(ThyBlackMan.com) Some of you are going to disagree with this article based on the title, without ever understanding the real issues implanted in our society to plague our communities all the way to extermination. Others of you simply don’t care because you do not see the big picture. And yet others of you cannot comprehend nor grasp the idea that a portion of the population is being artificially targeted and pushed towards LGBTQ worldwide for a dark and sinister purpose – with results that prove what I just stated. Eugenic extinction for population control.
Many of you will be offended at the facts, but that does not make the facts a lie. Many of you actually believe that your thoughts and decisions are completely your own. You don’t understand how those thoughts, so-called “preferences” and actions are being manipulated. You have no knowledge of behavioral modification, mind control, brainwashing nor indoctrination. But fortunately there are those of you who still have morals, spiritual values and your own mind. You already know and you see.
What is Eugenics? Eugenics is “the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. Developed largely by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, it fell into disfavor only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis”. It is the restriction of reproduction and the selection of who should or should not be allowed to reproduce. It is the strategic, elective reduction of a population.
Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, practiced and promoted Eugenics against African-Americans. She used the “black” church, the selfishness in irresponsible women and carefully scripted promotional advertising to get the African-American community to participate in its own population control and reduction. She camouflaged her agenda and intent, all wrapped in the selfishness and fear of pregnant African-American women.
Today the so-called “reproductive rights” of selfish, irresponsible women are the cause of death for millions of unborn African-American children at a higher number and rate than any other group in America. Wake up people! An unborn child is an unborn child. And it is sad that our society has to even debate over a living being with arms, legs, a brain and a beating heart as to if it is a human being or not.
Hitler practiced Eugenics against the Jews. Bill Gates and Oprah know all about Eugenics. Most of you won’t believe this at all but there is a ton of proof, if you just do a little research. False narratives and propaganda easily tends to shape beliefs, manipulate behaviors and get people to ignore the facts. And now the latest efforts to reduce the population by stopping reproduction have become the promotion and acceptance of LGBTQ behavior, even to young children.
Puppet-masters consider LGBTQ people as the “undesirables” of society. Therefore the idea is the more of them there are, the fewer of them can produce people like themselves. And biologically that is true, like it or not.
It is not a coincidence that the suicide rates of LGBTQ people are higher than those of heterosexuals – and not solely because of bullying. It is not a coincidence that two men or two women cannot biologically reproduce – even though Frankenstein-type experiments are tampering with that too. LGBTQ people often struggle with hidden depression. They also fight to make others accept their lifestyles and choices because many LGBTQ people actually ironically are unhappy, not even accepting themselves.
Many LGBTQ people think their choices are their own. If you think sociological mass-scale behavioral modification is not real, ask an honest Sociologist or Psychologist. If you think mind control is not real, go to the United States government patent and trademark office website (http://www.uspto.gov) and do a search for yourself on “mind control devices”. Thoughts can be implanted and behavior can be controlled. Both are done every day in more areas that we can count.
Then there are the foods and food additives that reduce and neutralize testosterone in males. Do the research for yourself but this will get you started (https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods-that-lower-testosterone). Many of you are still not convinced and/or don’t want to face the truth so you won’t do the research for yourself. Therefore I would also share thee link below with YOU. And if you think all this is coincidence, you simply choose to stay asleep in the bed and closet of denial. Very often it is not just the food itself, but how it is processed and/or what chemicals are added to it. See link. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325186.php#bread-pastries-and-desserts
Artificially and deliberately orchestrating conditions where there are less fathers in the home contributes to deviations from normal behavior among males. And the evidence to prove this is overwhelming. Sociologically, psychologically and economically, such is also a contributor to young males growing up without role models.
Skinny jeans flooding into department stores as a trend tend to be worn by homosexual males, as a another example. And for those straight males who wear skinny jeans, they have no idea they are unintentionally sending signals to the LGBTQ community. Just as straight women who hang out with their LGBTQ friends are sending signals of possibilities. Behavior is being manipulated. And nonverbal communication, intentionally or unintentionally, is a huge factor. Just like sagging and all those “down-low” boys who do it, regardless of its origin.
It is unnatural to be LGBTQ because nature by and large is not like that. It is abnormal to be LGBTQ because such behavior is not the norm in this world – even though some are trying to make it the norm. LGBTQ is still a small part of the population. LGBTQ is biologically counterproductive and thus lends towards self-extinction. LGBTQ is morally wrong because it confuses children to engage in perverted, abnormal, unnatural and sexually deviant behavior.
LGBTQ behavior is a CHOICE of who to sleep with, not a trait humans are born with. You did not crawl across the floor, lay in a crib or sit in a highchair thinking about which gender you want nor which gender you are – not one of you. And even with those who have hormone imbalances, the medical industry would agree something is not normal, not as it should be. If you are missing something, you are MISSING SOMETHING that you should have.
