(ThyBlackMan.com) The facts are coming out before our eyes, and by Trump‘s own staff no less. It has become increasingly clear that Trump is at best a Russian stooge, and at worst a full blown Russian agent, and due to the conservative penchant for bigotry, self-service and greed, the Republican Party is turning a blind eye to his blatant assault on American democracy.
Clear evidence of Trump’s willingness to subordinate what’s in the best interest of the American people in order to promote his own personal interests is clearly demonstrated in his decision to abandon our Kurdish allies to the whim of Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Trump turned his back on the Kurds after they lost over 11,000 men helping the United States fight terrorism. Following a mere phone conversation with Turkish president, Erdogan, in the middle of the night, and without consulting either our NATO allies or the American military, Trump agreed to withdraw American troops from northern Syria that were in place for the specific purpose of protecting our Kurdish allies.
Trump also held up money and arms delivery to Ukraine that was desperately needed in order to fight off a Russian invasion. Trump claimed he held up $391 million in an attempt to insure that the Ukrainians launched an investigation into corruption, but later evidence provided by his own staff demonstrated that he held up the hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars approved and certified to go to the Ukrainians in order to extort Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky into making concessions that contributed to Trump’s personal gain in the 2020 election.
Trump used the American taxpayer dollars in an attempt to pressure President Zelensky into publicly announcing that the Ukrainians were investigating former Vice President Joe Biden, his most formidable opponent in the coming 2020 election, and his son, Hunter. The facts also revealed that Trump didn’t really care whether the investigation itself was actually carried out, he simply wanted the Ukrainians to announce that they were investigating the Bidens in order to smear their name and lend credence to the debunked conspiracy theory hatched by the Russian intelligence service that Ukraine, not Russia, interfered in the 2016 American elections.
While the primary purpose of the episode was to help Trump domestically in the 2020 elections, like most things Trump, it also just happened to bring aid and comfort to the Russians. While one might contend that the Russian connection was just a coincident, is it also just a coincident that Trump diluted the American sanctions that the Obama administration placed on Russia after the annexation of Crimea in the Ukraine, or that Trump has repeatedly taken sides with Russia over our own intelligence community? In addition, was it also just a coincident that Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, sought to secure a secret “back channel” method of communicating with the Russians that could allude being monitored by our own intelligence services? And finally, Trump’s now discussing pulling out of NATO, a western alliance organization created to prevent Russia from invading Europe after WWII, another “coincident” that just happens to bring comfort to Vladimir Putin and the Russians.
The answer as to why Trump would collude with Russia is quite simple – after going into bankruptcy 6 times, the Russians came to Trump’s rescue when American banks wouldn’t touch him, and chances are, even now he’s only keeping his head above water because Russian oligarchs are using his name and businesses to launder stolen money. That explains why he’s so desperate to keep his taxes hidden.
Foreign Policy Magazine (fp.com) reported, “Rep. Adam Schiff indicated that ‘We’re going to be looking at the issue of possible money laundering by the Trump Organization, and Deutsche Bank is one obvious place to start,’ he said. A 2017 report by Reuters, citing public documents, interviews and corporate records, also found that at least 63 Russians or people with Russian addresses bought nearly $100 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded Florida luxury buildings.”
In addition, Trump repeatedly lied to the American people all through the 2016 election campaign. He repeatedly claimed that, “I have no business dealings in Russia.” But we now know that all while he was making that claim to the American people, he was in deep negotiations with the Russians to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. He even offered Vladimir Putin a $50 million penthouse apartment in the tower. But there was a problem – the Russian bank, VTB, that was lined up to finance the deal was under U.S. sanctions, which blocked them from taking part in the deal. Could that be why Trump has gone out of his way to remove Russian sanctions?
It is now clear that everything Trump does or says is designed to promote his own private interests and provide comfort to Vladimir Putin and the Russians, and Rudy Giuliani, his own attorney, knows it. That’s why when Trump’s own staff and American foreign service professionals started spilling the beans in the Congressional Impeachment Hearings, Giuliani said, “If I disappear I have an insurance policy. All of the documents on the Bidens are going to be released”. That seems to indicate that Giuliani is not only in fear of legal exposure, but for his very life, and he has good reason to be concerned.
But as deadly serious as the above is, that’s not the worse of it. When you combine Trump’s mental instability with his blind narcissism, and then add to that the fact that he’s being enabled by a Republican Party that’s in a panic over the loss of power due to a rapidly changing demographic, it becomes clear that the very viability of American democracy is in severe jeopardy.
“John Gartner, Ph.D. is the founder of ‘Duty to Warn’ an organization intent on warning our country that we are in dire trouble due to our president’s mental instability. More than 60,000 mental health professionals have signed John’s petition, which states:
‘We, the undersigned mental health professionals, believe in our professional judgment that Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States. And we respectfully request he be removed from office, according to article 4 of the 25th amendment to the Constitution, which states that the president will be replaced if he is ‘unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.’”
Ivana Trump once told her lawyer, Michael Kennedy, that Donald Trump kept a book of Hitler’s speeches near his bed – and as we all know, Trump doesn’t like to read. Thus, as has been repeatedly stated, when fascism comes to America it will come wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross, and considering that over 81% of White Evangelicals “Christians” support Trump’s criminality, that seems to be exactly what is happening. So yes, it can happen here, and let there be no doubt about it, anyone who supports Donald Trump is the domestic enemy of the United States.
So in spite of the fact that Donald Trump is undoubtedly unstable, incompetent, and a Russian asset, with all their flag-waving and words of patriotism notwithstanding, and in spite of the fact that they’re going to be smothered in evidence of his criminality, the Republican senate is just as undoubtedly going to ignore the facts and refuse to remove Trump from office. That’s when our patriotism must swing into action. If the Republican senate can’t bring themselves to defend our Constitution, that says it all. It says that all the patriotic talk, posturing, and claims of loving Jesus is a sham. It says that when it comes right down to the bottom line, conservatives love three things, and three things only – power, bigotry, and greed, and therefore, it’s past time for them to join the Whigs and be relegated to the ash heap of history.
Staff Writer; Eric L. Wattree
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