(ThyBlackMan.com) Imagine that a firefighter saves you from a burning building. Would you immediately call your family physician and thank him for saving your life? Of course not!
Imagine that President Trump just issued a pardon to your son to release him from prison. Would you immediately call former President Barack Obama and thank him for freeing your son? Of course not!
Then why in the hell would former Vice President Joe Biden admit that the Black vote saved his presidential campaign and then immediately say that his number one priority as president will be to pass a radical liberal homosexual agenda?
He says it because Joe Biden has a 50-year history of telling Black folks what he thinks they want to hear while pushing policies that hurt the Black community.
Biden opposed affordable housing in DE when he served on the New Castle County Council in the early 1970s. When he got to the U.S. Senate, he supported segregated schools in the mid-70s. This led to his tough on crime legislation that he sponsored in the 80s and 90s.
Biden has always played the Black community for fools.
According to exit polls, Biden received 71% of the Black vote on Super Tuesday. He won states like VA, NC, TN, and AL with huge support from the Black community. In VA and AL, Biden won about 70% of the Black vote; in NC and TN, Biden garnered around 50% of the Black vote.
When you go to Biden’s presidential campaign website, you can clearly see that his priority is not the Black community, but rather the radical liberal homosexual community.
Now let’s juxtapose that with Biden’s plan for the Black community. His plan for the Black community consists of only 1,274 words and 5 pages. There is absolutely nothing in this plan that is “specific” to the Black community.
And to continue to prove that he thinks the Black voter is dumb, Biden snuck in a phrase that most people didn’t give much, if any, attention to. He lumps in with the Black community “people of color.”
Did you catch that? So, IF massa Biden decides to pass out any goodies to the Black community, they MUST be shared with Africans, Asians, Hispanics, Indians, etc.
But there is absolutely no accommodation made for Blacks under the radical liberal homosexual or Hispanic agenda!
Just because Biden has bought the endorsement of prominent Black names, not leaders, does not mean he has the support of the Black community heading into the general election in the fall.
Herein lies an opportunity for the Republican Party to tap into disaffected Black voters. Blacks are smart enough to realize that Democrats are merely mouthing words when they speak to them. But Blacks don’t view the Republican Party as a viable option.
As one friend put it, Blacks support Republican principles; they just hate the Republican Party.
So, how should Blacks view Joe Biden? When all is said and done, there’s more said than done.
Staff Writer; Raynard Jackson
This talented brother is a Pulitzer Award nominated columnist and founder and chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF), a federally registered 527 Super PAC established to get more Blacks involved in the Republican Party. BAFBF focuses on the Black entrepreneur. For more information about BAFBF, visit www.bafbf.org. You can follow Raynard on Twitter; Raynard1223.
Thank you for your great piece. People that say you’re wrong are ignorant. Perhaps they didn’t watch the videos of white liberals calling black people stupid because they couldn’t get an ID to vote. I doubt any of the people on here commenting know anything about history. How it was Republicans that formed their party for the very reason to fight against slavery. That’s what the civil war was. No Democrats voted not one vote for Civil Rights. Then LBJ said I’ll have those ni**ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years. That man was a huge racist and I can prove it. Idiots on here claim that Republicans care more about party than country? Wtf??? Trump put America before anyone else. He provided more jobs than we had people. How have Democrats treated you? Since 1960 you have predominantly voted Democrat. Can someone tell me in 2021 how is the black community doing as a whole? The Democrats have made you slaves to government assistance and use you to pocket millions of dollars. Taxpayers pay so much for public schools that the national average per student sits at $12,000. Private schools cost less. Is public schools grades going up or down? Please someone tell me. $12,000 mother fuking dollars per student. Sounds like you getting ripped off.
Warning the N word is used a lot in this MSNBC article. You get firsthand look at LBJ and you tell me how much he cares for blacks.
But first a definition: CONSERVATIVE:
adjective 1. holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.
synonyms: traditionalist, traditional, conventional, orthodox, old-fashioned, dyed-in-the-wool, hidebound, unadventurous, set in one’s ways;
noun 1. a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.
synonyms: right-winger, reactionary, rightist, die hard;
I have found that, almost without exception, stupid is a word that has almost no meaning other than being a bit mentally slow. But this does not include those who destroyed the space shuttle Columbia in the same way as they did the Challenger. And YES, it was essentially the same way. Or Donald Rumseld who got us involved in the ongoing expensive mess that is Iraq, thus showing that they learned exactly nothing from our adventures in Viet Nam. So I define STUPID as being unwilling or unable to learn new stuff. Note how this fits with the definition of Conservative above.
This will be my last post cause — well there really is no cure for stupid. And Mr. Jackson is the very definition of stupid. Unable or unwilling to learn. Also a house nigger. Someone that republicans can use to show how they are not anti-black / racist. He also fits the definition of “A True Believer” — See Eric Hoffers book of the same name.
