(ThyBlackMan.com) OK Islam it’s your turn. Many Muslims slam Judaism and assault Christianity. You say the Bible has been changed, altered and written by man. But what you neglect to say is that the Quran was written by man but not by Muhammad. He could neither read nor write so he did not write any of the Quran – not one sentence. And there was nobody in the cave to even verify that he heard from the Angel Gabriel, so all of Islam has taken Muhammad’s word for it. The problem we are faced with is that Gabriel would have to contradict what it appears he said hundreds of years earlier in the Bible, Gabriel would have to have gone rogue or the being in the cave was not Gabriel. How would Muhammad verify it was Gabriel?
However, before any of you start slamming Christianity, Judaism etc, know that this article is not a competition between Christianity and Islam. I am presenting the evidence, not taking up for one or the other. Today the topic is Islam and I evaluate all belief systems just as critically based on the evidence.
ALLAH MAY BE SATAN IN DISGUISE: http://www.thestraightway.org/allah-is-satan/
I am not a Muslim by faith. However I have read the Quran and I have friends who are Imams, Muslims from the Middle East and others who are members of the Nation of Islam. Thus I am going to speak from a position of knowledge, interviews and accurate research. I am not “Islamaphobic”, I am “misrepresentation-o-phobic” and I do not agree with violence against any peaceful person, regardless of their faith, religion or beliefs. Therefore I am going to give you the facts, though they may be damaging and unpopular, but not to be intended as a documentary attack against Islam. However, when the facts sound negative and ugly, know that I did not create them. And because I focus on accuracy, not bias, I suggest you go back and check everything for yourself and then compare notes.
People, including many Muslims, tend to slam other religions and belief systems but very few speak the truth about Islam. As you read this article, you will come to understand why that is. For the purposes of time, space and directly addressing the most pressing controversial facts, I am going to abbreviate my article. But it should I no way be construed as the limits of my knowledge regarding Islam.
ALLAH, THE PAGAN MOON GOD: https://www.biblebelievers.org.au/moongod.htm
If the truth makes you mad, blame it. My AR-15 says keep that physical anger to yourself.
ISLAM IS NOT A “RELIGION” OF PEACE. Ironically watch those devout Muslims now want my head chopped off. Peace? Really? What is a fatwa to have a person killed? Say something bad about Muhammad and watch how peaceful the devout fundamentalist Muslims become. Islam, in the purest sense of the word, means “submission”. And Muhammad took the position that such submission must be voluntary as you become a Muslim or forced as you are eliminated as an “infidel” or Kafir.
There are many, many Muslims who are peaceful people. But they are peaceful regardless of Islam, not because of it. A simple study of the Quran will show you Muhammad takes the position that war and fighting is “good” just as he believed that killing Jews and Christians was also “good”. I disagree.
IT APPEARS THAT ALLAH HAS 3 DAUGHTERS: They are el-Lat, el-Uzza and Manat https://www.muslimhope.com/DaughtersOfAllah.htm
Peace? Ask a Muslim who is willing to admit the truth how that peace is achieved. A look at how Muhammad achieved peace shows us the facts, regardless of what we/they want to believe. Muhammad achieved peace by force, by the sword. Muslims commonly say “Allah” neither prescribes nor supports the killing of innocent people. However a deeper look at who Islam calls “innocent” and who it doesn’t will help you understand the violence he used, taught and promoted. And it amazes me how Muslims want to say Islam is about “peace”, but only until someone says something negative about Muhammad. Then suddenly some Muslims want to get violently angry, kill you or put out a fatwa calling for your death. And to see the truth we have to throw political correctness out the window.
Jihad is an undeniable principle of war and violence in Islam. Of course Muslims say Jihad is necessary when they are being attacked. However the “attacks” they speak of include those who do not accept Islam nor go along with the spread of it. Therefore is you reject Islam, in the mind of the fundamentalist Muslim you are attacking or coming against Islam. in which case they justify their Jihad. This is a principle many peaceful Muslims try to ignore and deny, but true nevertheless.
Before you who are Muslim say I am misquoting and misrepresenting the teachings of the Quran (Suras) and thus the teachings of Muhammad, take a look for yourself. There are many teachings that speak of peace but they do not erase these teachings that do not.
An awful lot of instructions on killing for what is supposed to be a peaceful belief system. https://centerforinquiry.org/blog/a-call-to-the-muslims-of-the-world/ (excerpts)
“The Qur’an says: “not to make friendship with Jews and Christians” (5:51), “kill the disbelievers wherever you find them” (2:191), “murder them and treat them harshly” (9:123), “fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem” (9:5).
