Style Spotlight: What You Always Wanted to Know About Dreadlocks.

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( If you have the same hairstyle now that you did in high school, you may be ready for a change. While cutting your hair, growing it long, changing your part, or getting bangs might be your go-to methods of switching up your look, maybe it’s time to consider something a bit more drastic.

Even if you have dreadlocks now or have in the past, there’s probably a lot you could learn about this style type. That includes the hairstyle’s origins, different methods of creating dreads, and how to care for your dreadlocks. Before exploring the possibility of trying locs, where and when did this style originate exactly?

The History of Dreadlocks

Dreadlocks date back to 1500 BCE in what is now the country of Greece. European culture wasn’t the only society to wear the style. Ancient Egyptians and people who lived in Asia wore dreadlocks as well. You can also find a history of wearing dreads in various cultures worldwide, including Africa and Australia, and in religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Rastafari.

The style is a fashion statement, a cultural tradition, and a popular hairstyle among professional sports players as well.

The Best Hair Types for Dreads

One of the best things about dreadlocks is that they work with every hair type. The only thing that may differ is how you create your dreads. If you’re just venturing into this style for the first time, it’s best to consult a professional. They can look at your hair and determine which method is best to start. No matter where you live, there’s likely an expert near you. For example, if you are in Georgia, look for a loctician in Atlanta.

black man dreadlocks 2021

What to Ask Your Stylist

During your appointment, tell your hair care professional the goals you have for your hair. Let them know if you ever had dreadlocks before and ask which method would be best to start creating immature locs. Some of the methods they may suggest are:

  • Twist and rip
  • Salon or manicured techniques
  • Freeform
  • Sectioning
  • Backcombing
  • Synthetic

Keep in mind, you won’t walk out of the salon with dreadlocks that will shame Bob Marley.

No matter which method you use to start your dreads, the style takes time to develop into a mature state. So, the locs you see today are not the same you will see down the road, as long as you give them the suitable attention.

That said, you also want to find out the best way to mature your dreads and the proper way to care for them. One of the dangers with this style is that without the right care, mold can develop inside the dreads, which can spell bad news for not only your locs but your hair too.

Maintaining Your Locs

While it would benefit you, in the long run, to listen to what your personal stylist has to say about maturing and maintaining your dreadlocks, here are some things they may suggest. First, you want your hair to stay clean, so you want to wash it but not every day. Aim for at least once per week. Use warm water with a bit of shampoo and coat during the washing, but don’t soak your dreads.

Be sure to rinse them and dry them thoroughly. Visit your stylist every six to eight weeks for tightening. Twisting them too often can cause breakage, so leave it to the professionals and listen to their recommendations regarding maintenance. They may suggest an occasional oil treatment or sleeping in a silk bonnet.

And if you ever decide to change your hairstyle, seek help to keep your hair healthy and robust to avoid damage. Remember, nothing has to be permanent when it comes to your hair, so play around with different styles until you find the one you love.

Staff Writer; Fred Poole