(ThyBlackMan.com) I hate this video. While Sharpton is out partying in the street, Trump supporters are arming themselves to the teeth. This nation is in the most dire straits that it’s been in since the Civil War, and this guy is out dancing in the street, the epitome of the happy negro. The behavior of Al Sharpton – this so-called civil rights leader – sends the exact wrong message to the people. It say that that everything is cool, don’t worry, we’ve got this, everything’s under control so let’s party.

My late wife used to tell me, I don’t understand why no matter how wrong you are, you never get a ticket. It’s simple. On the one hand, I don’t show any hostility towards the police, and on the other, I don’t suck up. I simply talk to them like I would talk to my neighbor, and they respond to that vibe.
But with respect to Sharpton, one lady told me, “Relax. He’s just having a good time!” I can understand that, but if he wants to have a good time, he should do it at home, not in public. Since he professes to be a Black leader, he should carry himself like one, with dignity and class. He needs to remain cognizant of the fact that many people are already under the impression that all Black of people’s intelligence is confined to below the neck. So it’s important that we defeat that impression, and as a so-called Black leader he should be in the very forefront of that battle.
If he genuinely cared about Black people, he’d be sending out videos shouting, “Fire!” instead of videos featuring him boogying down like a geriatric teenager. Once again, he’s sending out the exact wrong message. He should be hard at work preparing the people to face the worst situation they’ve ever faced in their lives, because the demographics clearly indicate that this is White supremacy’s final stand, and they know it. That’s why they’re pulling out all stops – they’re stacking the courts with bigots, building walls to keep non-Whites out of the country, the Supreme Court is making it legal for the GOP to gerrymander and demand voter I.D. and then closing down every public office in the minority community where the required I.D. can be obtain, and at the same time, they’re purging Black people from the voter rolls in droves, and that’s just to name a few of their devices. So, those are the things that Sharpton should be putting out videos about, yet, he’s out there dancing. There’s a phrase for what he’s engaged in, it’s called, “Fiddling while Rome burns”. He’s just waiting around for another atrocity so he can grab him a headline.
We wouldn’t even know who Al Sharpton was if he wasn’t such a headline chaser. He’s been a distraction for Black people for years. Yes, Black people should get out and demonstrate grievances, but we need to spend more time educating ourselves. So, what turns me off most about people like Sharpton, is he claims to be for Black people, but he’s really out for himself. He’ll ride an issue as long as it captures the headlines, and then he’ll walk away once it grows stale. A true Black activist would be using these issues to emphasize the need for Black people to learn to out-think the White man.
Black people need to make knowledge the new “soul”. The very same creative intellect that created Ray Charles and Areatha Franklin can be put into distinguishing ourselves in math, business, and the sciences. So the time for dancing is over while Trump is still looking for a match to light the ovens. It’s time to start stimulating our minds, instead of shaking our asses.
Black people need to keep in mind that the White man wasn’t able to enslave Black people because he could beat us up, we were enslaved because he had a knowledge of gunpowder that we didn’t possess. So we were enslaved due to ignorance, and the only way that we’re gonna be able to free ourselves is through knowledge, and giving priority to shaking our asses is not going to provide that knowledge. No one has ever gained freedom through shaking their ass.
Thereafter, sleeper didn’t even want to take responsibility his own actions. He called me a sellout and everything under the Sun. He claimed that I turned on him to save a White boy – but, again, the White guy wasn’t guilty of what he was charged with. So why should I make the White guy suffer for the sleeper’s irresponsibility?
The point of this story is, long after the sleeper was gone, his behavior tarnished every Black person in the unit. Every time I represented a Black person before management, they would bring the up the sleeper – and I mean, even 3 years later! I had to ask them several times, “What did the sleeper have to do with the current case!!!? But their attitude was lost on me, and that attitude was, “You’re all alike”. I often wondered how many deserving young Black men were refused a job because one brother wanted to party and get his head bad all night.
Staff Writer; Eric L. Wattree
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