The Qur’an demands Muslims to fight the unbelievers, and promises “If there are twenty amongst you, you will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, you will vanquish a thousand of them” (8:65).
Allah and Muhammad want Muslims to fight the Christians and the Jews “until they pay the Jizya [a penalty tax for the non-Muslims living under Islamic rules] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” (9:29).
Allah and his messenger announce that it is acceptable to go back on Muslim promises (treaties) and obligations with Pagans and make war on them whenever Muslims find themselves strong enough to do so (9:3). Allah tells Muslims “fight the unbelievers” and “He will punish them by our hands, cover them with shame and help us (to victory) over them” (9:14).
The Qur’an takes away the freedom of choice of belief from all humanity, calls them najis (filthy, untouchable, impure) (9:28), and orders its followers to fight the unbelievers until no other religion except Islam is left (2:193).
For those who refuse to accept Islam, the Quran teaches that they not only will have “disgrace in this life, but on the Day of Judgment He shall make them taste the Penalty of burning (Fire)” (22:9).
The Qur’an says that “those who invoke a god other than Allah not only should meet punishment in this world but the Penalty on the Day of Judgment will be doubled to them, and they will dwell therein in ignominy” (25:68).
Although Muslims are asked to be compassionate amongst each other, Muslims have to be “harsh with unbelievers”, namingly Christian, Jewish and Atheist neighbors and colleagues (48:29). As for him who does not believe in Islam, the Prophet announces with a “stern command”: “Seize ye him, and bind ye him, And burn ye him in the Blazing Fire. Further, make him march in a chain, whereof the length is seventy cubits! This was he that would not believe in Allah Most High…..” (69:30-37)
The Qur’an prohibits a Muslim from befriending a non-believer even if that non-believer is the father or the brother of that Muslim (9:23), (3:28). Our holy book asks us to be disobedient towards the disbelievers and their governments and strive against the unbelievers with great endeavour” (25:52) and be stern with them because they belong to Hell (66:9).
Muhammad prescribes fighting for Muslims and tells them that “it is good for us even if we dislike it” (2:216). Then he advises them to “strike off the heads of the disbelievers”; and after making a “wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives” (47:4). According to the Quran, God has promised to “instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers” and has ordered Muslims to “smite above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them” (8:12).
Again according to the Quran, Allah He also assures Muslims that when they kill in his name “it is not us who slay them but Allah, in order that He might test the Believers by a gracious trial from Himself” (8:17). He orders Muslims “to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies” (8:60). He has made the Jihad mandatory and warns Muslims that “Unless we go forth, (for Jihad) He will punish us with a grievous penalty, and put others in our place” (9:39). The Quran teaches that Allah speaks to Muhammad Holy Prophet and says “O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and be stern against them. Their abode is Hell – an evil refuge indeed” (9:73).
Allah of the Quran promises Muslims that in the fight for His cause whether they slay or are slain they return to the garden of Paradise (9:111). In Paradise he will “wed us with Houris (celestial virgins) pure beautiful ones” (56:54), and unite us with large-eyed beautiful ones while we recline on our thrones set in lines (56:20). This sounds more like Horus or whores to me.
He also promises “boys like hidden pearls” (56:24) and “youth never altering in age like scattered pearls” (for those who have paedophiliac inclinations) (76:19). As you see, Allah has promised all sorts or rewards, gluttony and unlimited sex to Muslim men who kill unbelievers in his name. The Quran proclaims faithful Muslims will be admitted to Paradise where they shall find “goodly things, beautiful ones, pure ones confined to the pavilions that man has not touched them before nor jinni” (56:67-71).
Regarding religious freedom, the Quran states “If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good) (3:85). And Allah orders Muslims to fight them on until there is no more tumult and faith in Allah is practiced everywhere (8:39).
As for women, the Quran promotes that they are inferior to men and their husbands have the right to scourge them if they are found disobedient (4:34). It teaches that women will go to hell if they wrong their husbands (66:10). It maintains that men have an advantage over the women (2:228).
The Quran does not place the wife of a Muslim man in charge of his estate once he dies. The wife is actually placed below the man’s mother and in some cases even beneath his daughters. (4:11-12). This simply reflects upon the man’s death the very inequality Islam promotes while he is alive.
The Quran allows Muslim men to marry up to 4 wives. (4:3). Pakistani soldiers allegedly raped up to 250,000 Bengali women in 1971 after they massacred 3,000,000 unarmed civilians when their religious leader decreed that Bangladeshis are un-Islamic. This is why prison guards in the regime of Iran raped the women they saw as apostates prior to killing them. They believe a virgin will not go to Hell.”
