(ThyBlackMan.com) First of all, if you are a marijuana/pot head, I expect you to resist the facts and make excuses. Most people who want to continue to smoke weed do not want to acknowledge the truth. I also expect you to try and contradict the facts with data you have never checked independently of where you found it. Therefore I will present those facts that are verifiable, well known knowledge and clearly understood by every person who addresses this issue with a pure heart and not a hidden agenda to get high.
This article is only in reference to recreational marijuana, not medical marijuana. With these things in mind, here are the reasons (facts) why marijuana must be made illegal. Just remember this is a partial list of reasons and common sense should tell all of us that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. If you have been told otherwise, you have been deceived. And because so many people seem to smoke marijuana, others believe it is ok. But that’s just not true. Marijuana Addiction is a real thing, and one should seek help if dependent on such a drug.
The THC in marijuana is addictive and the medical industry knows it. Ask any doctor you like and see what he/she says. The mental health industry also knows it too. http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/marijuana-addictive
Legalizing marijuana will create a new rehab industry and the medical industry knows that too. The government knows that as well and they have all the research and test cases on either side of the coin, not just part of it.
Marijuana, unlike cigarettes, is a mind-altering drug. This is what the governments says – the same government that is trying to legalize marijuana and deceive you into thinking it is harmless. And even if you don’t experience all of the reactions or affects below, that does not mean you are ok. As for cigarettes, remember everybody was smoking them and ignoring the warnings of the Surgeon General for decades. But now the research is irrefutable and the victims and the devastation are obvious. http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/marijuana
Marijuana over-activates part of the brain.
Marijuana alters the mind in the following ways:
- altered senses (for ex. seeing bright colors)
- altered sense of time
- changes in mood
- impaired body movement
- difficulty with thinking and problem solving
- impaired memory
- reduced thinking and learning functions
- long-term use has been linked to mental illness (paranoia, hallucinations, schizophrenia)
- depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts among teens
Marijuana affects your physical health.
1. breathing problems from prolonged use or exposure
2. increased heart rate (for hours)
3. thus may increase chances of heart attacks
4. problems with pregnancy – increased risk of behavioral and brain problems in babies
Marijuana does not solve problems. Many people who smoke marijuana are trying to escape life, stress or depression. But marijuana is not a solution. When the high is over, the marijuana user has less money, no high and problems that return because they never really went anywhere.
Click here to get a Free Booklet On Marijuana
Legalizing marijuana will not decrease the prison or jail population like you think it will. First of all, criminals are not sent to prison for using marijuana. Secondly, those in jail for using marijuana do not stay locked up very long because they are released and/or placed on probation to make room for other inmates with more severe crimes. The idea that marijuana users are filling up our jails and staying there to soak up tax payer dollars is an exaggeration at best and a lie at worse.
Street Weed is often laced with several poison chemicals. These chemicals include rat poison and embalming fluid, to name a few. If you do not believe this, do your research into what is found in street weed. The toxic chemicals enhance the high, prolong the high and allow the dealers to stretch the supply. Did you really think street weed drug dealers were offering pure marijuana? Ask a police officer about that then wake up. A good test to see if the “weed” is laced is to look at what you paid for it.
Marijuana usage devastates the life of our teens. It interferes with concentration, thus education.
Marijuana is therefore not harmless. How would you like to have an operation while the surgeon is high on marijuana? How would you like to encounter a police officer on duty while he is high on marijuana? What about an ambulance driver taking your mother to the hospital while he is under the influence of marijuana? Driving while impaired by marijuana actually doubles the risk of a car crash.
If marijuana is legalized, there is no industry that can regulate it’s purity at the time of sell. Which industry is stepping up to regulate “quality marijuana”? Then how would you know if you are getting pure marijuana or not when you visit an “authorized dealer”?
Marijuana increases violence.
You may say it doesn’t and many others will agree. But that is because they are not asking the right questions on purpose. Ask those incarcerated people who recently committed a crime if they had smoked marijuana recently. There is your link. Ask them where they got it. Off the street. Most did not grow it in their backyards or greenhouses. Thus the street weed laced with hundreds of other chemicals and poisons causes some very strange, bold and deadly behaviors.
Marijuana is not a victimless crime.
The user is the victim. If we legalize marijuana, we might as well legalize prostitution. The family of the user is the victim. The teachers in school are the victims. Society is the victim. Some honest states, courts and congressmen and women realize this.
The legalization of marijuana will not stop black market weed dealers.
Marijuana smoking has been compared to alcohol during the Prohibition. But that was a totally different time, this is a completely different generation and comparing apples and oranges is a deception. At some point the weed store will close for the night. And unless “legal marijuana distributors” give the public as much as they want, whenever they want, at whatever age they want and for the price they want, there will be a black market of drug dealers who will do just that and fill that void. Street drug dealers will simply open up after the marijuana store closes.
Marijuana is a gateway drug that requires greater and greater usage then other drugs. Even if you could show statistics on pure marijuana usage to disprove part of this point, the claim I just made would still be true of street weed and you cannot guarantee it’s purity. Nor is it likely to be pure. Your local street drug dealer knows this. Research also shows many people who later used harder and more deadly drugs first started with marijuana. If you smoke marijuana all the time, soon it will be harder to reach the same high. You will then have to smoke more and some people move to something harder and stronger.
This article is only a tiny portion of the research that tells the truth. And for those of you who want to offer information to contradict these findings, I can offer 10 reputable sources for every one you share. Check with your doctor. Check with your local police officer. Check with the CDC. But wake up!
Staff Writer; Trevo Craw
A Free Thinker, who loves to talk about Politics, etc. Also, all about uplifting the Black Community even if it doesn’t fit your mindset. One may hit me up at; TrevoCraw@ThyBlackMan.com.
