(ThyBlackMan.com) I’ve spent all of my adult life loving my family and pursuing knowledge and happiness. As a result, I’ve developed skills that people are willing to pay me to utilize on their behalf. Attorneys call me and offer to share a third of their fees to do legal research and brief writing for them, and I do many other things. I don’t even know how much money I have in the bank. I received a $20,000 check last week and threw it in a filing cabinet, because as long as when I need money the ATM spits out the cash, it doesn’t matter how much I have in the bank. But today is my daughter birthday, so what matters is I can put a smile on her face, and my granddaughter is a Jackson State, and I can help her to focus on studying and becoming a doctor instead of worrying about money.

Once, after a case came in, I had my daughter take me to a car lot and I bought a brand-new Escalade truck, in cash (for the most part). But I wasn’t any happier when I drove off in it than I was when we entered the car lot. That taught me a valuable lesson about life, and I never forgot it. Yeah, all of my “friends” were impressed, but they weren’t doin’ shit for me, so why should I care about trying to impress them? All that does is keep phonies grinnin’ in my face. I needed to be trying to impress myself – and that’s exactly what I do today.
In that regard, who do you think is happiest, Donald Trump, with all of his alleged money, or Barack Obama? Think about that. Trump would do anything to be as brilliant, and as loved and respected as Obama, that’s why he’s always trying to compare himself to him. But he’ll never be able to compete with Obama, because Barack has spent his entire life perfecting himself, so the difference between him and Dubious Donald is hugely apparent. In fact, if Michelle decided to run for president, Trump wouldn’t have a chance, because even Republicans would vote to get knowledge and common sense back into the White House. Because NOTHING impresses people like knowledge and character – not even money.
Staff Writer; Eric L. Wattree
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