Those of you who are LGBTQ are being used and manipulated for a dark agenda. An agenda put in place by those who care nothing about you, your rights nor who you love. You are puppets in a sick play of Eugenic extermination and you are participating in extermination and extinction. You think the LGBTQ thoughts and behaviors are all your own but that is not true either. Many of you were taken advantage of by LGBTQ predators when you were curious or vulnerable. Others of you were sexually molested. Others of you never had role models to show you what you should be and how. And yet others of you are simply in rebellion against society because you were taken advantage of by the opposite sex.
Finally, many of you are following the crowd, looking for an identity because you don’t have one. You want to fit in instead of thinking for yourself and being your own person. Be honest with yourself and start today! So you can be offended by this article or insult me, but neither will help you face yourself in the mirror. Maybe you are bold enough in your 20, 30 or 40 little years on Earth to say that evolution and creation made a mistake with you, but I am neither that bold nor that arrogant. LGBTN!
Staff Writer; Trevo Craw
Ex. Detective Craw, you’re right about eugenics, which means fittest survive. Keep in mind that people don’t act much differently from animals when it comes to fittest survive. Adolf Hitler believed in eugenics in that he wanted Germans to have large families with lebensborn where Germans and Scandinavians would have the most # of children and other ethnicities would do things for German interests such as Hitler’s idea was that Nazi Germany could take the best lands in Poland, Russia, etc. for German interests and that Poles, etc. would have limited education.
Yet, Nazi German soldiers sometimes raped Jewess women, Polish women and Czech women which resulted in mixed breeds (if a person was 1/2 Polish and 1/2 German and they were born between 1940 to 1945 you can guess it’s most likely the rape result of a Nazi German soldier raping a Polish woman) and this mixed racing caused by rape went against Hitler’s idea of master race. Heinrich Luitpold Himmler also had with lebensborn (life fountain) where Polish children, Russian children, etc. were kidnapped to be raised by German families where a Polish child let’s say would be Germanized.
It seems unlikely that Adolf Hitler would approve of kidnapping Polish, Czech and Russian children to have them raised by German families because as you said with eugenics, Hitler had a low view of Slavs and I don’t think Adolf Hitler believed people he regarded as lower ethnicity could be Germanized. My guess is that Adolf Hitler didn’t know about Heinrich L. Himmler’s ideas to kidnap Polish, Russian and Czech children to be raised by German families and that Himmler did this part of lebensborn without Hitler’s knowledge.
Also know that Axis Japan had eugenics with their belief that Japanese were the best and that the Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, etc. would do things for Japan’s interests where Japanese soldiers following bushido (Samurai code) would invade China, Phillipines, etc. and do things for Japan’s interests where the Japanese take the best lands and the other ethnicities do things for Japan’s interests. Japanese soldiers also sometimes rape Chinese women, Filipina women, which resulted sometimes in mixed breeding. If a person is 1/2 Japanese and 1/2 Chinese and was born in China between 1931 to 1945, you can guess they were most likely the result of a Japanese soldier raping a Chinese woman.
To the main point of your article, you are right about the dangers of gay/lesbian agenda. I’m not religious and I think they must abolish sex change mutilations. I also notice that many people including Christians have compromised on the gay/lesbian topic.
People who call themselves conservatives should really be called compromisers, capitulators, corrupters and sacrificers because they will say that they’re against homosexual/lesbian agenda but then end up making excuses for homosexual pedophiles pederasts. Talking about those how liberals support pedophilia and pederasts such as Harvey Bernard Milk means little when the Conservatives make excuses for homosexual pederasts Milo Hanrahan Yiannopolous. That’s why people who call themselves Republican conservatives should be called compromisers because they compromise on topics such as homosexual pedophilia.
It is rumored that Ohio Representative JD Jordan covered up or was negligent with regard to homosexual pedophiles abusing teenage wrestlers during the 1990s. Sometimes rumors are true. The right thing to do is investigate the rumor and see if proof verifies or debunks this. They should investigate the rumor and see if the rumor about JD Jordan is true.
Peter J. LaBarbera has in past made excuses for transexual homosexual pedophile David Arthur by saying that David Arthur changed. Mrs. Linda P. Harvey of Mission America has become a disappointment and Mission America’s Linda P. Harvey has also made excuses for transexual homosexual pedophile by having him on her show, which is why people should no longer support Mission America, they say they’re against homosexual pedophiles and then make excuses for David Arthur.
I know that Big Island Chronicle’s Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt supports drug junkies as Big Island Chronicle’s Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt in past used marijuana when she was living in Wyoming in her college years and it’s believed Big Island Chronicle’s Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt has depression. Big Island Chronicle’s Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt also supports homosexual pedophile pederasts Harvey B. Milk, because that’s what’s expected by people who make excuses for homosexual pedophiles. Big Island Chronicle’s Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt supports pedophilia.