I, and others, have given you proof, hard evidence, case studies and data from reputable agencies. If you say there is none, you are lying. If you say the evidence is false or out of context, you have not read it.
AND I CAN SEND MUCH MORE EVIDENCE THAT RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA IS DANGEROUS HARMING THE BODY AND MIND! I challenge you to read it instead of just throwing out insults and pretending the proof does not exist.
Research Showing the Harmful Effects of Marijuana Use
2020 study: Pregnant mom’s cannabis use harms the unborn child.
2019 study: A large study finds pot use “strongly linked” to developing schizophrenia and paranoia with 20% of new psychosis cases associated with daily marijuana use; that percent skyrockets to 30% and 50% in London and Amsterdam with their higher average THC content, reports the journal Lancet.
2019 study: Five years of recreational legalization has tripled Colorado’s already high emergency room pot visits, per the journal Annals of Internal Medicine for heart trouble, uncontrollable vomiting, and psychotic episodes.
2019 study: After the studies (below) showing how pot mutates DNA to potentially harm even offspring, now the Journal of Urology reports that marijuana significantly harms sperm production.
2018 study: Half of all first-time patients admitted for drug treatment worldwide are for cannabis, which therefore is even more than for heroin and cocaine combined, according to Psychological Medicine.
2017 study: Violence was two-and-a-half-times more likely from pot-smokers discharged from psychiatric hospitals than from others. Canadian researchers studying U.S. patients ruled out other possible explanations such as alcohol contribution or that perhaps “violent people use cannabis”, published in Frontiers in Psychiatry. [Anecdotal: “Allah Akbar” shouter murders Jewish teacher; not guilty by reason of being a pothead.]
2017 study: Bristol University researchers peer-reviewed study of 5,000 youths found that teens who regularly smoke pot are 26 TIMES more likely to begin using other drugs by age 21, and they’re 37 TIMES more likely to be addicted to nicotine and 3 TIMES more likely to have an alcohol problem, all as compared to teens who don’t smoke marijuana.
2017 study: The Journal of Neuroscience is identifying at the cellular neuron level how pot causes addiction and strongly interferes with the brain’s sophisticated physiological reward system, which could be why Miley Cyrus and Woody Harrelson recently quit smoking dope.
Source: Quest Diagnostics & WSJ
2017 study: Pot smokers are four times more likely to get a heart attack, etc., says a Case Western Reserve study of 210,000 cannabis smokers compared to ten million non-users.
2017 study: Colorado’s Children’s Hospital, in a post-legalization study, saw teens with marijuana intoxication or who tested positive for pot increase from 146 in 2005 to 639 in 2014. Unlike teens answering surveys, blood tests don’t lie.
2017 study: Quest Diagnostics, mega workplace-testing lab, reports 2016 drug use up nationwide and single-year increases in the “legalization” states Washington, up 9 percent, and Colorado, up 11 percent.
Increase in collisions in pot decriminalization states compared to neighboring states
2017 study: Highway Loss Data Institute reports that from 2012 to 2016 car crashes are up in decriminalization states. Oregon 4%; Washington 6%; Colorado 14%, as compared to neighboring states, including as THC-involved crashes soar… and soar, fatally.
2017 study: College students with decriminalized access to pot significantly lower their grades per the Review of Economic Studies.
Focus on the Family has a knack for skewing virtually every public policy matter that they address. Their otherwise fabulous brief anti-pot video for example, screams “Say No To Big Marijuana”. Unavoidably therefore, as words have meaning, Focus thus inherently whispers, “but as for little marijuana, that’s a different matter.” So here at RSR, we clearly warn you, “Say No To Pot!” And here’s what happens in a state that doesn’t:
2016 study: ALL 1,000 U.S. pot smokers studied in a Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease paper had “low blood flow” throughout the brain and, tragically, restricted blood flow in the brain’s memory/dementia region
2016 study: The UK’s Daily Mail headlines their article on a paper in the journal Clinical Psychological Science, “The more cannabis you smoke, the more likely you are to be a loser”
2016 study: Research explains how pot mutates your DNA and why smoking it leads to disease including cancer, all validating a 2009 study
2016 study: Science News reports “Marijuana use weakens heart” from a paper in an American Heart Association peer-reviewed science journal and were about twice as likely as non-users to suffer depression, psychosis, anxiety disorder, etc.
In Colorado, even Google is high. Screenshot of a Google query: What’s the altitude of my current location? A: Cannabis stores near you…
Google on pot…
2016 study: Just one minute of (even only) secondhand marijuana smoke may damage blood vessels, is three times worse for arterial walls than cigarette smoke, and endangers lungs and heart and can lead to attack, clots, and stroke, and yet, per the journal Nature, 16% of Colorado one-year-olds with bronchiolitis test positive for THC exposure. Tragic.
2016 study: The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Ophthalmology reports that smoking pot harms eyesight by damaging the nerves that connect your retinas to your visual cortex
2015 study: Strong pot yields hallucination, paranoia & schizophrenia in a nearly a quarter (24%) of those newly diagnosed, per Lancet Psychiatry
2015 study: at Nature.com, current and former pot users perceive a false reality; impaired hippocampus harms memory used “to solve common problems and to sustain our relationships”
2015 study: 100 varieties of pot appear to “damage nerve fibres that handle the flow of messages across the two halves of the brain” per a study in Psychological Medicine
2015 study: JAMA Psychiatry reports that over the last decade, pot use in the U.S. more than doubled to nearly 10%, or 22 million people, with the huge study finding obvious signs of dysfunction from marijuana use in more than 7 million people
2015 study: Drug and Alcohol journal: pot impairs driving just like alcohol
2015 study: Pot harms brain imaging shows regarding learning and memory, presented at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Annual Meeting
2014 study: in PNAS, pot users have shrunken brains and lower IQ
2014 study: 20 years of research reported on by WHO advisor Prof. Wayne Hall shows pot doubles mental impairment, psychosis; increases drop out, tobacco smoking, car crash, and rates of other illicit drug use.