And you notice how few people even bother to waste their time on this site / blog? Cause after a few visits they, not being stupid and thus able to learn, quickly realize that this site is a total waste of time.
What I find so appalling is that you say that Biden, and the Democratic Party thinks that black people are stupid. Evidently so do you. Please practice what you preach. I know you’re a smart brother, but I truly believe you are just like the rest of the Republicons. You put party over Country. As corrupt as the President’s cabinet has been, not once have I heard you say anything about them. Your diversionary tactics are horrible. You’re a great writer, but just like the majority of Republicons, you’re not honest. A truly honest person would expose how the Republicons really feel about the black vote. They cheat, lie, miscount, and suppress the black vote. They have been doing this since our Parents were kids. And this is the party you want us to join. I’m going to follow what the elder black people are doing. They’ve been there, and done that. One day I pray that you fall in line. Stop falling for the okie doke, take the blinders off, and realize that, anyone would be better than having this corruptive ass white supremist in the White House. You Brothers who support Trump are no better than diamond and silk. We all know that they’re simply suck ups, out for that all mighty dollar. Opportunistic women, that never worked a day in their lives. Take heed to what Samuel Jackson said. Wake the FUCK up.
Why don’t yiou shut the fuck up and admit it. Blacks are uneducated retards who get ther INFORMATION ABOUT THEIR OPPRESSION form CNN and MSNBC. YOu are a bunch of destructive idiots you have never suffered anything and every empire experienced slavery YES EUROPEANS were slaves. You are the most selfish despicable pieces of shit because you don’t want equality for all you want everyone to keep giving your dumb asses free shit free jobs you are too stupid to do and yo want whte people to kiss your ass. I LEFT THE COUNTRY to get away firm your violent retarded motherfuckers because I am gorgeous and whie and your beasts women attacked me for being gorgeous and because all their black men wanted me. IN Europe I date an African who is better looking and has a Higher iq than any dumb ass black from America. YOU WERE GIVEN EVERYTHING and you still can’t pull yourself up like EVERY OTHER IMMIGRANT GROUP did. Take your slavery excuse and shove it up your stupid fucking asshole. YOU aARE fucking STupID haven;t you seen the IQ tests and this is with an education you are fucking stupid because you are lazy and do not research anything.You are inferior to Africans and inferior to native Americans Latinos and whites. You are fucking inferior and the only ones as stupid as you are are the mentally fucked up white kids snowflakes who kiss your ugly black asses., Black women will always be beasts so n who cares that now we have to watch their ugly faces in movies and commercials white men and all men prefer white women. And you will always vote for the wrong person because you are fucking morons. You will always be poor because you are stupid stop with your fucking antics all over the web everyone knows you are dumb fucks even Africans laugh at you SHUT THE FUCK YUP about slavery morons and read about slavery and empires educate yourselves you illiterate fools who think rap is music LOL! You are apes.
By: Political Analysis & Strait Shooter
It seems as though Black America is shooting itself in the foot again. The democratic party is playing the same okidoki scam on Black America.
President Clinton played the Black voters, he went out and got their votes. Promised what Blacks wanted to hear. Once in office, he was not to be heard from again. He got re-elected a second term after campaigning for the Black vote by making false promises.
Joe Biden has spent over half of his life in office, doing exactly the same.
Joe Biden represents the status quo. What I mean by this is, a vote for Biden is a vote for those without insurance not getting insurance. A vote for Biden means a vote for those with insurance, to keep paying their high premiums. A vote for Biden means his protection of the insurance industry, and big pharmaceutical companies. A vote for Biden means more private prisons to house more Blacks and Latinos. A vote for Biden, means no change in prison reform. A vote for Biden means no meaningful change for criminal justice reform. A vote for Biden means for those who are in the top 1% income bracket, it will be business as usual. A vote for Biden means no change, and no progress. “Same old soup, just a different day”.
Biden is in no way, shape or form, an Obama. Obama needed a white figurehead to help usher himself into the white house. It was all about the optics, an older white man and a young Black man.
Now, Obama tried to give us hope and change, but the democrats from the Southern states teamed up with the Republicans and blocked everything Obama wanted to accomplish. The Republicans and the Southern democrats wanted to make sure Obama would not leave the office with a good legacy. This was done at the expense of the country as a whole.
Two lessons to be learned by Blacks; they have to understand they have to get behind those who truly are interested in their causes as a president, and they have to vote out of office any and all who are working in congress against their progress. Especially those Southern democrats who undermined Obama and blocked causes for minorities. Blacks need to vote out all Republicans for being bad actors and enabling bad behavior on many levels.
There are so many different causes out there, that Blacks need to coalesce with, like voting rights, Planned Parenthood, the right to choose, equal pay for women and minorities, DACA, (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), and the DREAM Act, (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act), that should all come together as one block.