Muhammad recited what would become the Quran after he alone visited a cave daily. He received what he believed to be communication from the angel Gabriel. But originally Muhammad did not believe this to be true. Nor did his Uncle. And there was nobody in the cave to verify what he said he heard and saw.
Originally Muhammad had Muslims face Jerusalem, not Mecca. But after the Jews rejected Muhammad, he changed the direction all Muslims would face to kneel and pray. Why did Muhammad in 624 CE take a wife (Aisha) who was a child age 6? Wow. Muhammad says he did not sleep with Aisha until she was older so we are supposed to believe he had her in his bed for years and did nothing? Wake up people. Aisha was betrothed at 6 to Muhammad who was 50. The marriage was consummated when she was 9 (supposedly). Yet Muslim scholars keep questioning this in order to hide, confuse and distort the truth. And if you believe she was 12 yrs old, believe also that I will sell you the moon for $3.50.
Those called “Islamic Terrorists” today are actually Islamic Fundamentalists”. They literally follow the Quran to the letter, often including stoning, beheading and terrorism. This is how Muhammad advanced the cause of Islam. However politically correct politicians, peaceful Muslims and others find it easier to label devout fundamentalist Muslims as “terrorists” instead of speaking the truth. If you do not believe me, look up the bloody history of the founding of Islam. And yes I know other “religions” were also bloody. I am familiar with the Crusades. But this article this time is about Islam.
Islam did not exist before Muhammad but the pagan Arabic/pre-Arabic moon god Allah and other pagan gods of the region did. The Quran did not exist before Muhammad. The Hadith did not exist before Muhammad. Some want to say Islam has been here since the beginning. Not true. Though both ideologically and existentially one could make the point that many of the principles existed long before Islam and Muhammad. And the foundations of Islam consist of elements taken from other beliefs and cultures. But the people of the Middle East, for example, were not known as Muslims before Muhammad. In fact before he became the “prophet” of Islam, Muhammad was not known as a Muslim either. An examination of his Quarish tribe and their beliefs will prove that.
What does the Quran say about Isa (“Jesus”)? It says He was sinless, born of a virgin and “rawh allah” which means “spirit of God”. So when you hear Muslims slam “Jesus”, know that they likely don’t know what their own Quran says about Him. They only know bits, pieces and talking points they heard repeated by others. When they talk about the Bible negatively, they likely don’t know that large parts of the Quran are from the Bible and the Quran tells Muhammad to go back and read the scriptures – the Old Testament scriptures. See Surah 10:94.
How many of you face Mecca and pray several times a day (Salat)?
How many of you/your women cover everything up? How many of you have undertaken the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)?
Many American Muslims would not meet the criteria set forth by Muhammad. The strict discipline. The dress code. The prayers faithfully several times a day. Like many belief systems, Islam in America has been Americanized and thus the behavior of many Muslims in America has been watered down. Some would say that is a good thing but others would say that is unacceptable. I am simply presenting the facts in this case, not taking a side. But I will say this of ANY religion or belief system, while nobody is perfect, a man or woman should hold fast to what they believe instead of just professing a title.
Islam is not as unified amongst Muslims as many would like you to think it is. There are many variables which impact the thinking, belief and behavior of Muslims – especially in America. The guidelines for belief and behavior come from a blend of the Bible, the Quran and the Hadith – then in America other elements such as culture, laws and family or community behavior. Islam is very divided even though they would have you think it is not. Groups include: Sunni, Shia, Kharijite, Ibaid and Kalam at least.
When Muhammad died (or ascended, as Muslims believe) his son took Islam in one direction. But other key leaders took Islam in other directions. Fast forward to today and we see Sunni and Shiite Muslims. We see those who belief in the strict adherence to Sharia law and those who do not. We see those who are fundamentalists, those who are mediocre in their practices and shades of grey in the middle.
The foundation of Islam via Muhammad is peace through “submission”. However those who do not submit and because “Muslims” are see by Islam as enemies of Islam – infidels who stand in the way of Islam. That is how and why Islamic fundamentalists (often called terrorists) justify their awful acts of violence such as beheadings, suicide bombings and the like. Islamic submission is by choice or force.
Are there good facets of Islam? In my opinion, yes. And because I believe in strong principles of family, heterosexuality, self-discipline, structure and real worship, I see value in Islam. I am not a Muslim by faith. And the good principles neither justify nor erase the very violence or inequality at the core of Islam as defined by Muhammad. For the sake of time and space in this article I will stop here. I suggest you do some fact checking. And don’t slam other belief systems because Islam is not perfect.
