(ThyBlackMan.com) The Democrats sold you out. That’s right: With 25-plus million unemployed, and millions more taking pay cuts just to keep their jobs, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats’ newly passed $3 trillion omnibus bill doesn’t help you—the hardworking American—it spends trillions of your tax dollars funding the Left’s radical socialist ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) David Spencer, Public Relations Specialist at Northeastern Technical College (NETC), completed a Certificate in Digital Marketing through Clemson University’s Center for Corporate Learning. The Certificate in Digital Marketing covers marketing methods and tactics, industry terminology, and best practices. Many organizations canceled conferences and workshops due to the Covid-19 pandemic. ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Let’s be honest about leadership. Great leaders should be servants to those who have placed their trust in them. Make no mistake about it, leaders rarely receive even a morsel of the applause they are due. Most citizens believe that they are merely doing their jobs. If the above ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) There is little room to debate against the belief that the fallout from the modern-day lynching of Ahmaud Marquez Arbery at the hands of Greg McMichael and his son Travis has served as yet another reminder of the following things. There is a class of Whites’ that should be ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The 2020 March for Life theme Life Empowers: Pro-life is Pro-Woman provides an opportunity to highlight various suffragists and civil rights activists with remarkable and often heroic stories. Fannie Lou Hamer was one such woman. Born into poverty in 1917, Fannie was the youngest child of 20. By the age of ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Allow me to disabuse you of your naïve delusion that we still live in a country with a justice system and break it to you that no one is going to jail for what was done to Flynn, or for the unmasking business, or for the Russia hoax or, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) When COVID-19 cases throughout the country shut down major sports leagues like the NBA and the NHL and canceled NCAA Basketball Tournaments and the 2020 Summer Olympics in March of 2020, sports fans were reminded of how serious the coronavirus was. It is a life or death situation that ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Being neither a scientist nor a physician, I can only rely on my common sense as to why communities of color have been hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic. And no, I don’t think it’s because Kunta Kinte was forced to change his name to Toby, or the prevalence ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) When any architectural project is in question, the ultimate goal most likely is to sell what you are making. Whether you are trying to attract investors, buyers, or anyone else, the common denomination is that you need to attract them. Attraction is the keyword of the whole process and ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Are you asking yourself the question: how much should I pay my employees? If yes, you can learn all about setting salaries in our guide right here. If you own a business, coming up with a budget for it and sticking to that budget is going to be essential. ...
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