Donald Trump Assassination Attempt: Exploring Questions and Conspiracies.

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( There are many questions which have been asked about the assassination attempt on convicted felon Donald J. Trump. By the way, whatever other title convicted felon Trump might receive in the future, President, King, Dictator, it will not change the fact that 12 American men and women, patriotic and flag waving Americans, church and other religious going Americans, a jury of his peers, found him guilty of committing 34 separate crimes.

It was quite an accomplishment to be found guilty not once but on 34 different charges.  It took a great deal of work. With his oversized ego he has to be happy about his achievement.

It is one thing to be a crook and a con man, but to have done it at the level that he did is remarkable. Some might not see it that way. Nonetheless, a jury did. So, in this case if the stiletto fits one should sashay it with style.

Some have questioned if the failure to miss Trump, the intended target of an assassination, was the result of divine intervention? That is a real possibility for those who believe in God and Satan.

The way it would go down was that Satan would turn to God and say “We still have a good amount of room left in hell. Trump has been quite effective in helping to fill spaces. Could we give him a little more time so he can bring a lot more people with him?”

Might sound a little crazy, but quite rational as compared to some of the outlandish assassination theories being spread religiously on social media and other outlets.

Donald Trump Assassination Attempt: Exploring Questions and Conspiracies.

It has been reported days after the assassination attempt that the Iran government was plotting to assassination convicted felon Trump. That does not seem to make sense. For one, the Iranian government and the Russian government are supposed to be tight, as in homeboys.

Everyone knows that Trump and Putin have a relationship of some sort. Will leave that one to your imagination as to what sort. Clearly, there seems to be one. It also seems that Putin would love for Trump to return to the Oval Office.

Maybe the close relationship is due to the fact that both men have small hands and other body parts. I don’t know nor do I care. However, those who enjoy conspiracy theories go for it. But back to the point, If Putin and the Russians like Trump, like they are reported to do, I find it very odd that the Iranians of all people might want to take Trump out. Not dancing either. Just does not seem to add up.

One of the first comments that I heard after the news flash that there was an attempt on convicted Trump’s life was that it was fake. The idea seemed bizarre. I just thought it was one person’s uncanny reaction to the news of the assassination attempt.

I knew the person disliked Trump. I wrote it off as just an example of the person’s dislike of Trump to the point they allowed themselves to become nutty.  What I found amazing was how many people had the same response to the assassination attempt.

Equally amazing is the response by others that President Joe Biden was behind the assassination attempt. The same President Biden who they proclaimed could not walk and chew gum at the same time due to advanced age or some mysterious illness.

But now they were prepared to blame the assassination attempt on the man who they claimed was so mentally incapacitated he didn’t know where he was and what he was doing. Astonishing, to say the least. Not sure you can have it both ways.

As regards President Biden, he must have been happy for at least a couple days not to be the center of the news cycle dealing with his age and fitness. A man fumbles three or four times in a debate and now he should not be President.

A man lies 44 minutes and 48 seconds while speaking for 45 minutes and no problem? The only thing that he said that was true was that his name was Donald J. Trump. He left off convicted inmate number 666848666. But the media and the public are okay with that. He was clear and coherent while lying. “Performance not substance is what we want,” stated the media talking heads and pundits.

The reaction to the assassination on both sides, as convicted felon Trump would say, “there are good people on both sides,” tell us all we need to know why the American experiment in democracy is in its last days. America will not be defeated by forces from the outside storming the borders to bring down America. Americans have and will do that all by themselves.

Republican and right-wing crackpots would have you believe that their boogeyman, the immigrants, are causing damage to the US. No, just another fairy tale. Americans born and raised in the US are doing that all by themselves.

Perfect example, they blame immigrants just arriving into this country for America’s drug problem. But it is the Americans who are taking the drugs. It is the Americans with the drug problem.

How are immigrants the problem? Are they making Americans take drugs? But we have people running trying to convince the gullible that it is somehow the immigrant’s fault. Then again, if you say the lie loud enough and long enough people will believe it. But don’t take my word for it, ask convicted con man and fraud Trump. He does not lie.

All of which brings us to the most important question regarding the assassination attempt. Trump has shown he has no principles. He really is not an ideologue which those on the right might one day come to realize and regret their standfast support for him. He is a transactional as the day is long. Nevertheless, he has projected himself as a strong man. So, the most important is did you poop on yourself while standing, going down or when you were on the floor?

Staff Writer; Al Alatunji

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