Neutralizing The “White” Racist.

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( Now that Black Lives Matters has been effectively neutralized because its founders have been bought off and thus “coonerized”, it’s time that the African American community develop and deploy effective strategies to neutralize the white racist in America. Now that Jesses Jackson has been poisoned by the Covid-19 vaccine, John Lewis is gone, the King family is a tiny shadow of MLK himself and Al Sharpton only comes out to get paid because he is busy with the TV show payoff he accepted, it’s time to neutralize white racism through lawful tactics straight from The Art of War and then some.

So we can keep hoping like Jesse said, dreaming like Martin said and living in the illusion that we have made tremendous progress toward racial equality in America. We can keep believing we had the first “black” president because he looked like us. But he was half Caucasian and half African. And that is something very different from the “black” man or woman in America.

But before we get into the strategies to neutralize the white racist, you must understand that a perpetual war was and has been declared on “black America”. It did not stop when physical slavery ended because mental slavery continued. And that mental slavery produced large numbers of black people who do the biding of the slave masters of today. So when you see a black sheriff, mayor, DA or police chief, look behind them and you will see who is actually pulling the strings and whose interests are always protected.

I will expose black double agents, coons, spies or turncoats. But I will not call them “Uncle Toms” because sadly, many of you do not know Uncle Tom’s Cabin was about the life of Josiah Henson, actually an African-American hero. You didn’t know that because you have not read the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin. You didn’t know that because you simply believed the lies about Josiah that the white racist planted. Then many of you repeated the lies by using Uncle Tom as a traitor to African Americans. Ironically you should read the book – and fast.



Just because you can drive what the white man drives, live in houses like his, go to school with his children, play golf on his golf course, work in his corporation, vacation where he goes and get paid by his payroll department, you think you have arrived. No you have not. And simply overstepping your boundaries will allow him to show you that he still rules over most of you. So many of you will do anything to please him, even protecting his corporate plantations as if they were your own. You see, that is mental slavery, especially when it blemishes, blocks, deteriorates and destroys your allegiance to your own people.

So enter Donald Trump, the narcissist, racist, criminal, opportunist who is neither democrat nor republic. A capitalist who made the most ignorant white racists in America feel empowered to hunt down the Ahmaud Arberies and kill the George Floyds of the black community. I cannot breathe and if you think you can, you better wake up to realize what you are inhaling is the poison of racist brainwashing.

Before you read any further, do I believe all Caucasians are racist? No. Do I believe in separation? No. Do I hate Caucasian people? No, I address each person for who he or she is. But yet when patterns develop in groups and predictable behavior becomes the norm, it is what it is. So if it walks like a racist, looks like a racist, talks like a racist and smells like a racist, guess what? Oh and for all those Caucasian people who swear they are not racists, let’s see what would happen of their sons or daughters were dating a “black” man, woman, boy or girl. Guess who is NOT coming to dinner?

So what strategies can we deploy to neutralize the Caucus mountain cave dwelling suddenly walking upright racist who believe he is superior? First you must realize that he/she/it has declared war on people of your color and get out of denial about that. Second, you must expose the racist and his/her tactics where ever and whenever you find them (keeping your methods legal). If it is lawful, put their pictures (and other info) on social media.  Social media is the new gun so load up, put them on blast and blast away. But watch out for their brainwashed slave guard dogs who look like us. They are not of us.

What next? Here is the social psychology of war on a societal state of being. There is segregation but we know that is bad. There is separation, but we know they will never let it be “separate but equal” and its time the HBCUs admitted that fact. Then there is assimilation where you try to fit it to their world and their ways but lose your identity in the process. No matter how you laugh like them, talk like them and hang out with them, they smile but do not consider you as one of “them”. Thus that won’t work. There is integration, but that does very little in the way of ethnic empowerment in a war. Integration is more of going along to get along. Finally there is infiltration, a very effective tool of war. You gain access to your enemy’s strongholds from the inside and use their weapons to help your people and cause. In that way, the racist machine reloads, the stronger YOU get. I won’t spoil it for you, but read or listen to The Art of War.


