(ThyBlackMan.com) As we celebrate the national birthday holiday for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I can’t help but to ponder what he would say about the current state of Black America specifically, and America in general. I am sure he would be livid at how white liberal’s handpicked Black “leaders” ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Don’t expect the national media to report this, but Representative Ilhan Omar is attracting more credible opponents than any sitting member of Congress. Like angry hornets, a swarm is gathering and buzzing around her. Her days as a Congresswoman may be numbered. It could be a finite number. She ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) You don’t know what goes into the funeral process until you begin planning one yourself. Read this guide to learn some of the most important details. The loss of a loved one can be devastating. As much as the pain exists, there’s a lot of work that needs to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The hardest person, at times, to take to task is self. When relationships of any kind go bad it’s very easy to look at the other person and feel just about everything is their fault. The part that you identify as your hand in the matter never quite equals ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) If you’ve purchased the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 or Note 10+, you know Samsung added many new features. But it’s the lesser-known, hidden features like S Pen customization and Bixby elimination that make the Galaxy Note 10 series phones so appealing. In this post, we’ve prepared a list of ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) We’re still diving into Black rock with guitarists! Black musicians have always been a part of hard rock and heavy metal whether it’s creating the music that inspired the path of these genres or being members of bands. Now, we all know Jimi and a lot are probably familiar ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Although Apple has recently launched a 16-inch MacBook Pro, the company is said to be working on a new MacBook Pro for 2020. This time, Apple is set to experiment with mini-LED display panels in a series of devices. According to one of the most reliable insiders Ming-Chi Kuo, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Spider-Man was a true game of the year winner. It had everything that would make it a classic before time passed. The story was incredible and well-paced with some cool revelations. I also loved how these well-known characters had their stories changed a bit to fit in with the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s 2020 and we’re about to get our first look at the new smartphones coming this year and beyond. We’re expecting big from smartphones, including a whole bunch of new features that will make our smartphones better. Here’s our wish list. Over the air charging At CES, a company ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) If you pay attention to news about tech in business at all, then lately you will have undoubtedly noticed the trend that one particular kind of digital asset is becoming increasingly important. Businesses have always collected data of some kind, from asking directly for feedback to mailing surveys from ...