2014 study: large Lancet study shows high schoolers 63% less likely to graduate, 8-fold increased odds of using other illegal drugs, and 7-fold increased likelihood of attempted suicide (like Heisman trophy winner’s)
2012 study: Landmark study in PNAS: pot permanently lowers IQ
2012 study: Netherlands study of 2,000 teens show pot/psychosis link
2012 study: The journal Pharmaceuticals associates marijuana use with Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
2010 study: Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry aggression associated with cannabis use
2010 study: Netherlands study shows marijuana may stunt fetal growth
2009 study: American Chemical Society reports, marijuana damages DNA and may cause cancer
2009 study: Pot during pregnancy predicts long-lasting neurobehavioural problems for the child
2009 study: JAMA finds one in four substance-abusing schizophrenics become violent as the U.S. Secret Service reports that half of “mass attacks” involved pot and other substance abuse
2008 study: Marijuana smoker faces rapid lung destruction, 20 years ahead of tobacco smokers
2007 study: New Zealand study of impact on lungs from one joint equaling three to five cigarettes
2007 study: Canadian study shows pot smoke contains higher levels of various toxins than tobacco smoke
2007 study: Harvard finds that marijuana component opens the door for cancer virus for Kaposi’s Sarcoma
2007 study: British medical journal Lancet reverses its editorial position and finds “sufficient evidence to warn young people that using cannabis could increase their risk of developing a psychotic illness”
2006 study: The journal Neurology reports that marijuana causes learning and memory impairments
2005 study: New Zealand study reports habitual marijuana use strongly associated with car crash injury
2005 study: French National Institute for Transport and Safety Research shows pot doubling fatal crashes
2004 study: Hungarian Neuropsychopharmacologia journal reports schizoid psychosis from smoking pot
1989 study: In the U.S., from back when it was weaker, pot associated with impaired fetal growth
Drugs.com: nursing mom smoking pot passes THC, etc. to her child; can harm baby’s motor development
Wow, you potheads don’t have a clue as to what marijuana is doing to you, do you? You just want to smoke and your mind is too clouded to care. I am looking at all the proof in this article and shared by the author in his comments. And you potheads have the nerve to say there is none? Wake the Fk up. Are so many of you that stupid?
If marijuana is so harmless, why can’t you be under the influence at work?
“Risk of Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack
Several case reports and case series mostly in young individuals suggest a relationship between recent and heavy cannabis use and risk of stroke.64–66”
Effects of Marijuana Use on Human Cognition
“Acute intoxication from marijuana is associated with impairment of working and episodic memory, behavioral disinhibition, and impulsivity, which can affect performance in real-world activities.”
This is the title of a document from the New England Journal of Medicine expressing their concern regarding recreational marijuana.
“Adverse Health Effects of Marijuana Use
List of authors.
Nora D. Volkow, M.D., Ruben D. Baler, Ph.D., Wilson M. Compton, M.D., and Susan R.B. Weiss, Ph.D.
For those of you Zombies in denial, the New England Journal of Medicine is recognized by ever medical school and practicing MD in the United States.
And many more.
The only way you are oblivious to the truth is that you are already a zombie pothead and thus proving my point.
A recent meta-analysis of 11 studies including 23?317 individuals assessed cannabis use and depression at different time points from adolescence to young adulthood.66 The odds of developing depression (odds ratio [OR], 1.37 [95% CI, 1.16–1.62]), suicidal ideation (OR, 1.5 [95% CI, 1.11–2.03]), and suicide attempt (OR, 3.46 [95% CI, 1.53–7.84]) were higher for cannabis users compared with nonusers. In a European case-control study, daily cannabis use has been associated with increased odds of psychotic disorder compared with never users (adjusted OR, 3.2 [95% CI, 2.2–4.1]), increasing to nearly 5 times increased odds for daily use of high-potency types of cannabis (THC ?10%) compared with low-potency cannabis (THC 10 d/mo; adjusted OR, 2.45 [95% CI, 1.31–4.60]).
