What is the right amount of fiber you should eat to prevent disease.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Healthy food habits is the need of the hour for everyone as we all know that how much our eating habits have been disturbed in the recent times. We all live a hectic and a busy lifestyle where we do not know where our eating habits are going and we are more and more dependent on packed and ready to cook foods which is nothing but simply junk. If we look around even our kids are eating junk foods as because it is convenient and is easily available at the shelf. Gone are the days when we were into eating healthy food and fruits which was a major part of our food. Today what we eat is junk and mostly what is easy to cook and is packaged as it takes less time to cook and we do not have much time to devote to our cooking. However we are skipping and forgetting the importance of healthy food which we need to remember and bring back to our lifestyle and eating.

Fiber is an important part of our food and let us understands as to how much fiber we should include in our daily food to lead a healthy lifestyle. Fiber is a part of our healthy diet and as per the American Heart Association Eating Plan it is recommended that we should somewhere between 25 and 30 grams of fiber a day from our food and not supplements. Currently we all are eating just the half of it which is not right and it is the call of the hour to immediately mend our eating habits and include the right amount of fiber in our diet. The more amount of fiber we include in our daily foods than we are tend to reap health benefits from it.

As per the research it is found that people who consume the most fiber in their diet are 15-30 percent less likely to die of premature death from any case of cardiovascular condition as compared to those who eat less fiber. In addition to its people who consume food rich in fiber are 16-24 percent less prone to any incidence of coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer. Foods which are rich in fiber include whole grains, vegetables, fruits and pulses like peas, beans, lentils and chickpeas which one should regularly include in their diet.

Processed foods have less or zero fiber as the more it is processed the less fiber it has. For example an apple has four and half grams of fiber however half a cup of apple sauce only has one and a half gram of fiber in it. Now it is up to you all to keep in mind the daily amount of fiber that you need to intake in your diet. Thus to meet the daily target of 25 grams of fiber a person needs to have two cups of peanuts, eat five apples, or three of shredded coconut else.

Everyone needs to mend their eating habits and increase their daily fiber intake swapping their food with the ones which are rich in fiber. Include more of refined grains, swap white rice for brown rice or include whole grain options. You may also include foods which are rich in fiber such as pears with the skin on, avocado, almonds, black beans, air- popped popcorn and finds such combinations to maintain the required amount of fiber in your food and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Staff Writer; Sherry Carter

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