(ThyBlackMan.com) In some ways, 2020 toughened us up for this year but also sucked up a lot of our energy, resilience, and optimism. With the challenges we faced, it feels like you’ve aged years since COVID-19 struck. This is more than a feeling. According to final data released Dec. 21, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) With a large number of guests and visitors checking in and out of your hotel, managing the security of your organization can be a challenging process. The unpredictability of guests and their huge volume makes your hotel possessions vulnerable to violence, theft, and vandalism, which is why you should ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) We can influence how much our insurance premium will be as well as insurers, such as one sure insurance, offering us the best prices. It is us that chooses which vehicle to drive and look to drive responsibly. In this article, we will look at just what we should ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) In a recent article, I wrote, “Working-Class Americans, and Black America are the “Biggest Losers,” in Biden’s version of Build Back Better, as economic growth and long-term job creation will invariably suffer or be considerably SLOWED.” This has come true, as American workers are now staring at an economic ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) During this holy season of celebration for many faiths, many people spent time, money, and energy searching for presents rather than reflecting on what our faith requires of us. It’s wonderful to share special times and gifts with family and friends, but too many people get overwhelmed by shopping ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) As a Christian Black male and teacher of History/Economics this writer has decided to offer a historical spin on the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict and its effect on History moving forward. To understand the basic metrics and parts of the discretionary dilemma and their anticipated outcomes, US political science has ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) One way to anticipate what may be ahead in politics is to gauge the balance of power in the nation’s two political parties. The Republican Party has always been centered on people regarded by themselves and others as “typical” Americans but who do not by themselves comprise a majority. The ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) “When I hear a firecracker, I panic.” As the new year brought the news that a million people in the United States have died of opioid overdoses since 1999, Andrew Doran wrote a piece in The American Conservative that deserves nationwide attention. The piece is titled “American Orphans in ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Disproportionate mass incarceration of people of color in America continues. The calls for prison reform include proposals to lower telephone rates for prisons throughout the United States. This would benefit African Americans and other communities of color who have family members currently incarcerated. Companies that provide communications services to ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Australia, the world’s smallest continent and one of the world’s biggest nations with a population of over 25 million people, is a hotspot for small and large enterprises alike. So, to capitalise and convert people’s attention to sales and traffic, one of the best moves a business can make ...
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