7 Habits to Start 2020.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) This year would be different from the previous one. You should know how or why as early as now. They say that where you are today is the result of your decisions yesterday. Wherever your life is heading this year will be greatly impacted by the choices you make today. 

Here are some of the life-changing habits that could change your life this 2020:

  1. Tidy Up

Papers sitting on the table near a spillable glass of water, gadgets lying on the floor and clothes everywhere in your room; It may be a normal scenario for you over the last few months or worse, years. A large amount of time and energy you use in a weekly or monthly general house cleaning could actually be used to something more productive if you start tidying up this year. Separate things by categories and put things back where they belong. These two activities are actionable and practical ways to declutter. Try it and see how amazing decluttering can make your life easier and more meaningful.

  1. Do what you can today

If you can do it today, do it today. If you think of each day as your last, there’s no need to wait for tomorrow for you to use your time wisely and do what you have and what you need to do. Do not deprive yourself of the success that comes from getting things done on time or much earlier than expected.

  1. Develop and maintain your mental strength

While it is good to work out for physical fitness this year, it is also great to prepare yourself mentally for whatever the world brings by practicing positive attitude and avoiding habits that could lead to negative or unhealthy behaviors. You are mentally tough when you know how to keep your worries, troubles, problems, and challenges in proper perspective without losing your focus on your long term goals.

  1. Stay Grateful

Gratitude is a powerful tool to live a happy life but most of the time it may be just a temporary emotion. The most practical way for us to stay grateful is to count and write down our blessings on a gratitude journal. This will also help us reflect on everything we have received and not forget it easily.

  1. Level up Your Generosity

If you have been generous to your neighbor last year, extend your generosity to your neighboring town this year. You can donate to a charity or foundation of your choice or do volunteer work. Generosity can make you happy and healthy in many ways. Apart from that, it gives you an opportunity to build a good relationship with others.

  1. Develop a Smart Savings Habit

Think about your future and expect the unexpected expenses. There are just two of the many reasons why you need to make saving money a habit. Along with your plans to lose weight this year, this is also the best time to start a smart savings plan. Find an automatic or compulsory method that would allow you to set aside an amount of money from your payroll into your savings account.

  1. Consistently Achieve Your Goals

There’s a sense of accomplishment in setting goals in life but achieving them is more fulfilling. We feel good about ourselves when we set goals. Well, that’s the easy part. What’s challenging is the daily change of behavior we need to accomplish our goals. Most of our goals cannot be attained overnight. It is the daily effort we do, no matter how small, but when done consistently, it would lead to success. Say, for example, your goal is to publish a book in 3 months but if you haven’t started the first chapter this month, it is unlikely to be done. Your daily perseverance is the key to check all the goals you have on the list this year.

Staff Writer; Ellie Carter