Pregnant Women
Tetrahydrocannabinol can enter the fetal brain through the maternal blood flow, leading to disruption in the endogenous endocannabinoid system in both the fetus and the mother.69 A study that evaluated state-level prevalence estimates of prenatal and early postnatal cannabis use in a state with legalized medical and recreational cannabis showed that the self-reported prevalence of cannabis use at any time during pregnancy was 5.7±0.5% and the prevalence of early postnatal cannabis use among women who breastfed was 5.0% (95% CI, 4.1–6.2). Prenatal cannabis use was associated with a 50% increased likelihood of low birth weight independently of maternal age, race/ethnicity, level of education, and tobacco use during pregnancy (OR,?1.5 [95% CI, 1.1–2.1]; P=0.02).70 A systematic review and meta-analysis of prenatal exposure to cannabis and maternal and child health outcomes demonstrated that women who used cannabis during pregnancy had an increased odds of anemia (OR, 1.36 [95% CI, 1.10–1.69]) compared with women who did not use cannabis during pregnancy. Similarly, compared with infants whose mothers did not use cannabis during pregnancy, infants exposed to cannabis in utero had a higher risk for low birth weight (OR,1.77 [95% CI, 1.04–3.01]; pooled mean difference for birth weight, 109.42 g [95% CI, 38.72–180.12, respectively]).71 Tetrahydrocannabinol has also been found in breast milk for up to 6 days after the last recorded use, potentially affecting the newborn’s brain development and resulting in hyperactivity, poor cognitive function, and other long-term consequences.69
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists holds that women who are pregnant or contemplating pregnancy should be encouraged to discontinue marijuana use. Women reporting marijuana use should be counseled about concerns for potential adverse health consequences of continued use during pregnancy.72 In 2018, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended advising all adolescents and young women that if they become pregnant, marijuana should not be used during pregnancy.73
“Safety Considerations
Acute Effects
In the short term, cannabis consumption has been associated with euphoria, as well as cardiovascular (eg, tachycardia, premature ventricular contractions, atrial fibrillation, and ventricular arrhythmia), bronchopulmonary (bronchitis), ocular (blurred vision), psychological (altered judgment, dysphoria, and anxiety; paranoia and psychosis with higher doses), and psychomotor (impaired motor coordination) effects.5,12,13,19 Because of the increased systemic absorption, slower time to onset, and peak effect compared with smoked cannabis, edible consumption appears more likely to result in adverse effects, particularly psychiatric and cardiovascular, prompting acute medical care.5
Cardiac- and Vascular-Specific Effects
Cannabis has multiple effects on the cardiovascular system (Figure 5).20–22 Tetrahydrocannabinol stimulates the sympathetic nervous system while inhibiting the parasympathetic nervous system; increases heart rate, myocardial oxygen demand, supine blood pressure, and platelet activation; and is associated with endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress. In contrast, CBD may reduce heart rate and blood pressure, improves vasodilation in models of endothelial dysfunction, and reduces inflammation and vascular hyperpermeability in diabetic models.20–22 Compared with smoking tobacco, smoking and inhaling cannabis regardless of THC content has been shown to increase the concentrations of blood carboxyhemoglobin 5-fold with a 3-fold increase in tar.23 Carbon monoxide intoxication, which varies depending on the mode of administration, depth of inspiration, and length of breath holding, has been associated with endothelial dysfunction, increased oxidation of lipoproteins, and impaired oxygen binding, as well as various cardiac clinical presentations such as cardiomyopathy, angina, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), arrhythmia, cardiac failure, pulmonary edema, cardiogenic shock, and sudden death.24
In states where cannabis has been legalized, an increase in hospitalizations and emergency department visits for AMI and cannabis-associated adverse effects has been observed.26,48 Case reports and observational studies also support a temporal relationship between cannabis use and atrial fibrillation, although conflicting, as well as AMI occurring mostly in young men without ischemic disease.20,22,36 In a recent analysis of the National Inpatient Sample database from 2010 to 2014, Desai et al36 identified 2?459?856 hospitalized cannabis users, of whom 66?179 (2.7%) experienced arrhythmias, mostly commonly atrial fibrillation. There is also the matter of concomitant use of tobacco or other drugs among marijuana users, which is inadequately accounted for in data collection and statistical adjustment. Among ever tobacco users, cannabis use was associated with an increase in abdominal and coronary artery calcification.46
Cannabis exposure has been associated with an increased risk for cerebrovascular accidents.20 In an retrospective evaluation of the Personality and Total Health Through Life study, which included participants 20 to 24 years of age (n=2404), 40 to 44 years of age (n=2530), and 60 to 64 years of age (n=2551) in 1999 to 2000, 2000 to 2001, and 2001 to 2002, respectively, Hemachandra et al38 found a 3.3-fold risk of stroke/transient ischemic attack in cannabis users within the past year. However, this elevated risk was specific only to participants who used cannabis weekly or more often, not those who used cannabis less often.
Although controversial, smoking cannabis has also been associated with peripheral arteriopathy or cannabis arteritis resembling thromboangiitis obliterans (eg, Buerger disease). More than 20% of lower extremity arteriopathy in young adults may be caused by such vasculitis; however, these estimates may be confounded because 97% of those who smoke cannabis also smoke tobacco.50 Although the pathogenesis is poorly understood, a synergistic interaction between tobacco smoke and cannabis may exist, contributing to some patients developing a peripheral nonatheromatous arteriopathy.50,51 Nonetheless, cannabis arteritis should be considered in young adults <50 years of age presenting with peripheral vascular disease.
Overall, evidence is still inconclusive for cannabis use and adverse cardiovascular outcomes, resulting in an urgent need for carefully designed, prospective short- and long-term studies. Ideally, controlled trials of various forms and routes of administration would be tested, but rigorous study of recreational drugs remains a challenge.
Smoking and Vaping Administration Concerns
Cannabis smoke contains many of the same carcinogens and mutagens as tobacco smoke.5,12,20 In addition, cannabis smoking is associated with a variety of histopathological changes in respiratory tissues, similar to those in tobacco smokers. However, limited and conflicting evidence from epidemiological studies has not shown a robust and consistent association between cannabis use and various types of cancer.52 Low-strength evidence suggests that smoking marijuana long term may be associated with the development of testicular cancer. Findings for lung cancer are mixed and confounded by few marijuana-only smokers, poor exposure assessment, and inadequate adjustment within studies.52 The association between long-term heavy cannabis smoking (without tobacco) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease remains unclear; however, chronic bronchitis has been reported.5,12
Finally, with the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the novel coronavirus severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, tobacco smokers appear to be more likely than nonsmokers to have severe symptoms of COVID-19 (relative risk, 1.4 [95% CI, 0.98–2.00]) and much more likely to be admitted to an intensive care unit, to need mechanical ventilation, or to die (relative risk, 2.4 [95% CI, 1.43–4.04]).53 Whether this risk also extends to smoking or vaping cannabis is not known.
