Barack Obama — ‘Obamagate’ hardly the worst of former president’s crimes.

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( In 2010, I had occasion to briefly visit my old elementary school in New York. At one point, I came upon a huge and rather dazzling mural in a stairwell that depicted President Barack Hussein Obama alongside Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and other black Americans of historical significance.

I wanted to vomit right there in the stairwell, but I didn’t say a word because I knew that no one present would be receptive to what I had to say. In a strange way, the mural seemed to add insult to injury, as this was the school I attended in April 1968, when Dr. King was assassinated.

At that juncture, I’d been writing about what a scoundrel Barack Obama was for three years already – and the lion’s share of his crimes had yet to be committed. There was even evidence to support the charge that he or parties working on his behalf committed at least one murder to ensure his 2008 candidacy, but of course this was dedicatedly suppressed.

As if black Americans weren’t intellectually stunted enough from 40 years of leftist propaganda and liberal public policy, along came Obama. While well-placed racialist operatives and the shambling morons among us maintain that it’s President Donald Trump who set race relations in America back 50 years, those of us who still possess critical thinking skills (and who were paying attention) saw precisely how Obama and his slimy surrogates achieved that objective over eight years.

Thanks to their efforts, we have effectively lost a generation of young black people who honestly believe that America is an institutionally racist nation that’s being run by a shadowy white patriarchy. They engage in activism, foment real racial division and flap their lips in hatred and anger without a clue as to what real racism and oppression look like. Their twisted worldview will preclude many of them from ever flourishing.

In my opinion, that is the worst of Barack Obama’s crimes. Ironically, it isn’t technically a crime, so there’s no statute under which he can be prosecuted.

Those of us with eyes could see there were highly nefarious machinations in the impeachment of President Trump; now, the real anti-Trump collusion between Beltway heavies and Obama is coming to light. Even though there were documented claims by the Trump campaign of it having been under digital surveillance during the 2016 campaign, the involvement of the Obama cabal attendant to the new allegations is taking some by surprise.

In truth, involvement in the conspiracy to deny Trump the presidency or to remove him from office would not be the worst of Obama’s crimes. During his presidency, Obama, select members of his cabinet and surrogates committed numerous high crimes and misdemeanors. None of these was ever brought to light in a meaningful way due to a complicit press and Republican lawmakers who are effectively acting as double agents for the Deep State establishment.

My columns from 2009 through 2016 included a veritable compendium of Obama’s crimes. While at this point I find enumerating them quite tedious, some of the more abhorrent ones include the Fast and Furious scandal (which was intended to create a war zone in the Southwestern U.S., thereby “legitimizing” new, draconian firearms laws), the Benghazi scandal (wherein the White House sacrificed American diplomatic and security personnel to cover up the CIA’s gun running to ISIS), weaponizing the IRS to target conservative nonprofits and catalyzing the 2010 Arab Spring, which led to the deaths of thousands.

Still, as Barack Obama prepared to leave office, NBC’s Tom Brokaw said on-air, “He’s been scandal free, frankly, in the White House. We haven’t had that for a while.”

Suffice it to say that in light of all this, I find Obama’s recent declaration that the “rule of law is at risk” following the Justice Department’s decision to drop its case against former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn laughable in the extreme.

Given the level of criminality displayed by high-ranking Democrats during the impeachment process against President Trump, it should be clear that Obama’s crimes were simply business as usual for the bipartisan cabal that has ruled Washington for decades. From the time of Bill Clinton’s administration up through the present, it has become glaringly apparent that those who govern in our nation’s capital are, as an acquaintance recently asserted on social media, “thug-level corrupt.”

And although I find being subjected to Obama’s smug, ugly puss in the news once again singularly revolting, I suppose that if it results in seeing him and a few of his cronies do the “perp walk” some time in the future, it will be sufficient recompense for his crimes and my revulsion.

Written by Erik Rush

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