Home Care In Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania – A Guide.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) In our current world, majority of senior citizens living alone need assistance with their various daily tasks. That is one area where home care comes in. This kind of service makes it easy for one to get assistance from the comfort of your own home. However, here are some important things you should know.

Home Care – What Is It Anyway?

The kind of home care in Fox Chapel, PA that residents appreciate provides assistance for people that require constant help with daily activities. For example, people recovering from serious injuries, senior citizens, and people suffering from chronic illnesses. House care covers things like cleaning, light cooking and dressing.

Home Health Vs Home Caregivers

People often mix these two up. Home care focuses on helping aged or disabled people with regular tasks like cleaning and cooking. Providers of such services don’t really need any qualifications.

Home health care, on the other hand, is focused on providing medical assistance in the patient’s house. The goal here is to provide services similar to what you would get at a hospital from the comfort of your house. This service is used by people suffering from various illnesses or recovering from injuries. People who provide such services need to be medically certified.

The duties of home health caregivers include dressing injuries and monitoring the patient’s vitals. They also administer injections, medications, and take care of wounds from surgery. Visit https://dailycaring.com/home-health-care-and-in-home-care-what-do-they-do/ to learn more.

older black man nursing home - 2021



How Much Will This Cost?

Unlike staying at a facility, you don’t have to pay for any extra charges with this kind of service. This gives you the ability to choose and pay for only the services you want. A professional nursing facility can cost you roughly $13,000 a month, while the house care option can cost roughly $1300 per month.

While house care strives to provide similar care to professional facilities, they just can’t be compared sometimes. Don’t get the wrong idea; they are both great. However, you need to be sure that the option you choose is the most convenient for you.

Different Types of Caregivers

While caregivers have similar responsibilities, you need to remember that there are also some differences.


A home health aide (HHA) goes through advanced training and should be licensed. Their duties include changing bandages, administering medication while being supervised by a doctor, and checking vital signs.

Visiting Nurse

These trained professionals provide services such as vaccination, pain treatment, and mental health care.


Certified nursing assistance (CNA) takes care of basic needs such as combing their patient’s hair, bathing the patient, or feeding. CNAs work under registered nurses. Formal training isn’t really required in certain places to get this job. Click here to learn more.

Different Types of Home Health Caregivers Services

Here are some of the different types of health caregiver services:


This type works hand in hand with almost every other type health care service. If you consult a doctor, a nurse will be there to assist. The duties of a nurse include administration of medicine, keeping an eye on the patient’s health, dressing wounds, and intravenous therapy, among other things.

Doctor Services

In some cases, doctors make regular visits to their patient’s house. They check up on the condition of the patient, and adjust medication as required.


Some companies provide transportation for patients that need to move from one place to another for physical examinations or treatment.

Basic Assistance

Homemakers help with various housekeeping chores like preparing meals, cleaning, shopping, and laundry.

Nutritional Support

In some cases, dietitians come to provide nutritional guidance to improve the patient’s health.

Pharmaceutical Services

This kind of services provide medication and medical support when needed. They also provide training on how to use equipment or take medicine.

Medical social services

This kind of workers provide different services for the patient like managing the patients case, locating resources needed for the patient’s recovery, and counselling.


Sometimes patients who live alone may need someone to assist and provide companionship. In some cases, the companions carry out some household chores.


Overall, home care is great for senior citizens or disabled people. It is a lot more convenient than going to a facility. Aside from this, a home care worker can provide companionship if you live alone. Cost will vary depending on the service provider. However, you can be sure that you’ll get what’s favorable if you do your due diligence.

Staff Writer; Paul Barker