In June 2018, the US Food and Drug Administration issued a warning about health emergencies associated with the consumption of synthetic illicit products laced with brodifacoum, an anticoagulant compound found in rat poison.54 As of February 18, 2020, a total of 2807 hospitalized patients with e-cigarette or vaping use–associated lung injuries or deaths have been reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 2 US territories (Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands). Sixty-eight deaths have been confirmed in 29 states and the District of Columbia.55 Most patients attest to a history of using THC-containing products. On the basis of national and state findings, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that products containing THC, particularly those on the black market or from other informal sources (eg, friends, family members, illicit dealers), are linked to most of the cases and play a major role; however, the role of nicotine-containing products cannot be excluded.56 Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified vitamin E acetate, often used as an oil-based solvent in THC and other vaping products, as a possible cause for e-cigarette, or vaping, product use–associated lung injury.56 However, these findings are based on a relatively small number of tissue samples. Nonetheless, on the basis of these findings, cannabis vaping should be avoided.
In addition, over-the-counter topical CBD products sold in pharmacies do not fall under the US Food and Drug Administration regulatory oversight guidance, review, and inspection and, within that, the Good Manufacturing Practice regulations. Thus, the potential exists for these products to contain impurities such as heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides.56
Chronic Side Effects
With continued long-term use, tolerance will develop as a result of reduced availability of the cannabinoid receptors, principally the CB1 receptor.20 Long-term users may experience a withdrawal syndrome when cannabis is suddenly stopped, the dose is decreased, or the formulation is changed. Signs and symptoms consist of anger, anxiety, restlessness, irritability, depressed mood, disturbed sleep, strange dreams, decreased appetite, weight loss, headache, and night sweats. These symptoms typically begin a few days after cannabis cessation or a reduction in use or dose, with symptoms peaking after ?10 days and ending after 30 days.5,12 Long-term, heavy (THC-predominant) cannabis use is associated with an increased risk of hyperemesis syndrome characterized by prodromal symptoms of abdominal discomfort and nausea leading to intractable vomiting. Significant evidence from preclinical, clinical, and epidemiological studies supports an association between cannabis (especially THC-predominant cannabis) and an increased risk of psychosis and schizophrenia, particularly in individuals with a predisposition to such disorders and those with initial use early in adolescence.5,12
Addiction Considerations
Cannabis use has addictive potential and is associated with the development of cannabis use disorder (CUD).57,58 Addiction to cannabis has been reported in ?9% of users, 17% of those who begin use in adolescence, and 25% to 50% of those who are daily users. Similar to other substance use disorders, individuals with CUD display symptoms related to impaired control over consumption and physical dependence. Using data from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, Hasin et al58 reported that 3 of 10 past-year cannabis users met the criteria for CUD and that the 30% prevalence of CUD was greater than that for alcohol use disorder (17.5%). According to epidemiological studies, risk factors for CUD include higher rates of edible consumption and vaping, higher THC potency and lower CBD content, and younger age at initiation.59,60 However, the prevalence of CUD may be higher because the current estimates are based on self-reported survey and interview data and may use the older Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition criteria. Hence, the CUD definition used may not include cravings or cannabis withdrawal.60 Although limited data exist, regular cannabis use, especially in adolescence, may serve as a gateway to the use of illicit drugs, harmful alcohol consumption, and nicotine dependence in young adulthood.61–63 Furthermore, this relationship may be bidirectional, particularly in adolescents and young adults.63
Drug-Drug Interactions
Drug interactions with cannabis can be expected to vary considerably in clinical significance given the wide variability in products, potencies, ratios of THC and CBD, doses, routes of administration, and populations using cannabinoids. However, many interactions can be predicated by the pharmacokinetics of the cannabinoid and potential concomitant drug (Table 1).5,20,64,65 In vitro experiments suggest that THC has the potential to inhibit CYP (cytochrome P450) 3A4/4, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and CYP2D6, whereas CBD also has the potential to inhibit CYP3A4/5, CYP2C19, CP2D6, and CYP1A2.5 Tetrahydrocannabinol can induce CYP1A2, particularly with smoked cannabis. Preclinical and animal data suggest that cannabinoids can inhibit systemic transport proteins such as BCRP (breast cancer–resistant protein) and p-glycoprotein activity, decrease protein expression of P-glycoprotein, and increase protein expression of BCRP.5,64,65 However, the concentrations used greatly exceeded systemic concentrations likely observed in humans, suggesting that systemic transporter-mediated drug interaction with cannabinoids is unlikely.5 Pharmacokinetic studies with Epidiolex suggest that CBD is not a substrate or inhibitor of P-glycoprotein or OATPs (organic anion transport proteins) such as OATP1B1 or OATP1B2 but is an inhibitor of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase1A9 and 2B7.5Table 4 summarizes known and potential drug-drug interactions with both phytocannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoids.5,20,64,65"
This guy is on point. Go Trevo, expose those addicts.
I want to add proof to the equation for those of you who keep ignoring the proof he provided.
Duke University psychologist Terrie Moffitt, PhD, and colleagues collected data from the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, longitudinal research that has followed 1,000 New Zealanders born in 1972. Participants answered questions about marijuana use at 18, 21, 26, 32 and 38. They also underwent neuropsychological testing at ages 13 and 38.
The team found that persistent marijuana use was linked to a decline in IQ, even after the researchers controlled for educational differences. The most persistent users — those who reported using the drug in three or more waves of the study — experienced a drop in neuropsychological functioning equivalent to about six IQ points (PNAS, 2012). “That’s in the same realm as what you’d see with lead exposure,” says Weiss. “It’s not a trifle.”
As a mental health professional for over 25 years with multiple certifications and licenses, I have to AGREE COMPLETELY WITH THE AUTHOR. Those of you responding with anger don’t have any data to the contrary of the article. And you are not even able to refute the data in the article. So you just say there is none.
