Five Ways to Better Love Self in 2020.

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( This year there has been plenty discussion around the topic of self-care. This is the act of doing what is necessary to improve one’s health or taking the lead in protecting your wellness and joy especially when you are in stressful situations. Let’s be honest we only have one body and one life. We need to do everything we can to keep our body and mind functioning well because when they are, we can work through anything. This year many people worked hard to allow themselves the space to deal in self-care. We are more conscious that we can’t help anyone if we are not able to function. In the move towards self-care it is important that understand we can care for ourselves but not necessarily love self. Yes, care can take place without love; we see this happen everyday and engage in it on a daily basis.  In this coming year lets look at five ways by which we can better love self and add the love to the self-care we are practicing.

1. Create daily affirmations that affirm love of self. Allow yourself to acknowledge the beauty and goodness in you in you every day. These moments are not about protecting self, it’s about lifting self-up. Far to often we speak harshly to ourselves and that is something you can change in the new year.

2. Disconnect from, or spend less time, with people that speak down on you. You might see this as self-care but letting go this negativity is a step in the direction of self-love. The more you allow others to tell you you’re less then, ugly, and worthless the more you believe it. It is important that you protect how you see yourself.

3. Spend time allowing yourself to feel your worth. In 2020 don’t shrink in spaces where you deserve to be celebrated. Part of loving yourself is acknowledging the gifts and talents you have…and love them. If you are complimented don’t play it down or refute it; accept it for yourself. No more hiding worth in 2020.

4. Embrace what you enjoy. If you love unicorns it’s you love it to the fullest, and don’t allow yourself to feel ashamed. Whatever you enjoy doing, even if others around you aren’t into it, partake and love it out loud. I remember when being a nerd was not popular, that’s who I am. This nerd is unapologetic and will checkout to go watch anime, read or game because it’s apart of me.

5. In 2020 acknowledge that you are enough! That is a serious key in the journey of self-love. You are wonderful as you are, and you have to stand up for you. Going forward don’t wait for someone else to validate who, and what, you are please do this for yourself.

Please make this year about more than self-care. Embark on a journey to get to know who you are and fall in love with that person. This will help you deal with challenges that arise in varying relationships, and it will aid in you better caring for you. Your care won’t be about just making sure you are well, it will be about uplifting and doting on someone you love. You.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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