Here’s ½ fact journalism. I don’t know if she is still a journalist but again-ex Wyoming reporter (as of 2016 she had a newspaper Big Island Chronicle as she since lives in Hawaii) and Big Island Chronicle’s Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt makes excuses for homosexual pedophiles pederasts. Years ago, she covered the 1998 Metthew Wayne Shepard killing in Wyoming. Predictably, journalist Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt (then Tiffany Camille Edwards) omitted Metthew Wayne Shepard molesting 2 boys in his Casper neighborhood when he was 15 years old-he got counseling for that by Natrona County Juvenile Court. Tiffany Camille Hunt also omitted the fact that Metthew Wayne Shepard was a drug junky who associated with drug dealers in Colorado and Wyoming and was possibly a drug dealer himself, as he knew 1 of his 2 killers. Journalist Stephen Jimenez in his 2013 Matt Book disclosed ugly facts which were omitted by journalists such as Tiffany Camille Edwards.
When Big Island Chronicle’s Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt has been given the facts that she omits about Metthew Wayne Sheppard (1976-1998), Big Island Chronicle’s Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt gets haughty and angry. Big Island Chronicle’s Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt also makes excuses for homosexual pederast Harvey Bernard Milk (1930-1978). Big Island Chronicle’s Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt supports pedophilia, as Big Island Chronicle‘s Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt thinks it‘s acceptable for homosexuals to molest children. Big Island Chronicle’s Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt supports transexuals, so Big Island Chronicle’s Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt supports sex change maimings.
I don’t know if Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt is still a reporter, but Big Island Chronicle’s Tiffany Camille Hunt is just 1 of many reasons why reporters can not be trusted on the homosexual topic-they give ½ facts and then they get angry when you correct them. Of course again, Big Island Chronicle’s Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt used marijuana when she was in college in Wyoming and is believed to have depression, which perhaps explains her bad personality.
Mission America’s Linda P. Harvey & Laura Elizabeth Loomer are both dishonest when they imply only Islam has death penalty for homosexuality. Death penalty for homosexuality/transgenderism is Bible. As Pastor Steven Lee Anderson & Roger O. Jimenez have said, the Bible allows the death penalty for homosexuality. Perhaps Laura Elizabeth Loomer thinks it’s acceptable for homosexuals to molest children, as Laura Elizabeth Loomer and Fox News Michelle Malkin support homosexuals & transexuals. Laura Elizabeth Loomer and Michelle Malkin are as bad as Big Island Chronicle’s Tiffany Camille Edwards Hunt.
Homosexuals, lesbians and transexuals are more likely to be drug junkies, suffer depression, among other things. I have no faith and even I know that childhood sex abuse is a major cause of homosexuality/transexuality.
People who are victims of homosexual pedophiles are more likely to turn out homosexual/lesbian in their adulthood, by the sex abuse damaging their thinking and learning the sexual conduct, because any conduct including sexual conduct can be learned. It’s possible that it could be inborn for some, but even if that’s proven to be true, that wouldn’t rule out the fact that sex abuse could be a cause for some. Some people do turn out homosexual/lesbian as a result of childhood sex abuse such as a gay priest who molests a child for many years and the boy in his adulthood turns out gay. It’s likely that if they boy had not been molested by the gay priest, he would have turned out straight instead.
I do not care for gay/lesbian marriage topic. With homosexuality, if knowing and willing adults do this, then it’s their life. But I think homosexual/lesbian conduct by knowing and willing adults must be treated the same way as tobacco use. I believe in abolishing sex changes as that’s mutilation.
It’s predictable when we hear gays such as Milo Hanrahan Yiannopolous supporting pedophilia when it’s homosexual as he did in interviews. I have found that there are many gays and lesbians such as Milo Hanrahan Yiannopolous make excuses for pedophilia when it’s same sex. While most gays and lesbians are not committing pedophilia, they agree with comments Milo H. Yiannopolous made justifying same sex pedophilia. Homosexual groups lobby for laws lowering the consent age for sex.
Different nations such as those in Europe have lowered consent age for sex because of pressure from homosexual groups. Even in the United States , it used to be that minimum consent age was 18 to even some states (21), but in many states, the consent age has been lowered to as low as 15 because of homosexual groups lobbying for lowering the consent age for sex. Seems that Laura Elizabeth Loomer and Michelle Malkin support homosexual pedophiles such as Milo Hanrahan Yiannopolous.
With Koran having death penalty for homosexuality, Pastor Anderson has said that a broken clock is right twice a day and the death penalty for homosexuality is Bible. Pastor Roger O. Jimenez in his June 2019 speech in Orlando’s Make America Straight Again said again that 50 pedophiles were killed in Orlando June 2016 & that Orlando’s still a little safer tonight.
Orlando Pulse June 2016, it turns out that in Orlando Pulse, there were underaged teens and there were individual homosexual pedophiles seeking them that night in the Orlando Pulse before the shooting. Should still have been the police’s job to arrest them and then have the courts decide after jury trial. There were pedophiles, drug junkies & drug dealers in the June 2016 Orlando Pulse before the shooting.
With Orlando Pulse, Luis Javier Ruiz, 1 of the homosexual men who survived has AIDS as a result of promiscuity, alcohol and drugs. Orlando Pulse had drug junkies & drug dealers there that night before the shooting and homosexual Luis Javier Ruiz is an AIDS infected drug junky who survived the June 2016 Orlando Pulse shooting. It’s possible that Luis Javier Ruiz is still using drugs because drug junkies often have relapses.