When you encounter a racist it is going to make you mad. And when you do the right thing, the smart thing, the lawful thing, you are going to still be mad, feeling like the racist got away with what he or she did or said. But they didn’t because you took the high road and avoided stooping to their level. It won’t feel like this at first, but as time goes on and you think about it, the revelation of what I just said will sink in. Plus there are plenty of ways to deal with him or her legally, lawfully and effectively.

Sometimes its hard to do the right thing. Many times being the bigger person is frustrating. But most times when you can do both, you come out ahead. Especially when the racist wants to lure you into a trap where you react without thinking, giving him or her the advantage. Yes this is psychological warfare and you have to out think your enemy, not act like him, not give in to him, not fall for his tricks or traps and instead outsmart him. That is what the racist is NOT expecting. That is what will cause you to win out over the one who has made you his enemy. And the unique part of it all is that he (or she) will not even realize you won. So don’t react to the racist, respond, rise above or ignore the piece of garbage that he or she is. But be of good cheer because the racist, whether he is wearing a suit, a sheet or a badge, will get his. And it won’t just come from God. It will come from some who reacts to that racist without thinking. Someone not patient at all. Someone who had enough and feels he or she has nothing to lose. Just don’t let that be you, ever.

Sadly, the African American community is continually losing ground on racial equality. In part because too many of us want to live in denial of the truth. In part because too many of us want to re-invent the wheel instead of simply flipping it and rolling it back at them twice as hard. Too many of us want to create a new playbook when the same playbook they use will work against the racist, his followers, supporters and teammates. Too many of you want to accept the payoffs, never realizing that those who paid you off with money, title or pseudo-status will never respect that you have turned against your own. And thus the Caucasian racist down deep can never trust you.

Do you think I am reaching? Let’s see. VP Kamala ran to marry a “white” man, yet locked up so many “black” men that a prison should be named after her. Clarence Thomas is married to a white woman. Jerome Adams, former Surgeon Puppet General, married one of Massa’s daughters too. And Herman Cain cheated on his African American wife, every time but one with a “white” woman. And even the time he cheated with a woman of color, her last name was WHITE. All true and none coincidence. And that list just scratches the surface.

How does the white racist get away with so much in the neighborhoods, in the courts, behind the badges, in the corporations, the media and every other industry? He exploits the division in the African American community. Slave-minded division that causes us to work against each other, go only for self and have no loyalty to our own people. All the while many of you would not dare try those things with the modern-day slave master. Why not? Because you have rock solid brainwashed allegiance to your master. And even though you never lived on a physical plantation, your mind never left it.

So what else can you do to neutralize the once Caucasian cave dweller’s poison? You can know your identity and share it. You can challenge your people to have loyalty to each other and stand together. You can spread that to the younger generations and any of them who will listen. If you encounter a Jethro, Karen or Becky acting out, don’t get ignorant like they are. Pull out your cell phone, click on video and start recording them. Don’t argue, dial 911 and put it on speaker phone so 911 dispatch can record their ignorance for you to use as evidence, if need be. You see, the key to neutralizing a racist is to out think him or her, not to meet their ignorance with your own.

One important thing you can do is arm yourself and be ready to protect yourself and your family. In law enforcement there is a saying. It is better to be tried by 12 (a jury) than to be carried by 6 (pallbearers). And I completely agree. So if you are a democrat, so be it. But stop letting the democratic party disarm you, make you afraid of guns and restrict your ability to protect yourself. Wake up people. The police cannot be everywhere just in time, all the time, every time. And some of them (not most) are the very racists you struggle against. There are quite a few Derek Chauvins. Believe that. Even the covert snakes who work in your building, attend church with you and hold political office.

Four centuries of degradation, slavery, racism and oppression is 4 centuries too many. So I call upon every African American reading this article to share it with everybody you know, to fight racism where ever you find it, to think smart and outwit your opponent, to stand together and to find more ways to neutralize the racist. You can, you should, you must. And the Trumps of the world who empowered the racist cave dwellers to climb out of their holes are those fighting for their own eminent demise because even nature has a method of extinction payback.

Staff Writer; Trevo Craw