I guess you just close your eyes and click your heels like Dorothy after you finish smoking marijuana. Not only is there quite a bit of evidence to show what marijuana does, I can show you study after study after study. But that won’t matter to those of you who are “psychologically dependent” just like the author said.
You people have deceived yourselves and a light shined on your self-deception makes you angry. Well too bad. Face the truth.
Thanks For Proving My Points
Are you a zombie? Look at the evidence cited. Then go and look at the comments I added, including data, hard evidence and facts from the Mayo Clinic, the CDC, Healthline, the CDC again, A mental health association and WebMD. YOU ARE IN DENIAL AND NOT SEEING WHAT YOU DON’T WANT TO SEE!
When I work with clients in de-programming them from self-sabotaging behavior and brainwashing, I use methods or triggers to tell just how deeply they are deceived, psychologically hooked, indoctrinated or stuck.
1. Take something away or threaten to take it away from a person and if they are hooked, you will
see anger develop. They will lash out at those who bring the truth.
2. You will also see that facts, proof and evidence do no matter to them, even if they are damaging or destroying themselves. This is a strong sign of indoctrination, brainwashing, psychological and/or biochemical addiction.
3. For heavy weed smokers, watch what happens when they can’t have any. Watch what happens if they are incarcerated. And even watch them at work, especially when stressful conditions arise.
Psychological dependency is often not called “addiction” because addiction is seen more as biochemical. Therefore people don’t even know they are mentally hooked.
And again, people are making comments and throwing out insults with no evidence to refute the medical and scientific data.
I didn’t really see any published studies or peer reviewed articles cited in this diatribe. I’m not really for smoking pot, but, the facts that he claims to be facts are not backed up. So, it is either poorly written, or a straw man argument to discredit those who don’t want to see pot legalized. I can’t really tell which. I do think there are some surprising side effects to smoking pot. Some of the things that I’ve observed have never really been studied, but, I believe they should be. In general, what I’ve observed is pot heads are somewhat simple. They don’t remember well and it seems that they hold simplified views on everything. On the other hand, it seems certain skills and activities are enhanced to some degree. The most troubling things I’ve noted is a lack of inhibition. I mean, just like with alcohol, sometimes people strive for a loosening of the tethers of our natural state of mind, but, it can go a lot longer with weed smokers. I also think it has a feminizing effect on males. They become quite chatty, almost like a group of women under the effects of marijuana. I wonder if people have studied the link between homosexuality and smoking pot. I know that the usage rates of marijuana in the gay community is through the roof in comparison to the straight community, but, I haven’t read any credible studies that would suggest causality or that have even studied this link, I’ve just seen it and wondered. I also think we’d have enough data on pot smokers that we could make some generalizations of life expectancy if somebody is a heavy pot smoker, but, either, it doesn’t change the life expectancy, or, it is just ignored. I know several pot smoking friends that have passed on at young ages, but, the death was blamed on accidents, aids, and pre-existing conditions, so maybe smoking weed didn’t play any part in it. Without somebody actually doing statistical analysis on these things, we can’t really say anything.
Are you a zombie? Look at the evidence cited. Then go and look at the comments I added, including data, hard evidence and facts from the Mayo Clinic, the CDC, Healthline, the CDC again, A mental health association and WebMD. YOU ARE IN DENIAL AND NOT SEEING WHAT YOU DON’T WANT TO SEE!
When I work with clients in de-programming them from self-sabotaging behavior and brainwashing, I use methods or triggers to tell just how deeply they are deceived, psychologically hooked, indoctrinated or stuck.
1. Take something away or threaten to take it away from a person and if they are hooked, you will
see anger develop. They will lash out at those who bring the truth.
2. You will also see that facts, proof and evidence do no matter to them, even if they are damaging or destroying themselves. This is a strong sign of indoctrination, brainwashing, psychological and/or biochemical addiction.
3. For heavy weed smokers, watch what happens when they can’t have any. Watch what happens if they are incarcerated. And even watch them at work, especially when stressful conditions arise.
Psychological dependency is often not called “addiction” because addiction is seen more as biochemical. Therefore people don’t even know they are mentally hooked.
And again, people are making comments and throwing out insults with no evidence to refute the medical and scientific data.
Duke University psychologist Terrie Moffitt, PhD, and colleagues collected data from the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, longitudinal research that has followed 1,000 New Zealanders born in 1972. Participants answered questions about marijuana use at 18, 21, 26, 32 and 38. They also underwent neuropsychological testing at ages 13 and 38.
The team found that persistent marijuana use was linked to a decline in IQ, even after the researchers controlled for educational differences. The most persistent users — those who reported using the drug in three or more waves of the study — experienced a drop in neuropsychological functioning equivalent to about six IQ points (PNAS, 2012). “That’s in the same realm as what you’d see with lead exposure,” says Weiss. “It’s not a trifle.”
You forgot to mention that smoking the weed will make white women start dating black men. And the well known fact that your college graduate son may start smoking weed and become a jazz musician.
Dude, what a load of crap.
Very intentionally misleading article.
It may leave uniformed readers with the impression that Trevor Craw knows anything.
There is no “data” here… just bullshit clickbait. This article is pure conjecture and about as useful as a poopy flavored lollipop. To echo the sentiments of many, graduated Summa Cum Laude, member of MENSA, created generational wealth for my family & have been smoking regularly since I was 18. No pills, no alcohol dependency.
This “article” should be labeled as an “op-ed” because it’s not based in any facts or data. I respect the author’s right to have an opinion – it just shouldn’t be mislabeled as factual supported by data. Makes the author no better than Donald Trump.
