(ThyBlackMan.com) The pattern in the Club Q mass carnage is disturbingly the same. You have a young white alleged shooter. In this case a guy who goes by the name Anderson Lee Aldrich. You have multiple deaths and injuries from the shooting. You have a clear history of violence by the alleged shooter. You have social media postings from him that strongly indicate warped, unabashed hate rants.
You have the victims in a well-known club that caters to LGBT clientele. Most grotesquely you a shooter who obviously targets patrons of the club because they are gay. The motive is palpable. The hatred is even more palpable. A survey earlier this year by the Hate Free Colorado found that nearly a third of adults said they experienced bias, or a hate crime based on their sexual orientation.
Yet officials following the Club Q slaughter gave only tentative indication that Aldrich will be prosecuted both on multiple murder charges and state hate crime charges.
The immediate reason prosecutors give for slow-walking hate crime prosecutions in cases such as the Club Q slayings is that it is tough to fathom, let alone, prove that the alleged assailant killed solely because he hated the victims because of their race, gender, or in the case of Club Q, because of their sexual preference. The Colorado legislature loosened the law in 2021 to make bias motivation only one factor in determining what is a hate crime.
The great danger in not quickly slapping hate crime charges in these cases is that it minimizes and marginalizes hate violence. Hate crimes, and especially hate crime violence, remain grossly under-reported and prosecuted.
The Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics tracked hate crime reporting and violence from 2003 to 2011. Its findings were appalling. It found that a huge portion of hate crimes are never reported to law enforcement. It found that a considerable number of the hate crimes that are both reported and un-reported have resulted in serious injury or death to the victims. In fact, the study found that victims of hate violence are more likely to be injured than victims of ordinary crimes of violence.
There is little evidence that this has changed in 2022. This was more than evident in the Hate Free Colorado survey on hate crimes against LGBT individuals.
The even greater problem is that often when hate crimes are reported as such the perpetrators often evade full punishment. This has nothing to do with the First Amendment, but muddled, confused, and outright lax enforcement and prosecution of hate acts. Even when the FBI and local law enforcement agencies ID individuals for their propensity for violence their hands are still tied.
State prosecutors flatly say that the hate perpetrators are more likely to be convicted and get stiff sentences if their crime is treated as just a garden variety criminal case. This makes good legal and political sense — if they’re prosecuted locally and if there’s a hate crime enhancement which is far from assured.
Yet, that’s not the only reason for their hands off on many hate criminals. Except in the highest profile cases, they see these prosecutions as no-win cases with little political gain, and the risk of making enemies of local police and town officials. Hate crimes may be horrific but they are seen as common crimes and are treated as such. Few state prosecutors will chance inflaming racial, gender or sexual orientation passions and hatreds by slapping a hate crime tag on a case except in the most heinous and high-profile cases.
There’s also the belief that hate crimes are mostly a thing of the past. When they do occur, they are isolated acts committed by a handful of quacks, and unhinged young person’s such as Aldrich, and that state authorities vigorously report and prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes. This is a myth.
When Congress passed the Hate Crimes Statistics Act of 1990, it compelled the FBI to collect figures on hate violence. But it did not compel police agencies to report them. Record keeping on hate crimes is still left up to the discretion of local police chiefs and city officials.
Many police departments still refuse to report hate crimes, or to label crimes in which gays, Jews and minorities are targeted because of race, religion, or sexual orientation as hate crimes. Still other police departments don’t bother compiling them because they regard hate crimes as a politically loaded minefield that can tarnish their image and create even more political friction. The official indifference by many police agencies to hate crimes prevents federal officials, even if they wanted to enforce civil rights laws more aggressively, from accurately gauging the magnitude of civil rights violence.
The mass slayings at Club Q scream for a prosecution as a gay hating motivated hate crime. Anything less sends the wrong message about hate.
Written By Earl Ofari Hutchinson
One can find more info about Mr. Hutchinson over at the following site;Â TheHutchinson Report.
Also feel free to connect with him through twitter;Â http://twitter.com/earlhutchins
He is also an associate editor of New America Media. His forthcoming book is From King to Obama: Witness to a Turbulent History (Middle Passage Press).
Some of the people killed & wounded in the 2016 Orlando pulse & 2022 Colorado springs club q shootings were drunk drivers, drug dealers, junkies and molesters.
Fact is that for many years, homosexual groups got what they want, but they were not satisfied with what they first asked for, the willing and knowing adults theory. Gay groups pushed for lowering consent age to 16 years old and that shows the consenting adults theory is false.
Another motto is that facts are homophobic, so it’s right to be a homophobe.
Gays and lesbians get offended when you call them child molesters. They get mad, yet it was gay and lesbian groups who pushed to lower the consent age to 16 and 17 years old.
Some of the people killed and wounded in the Orlando pulse and colorado springs club q shootings were drug dealers, junkies, drunk drivers and molesters.
Lowering consent age has been the case in 37 States where the consent age is 16 and 17 years old. In the other States, consent age is 18 years old. Consent age in the States depending on the state , was 18 to 21 years old until 1970s.
This has also been the case in other nations, the fact that homosexual groups pushed to lower consent ages to 15, 16 and 17, which has been true for many years. And they would go lower if they could.
During the 1960s and 1970s, a claim made against making gay and lesbian conducts by consenting adults legal was that gay groups wouldn’t end there and that gay groups would next ask to lower consent age.
Claim is true, as gay and lesbian groups then pushed over time to lower consent age to 16 and 17 years old and 37 States for many years have 16 and 17 years old as consent age.
It was once statutory rape for an adult to have sex with 16 and 17 years olds, but as consent age was lowered to 16 and 17 years old a long time ago in 37 States, what was statutory rape has for a long time been legal in those States after gay groups pushed to lower consent age.
Lowering consent age makes it easier for adults to abuse adolescents, as gay icon Harvey b. Milk harassed and abused runaway teen boys. Adolescent (teen) runaways are often vulnerable and childhood sex abuse is linked to homosexuality.
Transsexualism is maiming abuse and abolish sex changes. Gay or lgbt groups then pushed to maim kids with those surgeries and dangerous shots and this has been happening for many years.
It is fools anger is when people who say they’re straight get mad when you raise lgbt molesters and some of these straights who say they’re Christian get mad at this. But again, the lgbt groups pushed to lower consent age in 37 states and different nations and this has been a fact for many years, along with maiming kids.
Fact is that childhood sex abuse is linked to a kid turning gay in adulthood. Common theme i hear especially from gay men is that they were molested and the abuse damaged their minds, and caused that. If they had not been sexually abused, they perhaps would’ve turned out straight instead.