Mr. President (Donald Trump), Here’s How You Can ‘Make America Even Greater’.

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( We’re still just days into 2020. Now is the perfect time for President Donald Trump to drive the Democrats (aka radical socialists) crazy with rage by announcing these executive orders.

Remember, I was the columnist who urged the president to declare a national security emergency at the border and then use funds from the military budget to pay for the border wall. Just days ago, a federal court ruled in Trump’s favor, freeing $3.6 billion for border wall construction. That’s called #winning.

I have more crucial executive orders for President Trump. As I’ve said all along, the president should rule by executive order and let the Supreme Court be the final arbiter. We’ll win some and lose some. But in baseball, if you bat .300, you’re an all-star. If you bat .350, you’re a Hall of Famer. If the Supremes give Trump three out of every 10, the president will be a superstar.

Here are a few to start with:

— Executive order to deport illegal aliens with criminal records. I’m not saying to deport every illegal. Far from it. My suggestion is fair, reasonable and common sense. But we need to deport the truly bad guys among them.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement just released an eye-opening stat. More than 90 percent of the illegal immigrants arrested by federal agents last year had criminal convictions or pending criminal charges. These included murder, rape, sexual assault, robbery and kidnapping. The 123,128 illegal aliens with criminal convictions or pending criminal charges arrested by the special ICE group Enforcement and Removal Operations had a total of 489,063 criminal convictions and pending charges. That’s an average of four serious arrests/convictions per illegal alien.

I dare Democrats to defend this group. I’m not asking for 12 million illegals to be deported. But most Americans can agree to throw these 123,128 illegals out of the country. Then build a wall so they can never come back.

— Executive order to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program for those with criminal records. I didn’t say end DACA. I am recommending we end DACA for any applicant or recipient with major criminal convictions. There are tens of thousands like this. They have forfeited their right to remain in our country. Again, this is fair, reasonable and common sense. I’m asking President Trump to throw out only the truly bad guys.

— Executive order to declare English the only voting language. It’s absurd that people can vote in America in any language but English. If you want to vote, great. Then learn English. Otherwise you don’t have a say. This will cut down dramatically on illegals voting in the 2020 election.

— Executive order making it a felony for non-citizens to vote using government documents, punishable by instant deportation after conviction. New York and New Jersey just gave driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. Nevada already did this. Pure and simple, Democrats are encouraging voter fraud. More and more illegals will be voting across the United States. There is nothing stopping them.

This new order changes all of that. If illegals want to use a driver’s license to drive or buy auto insurance, great. That’s no crime. But if non-citizens want to vote with that government document, they will be thrown out of this country. If illegals aren’t voting, why would Democrats oppose this law?

We only have to win a few of these executive orders at the Supreme Court to Make America Even Greater.

Written by Wayne Allyn Root

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