seen a punch from Joseline ?” another user noted, questioning Joseline’s fighting abilities.

The reactions varied from humorous takes on the fight to more serious discussions about the behavior of both women.

The Need for Growth and Maturity

While the fight provided entertainment for many, it also highlighted a more significant issue: the need for both Amber Rose and Joseline Hernandez to grow up. As grown women with children, their behavior sets a questionable example. The constant involvement in physical altercations and public spats not only tarnishes their reputations but also raises concerns about their priorities and responsibilities as mothers.

Both Amber and Joseline often portray themselves as victims following their altercations, claiming to be misunderstood or unfairly judged. However, their repeated engagements in such behavior suggest a pattern that needs addressing. Growth and maturity involve recognizing one’s role in conflicts and making conscious efforts to change.

Why Do Fans Continue to Support Such Behavior?

A pressing question arises: why do fans continue to support and even celebrate the childish and wild behavior exhibited by celebrities like Amber Rose and Joseline Hernandez? The answer may lie in the human fascination with drama and conflict. Watching celebrities engage in outrageous behavior provides an escape from everyday life and a source of entertainment.

Moreover, social media has amplified the reach of such drama, allowing fans to participate in real-time discussions and reactions. The virality of these incidents ensures that celebrities remain in the spotlight, regardless of whether the attention is positive or negative.

BET’s Role in Promoting Such Behavior

Another critical question is why a network like BET would cast Amber Rose and Joseline Hernandez in a show like College Hill: Celebrity Edition. The show, which aims to highlight the educational and cultural significance of HBCUs, seems an unlikely platform for the kind of drama these women bring.

BET’s decision to include them may be driven by the need for higher ratings and increased viewership. Controversial figures like Amber and Joseline attract audiences, ensuring that the show remains talked about and relevant. However, this strategy also risks overshadowing the positive message intended by the show and perpetuating negative stereotypes.

The Footage and Its Impact

The new footage of the fight, obtained by TMZ, has reignited the debate about the behavior of Amber and Joseline. While the video lacks sound, it vividly depicts the chaos and intensity of the altercation. Fans have taken to social media to analyze the footage, with some defending their favorite and others condemning both women for their actions.

“Y’all hyping Amber just a tad bit too much. No shade… she didn’t do anything. Let’s be real… if Joseline was really able to get her hands on Amber it would’ve been a wrap. Y’all know that…” one user commented, highlighting the divided opinions among fans.

The footage serves as a reminder of the ongoing issue of celebrity behavior and the impact it has on public perception. It also raises questions about the role of media in promoting and sensationalizing such incidents.

The Need for Change

The fight between Amber Rose and Joseline Hernandez on ‘BET’ College Hill: Celebrity Edition is a microcosm of the broader issues within the entertainment industry. The constant engagement in drama and physical altercations by grown women with children is a concerning trend that needs addressing. While fans may find such behavior entertaining, it ultimately reflects poorly on the celebrities involved and the platforms that promote them.

As Amber and Joseline continue their careers, it is essential for them to recognize the need for growth and maturity. Setting a positive example for their children and fans should be a priority. Similarly, networks like BET must carefully consider the impact of casting controversial figures in shows meant to celebrate positive aspects of culture and education.

In the end, the fascination with celebrity drama reveals more about society’s desire for entertainment than the individuals involved. However, it is up to the celebrities and the media to decide whether they will continue to perpetuate this cycle or strive for a more positive and mature representation.

Staff Writer; Jamar Jackson

This brother has a passion for poetry and music. One may contact him at;