Five Ways to Incorporate Fitness into Your Day.

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( There are many people that want to incorporate fitness into their daily routine, but they just don’t know how to make that happen. May will say look, I am barely sleeping given so much that I have on my plate from day to day. How can I add fitness when I’m not completing what I have to get done right now? It is true managing home, work, family, and self can leave many people wanting to improve health and fitness, but they just don’t see a way to get it done. Its as if they don’t have the time to hit the reset button in a way that could possibly allow them to re-order a few things in the daily mayhem without more things going undone or getting further behind. Truth is, there might me some very uncomfortable adjustments that would have to be made, but it can be done. Going to the gym is great, but when the schedule doesn’t permit such there are other ways to work on fitness. These are five ways to work fitness into an unbelievably packed schedule.

1. Increase overall movement during the day. This might sound simple, but you would be surprised how much you could be moving throughout the day. Instead of taking the closest parking space, if weather permits, park a bit further away. It will allow you to get a small power walk in while trying to get to work on time. If the option is available opt for the desk that allows a sit/stand option. This means you aren’t sitting for long stints at a time. Take the stairs when you can. Walk to lunch if you can. Movement throughout the day keeps you active and burns calories.

2. Try to fit in a small walk on your lunch break. Even if its only ten minutes, that walk can be refreshing after a stressful morning, and you are working fitness into your day. Walk wherever and whenever you can.

3. Get up earlier so that you can have a few minutes to stretch your body. Stretching is a vital part of fitness that tends to go overlooked. Stretching can help warm your muscles up for the day and prevent injury. If you can take a few moments to stretch before starting your day, and when you end your day…you’re adding fitness to your life.

4. Plan and prep your meals in advance. Just as you have to make sure you have clothes to wear to work…make sure you have food to eat. Fitness is what you do physically, and what you put into your body. You need the right food to act as fuel to get your body going, and keep you going. I understand you make not have time in the morning to make breakfast…do it in advance. Stash healthy snacks in the car, and at work, to help stave off extreme hunger which can lead to unhealthy food choices. In addition to planning what you will eat…keep water on hand at all times.

5. Allow your housework to act as a workout. Cleaning is exercise. Sweeping, mopping, vacuuming and such require movement and you work several muscle groups to get it done. This allows you to get the housework done as needed, and workout a bit.

There is always time for fitness, and health. Sometimes we have to do such in tandem with a hectic schedule. If you can’t make it to the gym it’s understandable but use other areas of your life to get the fitness in that you need. Furthermore, remember what you put in your body is just as important, if not more, as how much you work out. There will be sacrifices you will have to make a long the way, but to bettering your health makes those short-term discomforts worth the hassle.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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