How to boost self-confidence.

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( Confidence really can be the key to many things in life, from that promotion that seems just out of reach, to having the confidence to speak to new people. A lack of confidence can really prohibit self-growth and achievement, and although many people are aware of this, the act of gaining confidence can seem almost impossible.

Although it might seem like an impossible task, gaining confidence can be much similar than first expected. There are many practical tasks and outlooks that can be put in place to help anyone grow in confidence. However, you need to put the work in and realize that there are ups and downs, much like anything else in life.

Here’s a simple guide on how to boost your self-confidence.

Realise that failure is part of growth 

The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried’ – Stephen McCranie 

Learning anything, a new skill, a new hobby, anything at all, will almost always involve some aspect of failure. Just think of the first time anyone rides a bike, they sit on it, turn the wheels a few times, then fall to the ground. Usually, this doesn’t even happen just once; before anyone can cycle alone down the street they will have fallen many times trying.

Realising this, that failure is an inevitable part of learning anything new, is necessary for improving confidence. To see failure not as a defeat but as a motivation to try harder can be a hugely impactful skill.

Not only will this mindset help to grow confidence in daily activities, but it is also a very strong motivator for learning new things. The shame of failure is what holds many back from ever going after new goals. In embracing failure as a part of action confidence in the self is bound to grow.

Push yourself 

The act of pushing oneself is another hugely impactful practice. Not only does it give the opportunity to illustrate one’s potential, but it forces self-growth. Pushing yourself to the limits allows the body to surprise the mind, to be more successful than ever expected. This is a huge confidence builder and one that can only benefit the body and mind.

Think about the things that you have always wanted to do but have never had the confidence to fulfill them. Well, this is your chance to do so.

Think positively  

Confident people are able to focus on positives, not to the extent that the negative is ignored, but to use an optimistic mindset to benefit mental health.

It can be all too easy to obsess over negativities, but the ability to be able to see the positive in a situation, to focus on this, and allow this to empower the making of decisions is a very useful skill.

Learning to focus on the positive can be hard and will take time as it involves retraining the brain from decades of habitual thoughts. The repeated focus on positive aspects will be very beneficial in the long run.

Be open to learning new things 

The ability to be open to learning new things takes confidence as it brings awareness to the areas of knowledge that are lacking. People who are open to new ideas, who question what they are unsure of, who strive to fill the gaps in their knowledge are on a question for a more confident future.

Being present in the moment, asking questions and being open to learning from the answers is a hugely important skill for anyone who wants to gain confidence.

Make time for self-care 

A simple way of stimulating self-growth and confidence is by making time for self-care. This can come in many forms, from eating healthy quality foods to wearing clean and smart clothes to getting the hair transplant you have always dreamed of. To find out more about hair transplant click here.

Not treating the body well is one of the major barriers to confidence. Eating bad and unhealthy food will affect the way the body works, creating a feeling of tiredness. Being aware of how the body feels after certain foods and using this as a motivator can really help build confidence.

Just as important is having an awareness of how appearance impacts on state of mind. Many people, especially men, will ignore rather than improve on physical insecurities. This practice can never be expected to allow growth in confidence. The act of taking control and making improvements to the self helps to encourage self-respect and in turn self-confidence.

Staff Writer; Bobby Short