How to drive safely and avoid a car accident.

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( Despite improved vehicle safety, better speed regulations and general public compliance and awareness, car accidents are a regular occurrence on the roads. If you’ve been involved in a car accident, you may want to look into speaking to a car accident lawyer to discuss your situation. 

Many accidents can be avoided with the correct information and awareness. Here are five common causes of accidents, and how they can be avoided.

Assessing the road

A high number of car accidents are caused by drivers failing to look properly and assess the situation on the road. This can be caused by distraction, tiredness, complacency, or laziness. The solution to this problem is fairly simple: stay alert and focused on the road, be vigilant and if you’re feeling tired then take a break.

Misjudgment of speed or another driver’s movements

It’s common for drivers to misjudge another driver’s maneuver at a junction or roundabout, or misread a signal. Another common cause for an accident is to wrongly assume a vehicle will make a maneuver, as making assumptions on other driver’s movements is very risky and could potentially cause a dangerous situation. If you’re unsure, it’s always safer to wait.

Reckless driving when rushing

Unfortunately, many people drive when under time pressure which causes people to drive much more dangerously. When under pressure, people tend to drive more quickly and aggressively. 

People sometimes also use a mobile phone whilst at the wheel, even though this distraction dramatically increases the chance of an accident. After many years of driving, people can form bad habits and can be more susceptible to fast and reckless driving. Taking the speed out of the situation will reduce the likelihood of an accident. If everyone slowed down and was more cautious on the road, then accidents would be far less frequent.

Drink driving

Sadly drink driving is still a prevalent issue that causes many serious accidents, injuries and deaths on the road each year. Being caught under the influence of drugs or alcohol can mean a fine, a ban from driving, a criminal record, or even a prison sentence.

Losing control of your vehicle

If you lose control of your vehicle on the road, it can be a terrifying experience. Accidents, where a car loses control, are usually caused by a maneuver being performed too quickly, such as changing lanes or a bend in the road. 

Weather such as fog, snow, ice and rain can also significantly affect driving conditions. Fog can reduce visibility, snow and ice and cause treacherous driving conditions and rain can induce skidding as well as reduce stopping distances. If a driver does not adjust their driving style to the bad weather, it’s very likely for an accident to happen. 

Car maintenance

It’s also important to maintain your car and keep it in peak condition. By having safe and secure tires, driving slowly and sensibly in bad conditions, you’ll increase your ability to control your vehicle and therefore reduce the chances of having an accident.

Staff Writer; Bobby Barker