Duke University psychologist Terrie Moffitt, PhD, and colleagues collected data from the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, longitudinal research that has followed 1,000 New Zealanders born in 1972. Participants answered questions about marijuana use at 18, 21, 26, 32 and 38. They also underwent neuropsychological testing at ages 13 and 38.
The team found that persistent marijuana use was linked to a decline in IQ, even after the researchers controlled for educational differences. The most persistent users — those who reported using the drug in three or more waves of the study — experienced a drop in neuropsychological functioning equivalent to about six IQ points (PNAS, 2012). “That’s in the same realm as what you’d see with lead exposure,” says Weiss. “It’s not a trifle.”
I read many of your baseless, rude, ignorant, biased and uninformed comments. And while I stay busy as an advanced life coach making a difference in quite a few lives, I have to ask what do many of you do – other than ignore the facts, the evidence and the data? But because of lack of time, I will address a few key areas. I run from no debate nor discussion. Still, no matter what evidence I show you, many of you just don’t want the truth and can’t handle the truth. So for you, I will not waste my time. Go smoke pot and mix it with the Covid-19 vaccine for all I care.
To the rest of you who have fully functioning brain cells left, I want to address a few issues. Not issues like whether or not Israel has been using marijuana to cure cancer, give me a break. And yes I knew Dr. Sebi personally.
First comments that simply make insults instead of even attempting to offer any evidence to refute the proof in this article go to the back of the line. In fact, you just want to do what you want regardless of the facts. To people like that, I say you are only following the zombie crowd, not thinking for yourself and likely have not even read the evidence.
Using flowery language like “wolf tickets” LTP? Is that the best accusation you can come up with? Did you even read the evidence and the data? I dare you to read and comprehend it, even half of it. I am not a ticketmaster and I did not create the hard evidence. So I don’t sell tickets old school.
Second of all, overall facts don’t change simply because you want them to nor because you don’t like them. Too bad. Bryan says the only people who have problems from marijuana are weak minded people. But Bryan there are several problems with that argument. First, that is your opinion. The scientific and medical data does not say that so who are you? Look at the data in the article and if you need more, email me. Though I doubt a ton of evidence and proof would change your mind.
Also Bryan, what test are you using to tell who is “weak-minded”? Where is your data? Where are your stats and studies and test groups? That’s what I thought. You did not supply ANY. Try again.
Leeza thank you for addressing the issue of a clear minded instead of clouded zombies who think they can smoke away their problems. The norm seems to be people dumbed down, asleep and having neither idea nor effort towards reaching their potential. Today that is looked at as the in crowd.
Evon, you are wrong. The facts, hard evidence and proof are not “my viewpoint”. And you start off just as I anticipated people would. So I ask you as well, have you even read the evidence? And I did not even include more data I have from dozens of rehab facilities, mental health and social workers. Marijuana, from a reputable source or not, still contains THC and that is addictive. It still kills brain cells. Why do you ignore the medical and scientific data? And crippled by pain? Medical marijuana is something I did not speak against because it is used vs the alternative (pain etc.) You are completely missing the point. And because you are giving your opinion and experiences, you think I am doing the same. Wrong. I deal in facts and evidence.
Other than your limited personal experiences, what evidence, scientific data, proof and verifiable facts do you offer to refute the data I have provided in this article?
Keith, show proof. Put up or shut up. And you showed no evidence to refute the proof in this article. NONE
Roddy, my articles are read nationwide and help quite a few people. Proof is not something a 5 year old usually adds a lot of. Your comment sounds like a pot head.
Frank Stone I am not disguised as anybody who cares. How many people have you helped? My list is extensive. And yet again, you are another joke with insults but no proof to refute anything in the article. Just talk.
Steph can you read? Research attached. And there is much more. What are you talking about? You must be a weedhead to have missed it.
John did you read the evidence? Alcohol and tobacco are not the issue here so stop with the diversionary tactic of setting up strawman articles. You can write an article addressing those two. I didn’t fail to address them. I did not plan to in this article. Try to keep up.
Mike Jones, insults from a small minded person who has no proof to refute this article. And by the way, dogshit is often used in street weed. Did you know that? So you are what you smoke.
I am out of time for responses. But if I did not get to you, don’t think I can not demolish your insults. I suggest you read the data, the evidence, the proof. Argue with the scientists, medical and mental health professionals who did the research. Don’t get mad at the mailman just because you are losing brain cells.
Also look up the data on how marijuana impacts attention span. Or did you just forget what I said? Look at the numbers in education of how many dropout students use marijuana on a regular basis. Not coincidence. And if you are still not convinced, you just don’t want the truth. And pot has already done a job on you.
Many of you smoke it because you have no problem resolution skills and don’t know how to handle conflicts in life. Others because you are very addicted. Others because friends do it and like getting tattoos, you want to fit in instead of being your own person. YOU KNOW WHAT I JUST SAID IS TRUE AND THAT MARIJUANA IS HARMFUL, BUT YOU DON’T CARE BECAUSE YOU DON’T KNOW ANY OTHER WAY TO DEAL WITH LIFE OTHER THAN A CLOUDED MIND!
At a time when minds need to be crystal clear, you potheads want to cloud them up. How dumb is that? Be honest.
Lastly, if you think marijuana is so good and innocent, why is it against the rules on so many jobs to be under the influence of it? How would you like a surgeon to be high on marijuana when he performs your operation? Or a police officer when he is shooting at a suspect near you? Or an ambulance driver or pilot? WAKE UP, I DARE YOU.
While you have some points and data and it may be somewhat unhealthy if abused, there are plenty of people who can smoke in moderation without health or societal issues. No reason they should suffer because others can’t control themselves and go overboard. There are countless 100% legal substances that alter thinking and can/do cause harm, especially if abused, from alcohol (do you drink, hypocrite?) to cigs to caffeine to over-the-counter sleep aids etc. Where’s your pushy article to get everyone to believe those should be banned? Your response to everyone was lengthy. I thought you said you stay busy as a life coach. Do that instead of articles.
