Veteran Gifts: Top 5 Gifts Veterans Will Actually Love.

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( A military dog tag is not the only gift you can give a veteran. Keep reading for 5 gifts veteran gifts your hero will love.

We all want to respect and honor those brave men and women who sacrifice to serve our country. Between all three branches of the military, almost everyone can say they know at least one veteran. The most recent United States census showed that about 18.2 million veterans live in the states. What gifts do you get for a veteran that you love? How do you choose something they will treasure? We put together a list of our top five veteran gifts. Keep reading to see which items were the most popular!

1) .50 Cal Bottle Opener

Every service member will recognize the .50 caliber ammunition that makes the body of this bottle opener. They’re perfect for veterans who like to drink anything out of a glass bottle and/or loves guns! The best part is that these come from spent rounds used in target practice! They collect the brass casings from military shooting ranges, then sell them to bottle opener manufacturers at a government auction. The factories alter the bullet casings to make the finished bottle opener product. To make this gift extra special, have it engraved with your veteran’s name, military branch, and service title for a custom personalized touch! 

2) Tactical Beer Coozie

Got a veteran who loves drinking beer or soda out of a can but hates condensation? Buy them a tactical can coozie to upgrade their beverage experience! Pick the type of camouflage pattern your veteran would like best, then add a velcro patch, like the ones they had on their uniform! Because there is velcro around the whole coozie, they can stick it to their gear for a drink on the go also!

3) Military Branch Challenge Coin

Challenge coins go way back to the beginning of the United States military. Custom coins get printed for special events and occasions. Your veteran may already have a few from their achievements while they were in the service! Try creating your own custom military challenge coins with colored enamel designs and personalized for your loved one. Print out a few and give them as gifts to everyone who attends a party in honor of your veteran!

4) Custom Dog Tag Veteran Gifts

Your veteran wore their dog tags close to their hearts. If you create a custom dog tag to commemorate your loved one, they will keep your gift close to their hearts as well! Companies make gift dog tags in all kinds of colors, patterns, and with all kinds of engravings on them! Your imagination is the only limit for this kind of gift.

5) Custom Pocket Knife

If firearm gifts aren’t your veteran’s thing, how about a custom engraved pocket knife? Pocket knives come in handy all the time and every time your veteran grabs for theirs, they’ll think of you!

Keep in mind that not everyone wants veteran gifts. Some service members come back with lots of bad memories and they would rather not remember the time they spent in the service. Think about your particular veteran before choosing a gift for them. We hope you enjoyed reading this article and that you got some great inspiration for gifts to get a veteran that you love. For more articles about brotherhood, supporting each other, and so much more, check out the rest of our blog today!

Bonus; Range Bags

For those veterans that still like to keep their skills up by training at the range, get them a tactical range bag.

Staff Writer; Tony Moore

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