I’ve smoked weed since high school own my own business returned to school in my 40’s so your claims are baseless. and educate yourself medical weed is the exact same weed they are selling t me at the dispensary for rec.its and i’m almost 60
The only people that would have these problems are mentally weak to begin with. So yeah, if your mentally and emotionally weak, don’t smoke weed. Also, been smoking weed literally for 42 of my 56 years, have a college education making $61K a year and not a single “breathing problem”. Again, if you have the issues mentioned in this article, you had them long before smoking any weed!
This article, and all of the points within, are the definition of “Wolf Tickets” – just utter nonsense and pushing old “Reefer Madness” tropes…pathetic.
I think a lot of readers/commentors are missing the general point that for all the hype, ingesting weed is, at the end of the day, not good for people at the recreational level. And for all the reasons he listed. I think it’s also important to note that today’s weed is not the same as yesterday’s brick weed. When I was in high school in the 90s and college in the early 00s, I smoked weed daily. Mid-college I quit because I found it to be a real time suck and a motivation killer. Then later as an adult in my 30s and 40s I tried it again and smoked periodically. The product now is not the same as the product then. The potency is much higher than it was back in the day, which is pretty frightening even to someone who was a veteran pothead. Now I don’t touch it at all. I want my mind clear so I can attend to my life with clarity. Not all weed is created equally and the caution regarding laced products should be heeded. Particularly with the problems of fentanyl. Also, as a parent who is raising a teen in an environment where it seems like everyone has mental health issues and mental health issues are themselves a hot button issue, you would think people would pay attention to the fact that like alcohol, weed is a depressant. Ergo, weed is not good for your mental health, no matter what any whiteboy dreadhead tells you. And as far as aboveboard legal shops caring about the consumer – I don’t buy that. Bottom line is what they care about are profits which are huge with drugs of any kind. Ask big pharma, they’ll agree. As a sidenote, the legal weed industry is not doing very well because of the black market. The black market will never ever go away unless peoples’ desire to disassociate and avoid their problems stops. Funnily it seems now that weed is the opiate of the masses. It easy to ignore the world when you can’t process it with a clear set of senses.
It’s interesting that you start with the statement that anyone who is pro-cannabis will not accept your ‘truth’, and will use any tactic to deny what you are saying. Interesting because you yourself are doing the very thing you just threw out against the ‘other side’, since it is clear that you will not listen to anything that shows your own viewpoint is wrong. I use cannabis, and I get my product from reputable, regulated stores here in Washington state. Do we need to crack down on black-market dealers? Yes, but here with this article you are just spouting the same, overused, ridiculous ‘facts’ that the federal government (and their backers) have been pushing for decades. I used to be just like you, grew up with all the DARE hype and was certain that just standing NEXT to someone who’d used cannabis was dangerous, like it was contagious. But when I ended up crippled by several pain conditions and so doped up on opiods from pain clinics that I couldn’t even function, I took a step back and decided to give it a try out of desperation. And then I was just furious with people like you and the government, for lying to everyone for decades about all of it. Alcohol is by FAR more dangerous than cannabis, and so are cigarettes. Just how hard ARE the tobacco and alcohol industries cheering you (and all those with these ridiculous, spoon-fed ‘opinions’) on – and how much is it costing them, I wonder???
The industry knows what it is doing to you and it wants you to be a ZOMBIE so you will be easily controllable, asleep and unaware of what is happening around you, including to your health. And what do you do? Defend what they are tricking you into doing to yourself. How dumb is that?
By the way idiots. State Law in Israel since the 60’s leading the way in curing cancer with…..Marijuana. How about the Endocanniboid System we have in our body that the only things that fit those receptor’s……Marijuana/Hemp/CBD molecules.
Watch “weed the People” on Netflix. Real info instead of this uneducated BS!!
Such Bullshit. Ive been smoking since I was 10. Now 55, I own 3 businesses and still can hold my breath end to end in a Olympic size swimming pool. I have a great life.
what a joke lol who wrote this? a five year old ?
No, it was obvy written by “the man” in disguise as someone who pretends to care about public health.
I think it was because it’s not backed up by research. In fact, the article makes fun of those that don’t research the use and then does not in fact back it up by research, only opinion.
This article is a great proving point why cannabis should be legalized. Once legalized and grown by people who care about its consumers, then it is grown pesticide and herbicide free and can be regulated so people know they aren’t buying it laced.
Also, you failed to mention that alcohol and tobacco are legal and kill hundreds of thousands of people a year. How many deaths can you link directly to cannabis? Alcohol is advertised on prime Television, at every convenient store and grocery store. Tobacco is sold everywhere. Maybe focus on things that are… actually killing Americans?
This article is full of right wing lies. Im now convinced thyblackman is ran by someone other than a “black man”.
this is the most dogshit article that I have ever read, it is full of lies, and right wing propaganda. Whoever wrote this is the one who is lying, I dont usually comment on stuff, but this is the worst piece of media I have ever read
This article is full of bull. stop spreading fear to sell clicks losers..There is so much malicious non factual info here it may as well be 1930 again
everytime someone i run into says they dont care about weed i tell them they are fools and dont see that this stuff screws people up in the head. i agree with your article. keep up the good job
Thanks for the wonderful information. I always love seeing Thy Black Man articles. They are very informative. Keep up the wonderful work…
The article was on https://www.msn.com/, but for some reason, they didn’t like my post which is what I put here.
You sound so uneducated and silly.
Bill Gates? My man!