Staff Writer; Trevo Craw
I know your type Trevo Craw, an agent provocateur.
You think you’re bad because you can recite typical mainstream talking points?
Come down south of Mississippi with that jive talk.
Traitor-Agents like yourself is why both the NOI and Malcom X were disrespected by black religious Sambo’s.
What Pro Zionist American Devil Agency payed you to say this crap?
Go back to your Master Trump bootlicker.
It is ironic that Christianity is the only religion who has a MAJOR pagan holiday. The New Testament neither apostle paul or child molester “King James” is for us black people. The Council Nicea itself is the Mark Of The Beast.
Everybody who celebrates that holiday will burn in hell.
Yeshua will never arrive until Christianity is destroyed.
You have bastardized the “The Savior” Long Enough.
The people weren’t too happy with Jesus either….
The Jews tried to off Muhameed earlier just like they did Jesus!
Trevo you sound like a broken record..
Yes the Quaran says The Christ is sinless.
A) Islam is united in Judaism in the belief that the messiah is ENTIRELY SEPERATE from God, he can still be sinless.
B) Islam is based off the Old Testament, which of course if you investigate Christian militant groups is not exactly decanonized.
Let’s take a look since you claim “violence” of our Holy Koran.
You “new age” no violence people make me laugh.
The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.” (Hosea 13:4, 9, 16 New International Version)
And in those days the tribe of the Danites was seeking a place of their own where they might settle, because they had not yet come into an inheritance among the tribes of Israel. . . . Then they said to [the priest], ‘Please inquire of God to learn whether our journey will be successful.’ The priest answered them, ‘Go in peace. Your journey has the Lord’s approval.’ . . . Then they took what Micah had made, and his priest, and went on to Laish, against a people at peace and secure. They attacked them with the sword and burned down their city. . . . The Danites rebuilt the city and settled there.” (Judges 18:1–28 NIV)
See, the day of the Lord is coming — a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger. . . . I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty. . . . Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated.” (Isaiah 13:9–16 NIV)
“And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, but walk contrary unto me; Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins. And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.” (Leviticus 26:27–29 King James Version)
“O daughter Babylon, you devastator! Happy shall they be who pay you back what you have done to us! Happy shall they be who take your little ones and dash them against the rock!”(Psalm 137:8–9 NRSV)
FYI, Muhammad’s own tribe did not listen to him. The Jews did not listen to him. And when Muhammad got mad, he made everybody face Mecca instead of facing Jerusalem as he originally told them to do.
From The Autthor,
To Majin, very intelligent guess.
To Leroy, you are yet another one who offers nothing to refute the facts of this article. Thus you are simply yet another noise maker.
First, let me speak slowly so you can grasp what i am saying. THIS ARTICLE IS NOT ABOUT CHRISTIANITY vs ISLAM.
Second, you know my evidence nor views on Christianity. Don’t assume what you don’t know.
Third, what people do in the name of a belief system is not the belief system itself. If we are to judge, judge the belief system by its founder and someone who walked it out perfectly according to the doctrine or teachings. In the case of Christianity, that would be the Christ – and even the Quran says the Christ was sinless (Yeshua, not the white-washed Anglo-saxon Europeanized Jesus character).
Fourth, however I am not about to go down that road of distraction with you because that is not what the article is about. So try to keep up instead of trying to switch the topic to Christianity and Jesus.
Leroy the reason you and others change the subject or attack another belief system is because you don’t know enough about Islam to address the facts of this article nor to refute anything. Thus you cover your ignorance by changing the subject or attacking another belief system that I am neither writing about nor defending nor attacking. You don’t fool me one bit.
Leroy if you knew anything, you would know that Islam was also spread by violence and it is a belief system by the sword. I am not about to address each point you make because you cannot even stick to the subject of the article. But know that I could.
I’m pretty sure Mohammed was talking to Samael instead of Gabriel (if any angel at all, and not just his step-dad)
Brother…Christianity was mostly spread through violence and destruction.
The ends justifying the means is and will always be a Satanic stance.
What of the native Osho and countless other indigenous faiths?
You reject color supremacy…yet you think one God is greater then the other…what color supremacy is actually BASED on….Guess what I heard one Islamic Radical say…the Koran was based on the Old Testament.
(Insert Religion) is NOT a religion and (others) will tell you (theres) is not either. (Insert Religion) is a relationship and it is far superior to other belief systems. You would not understand that because you are obviously not in the (Insert Religion) family of (religious word for individuals). Thus the secrets of the (Insert Religion) are not open to you. Your idea of nothing being superior is flat out wrong You have no evidence for any of your claims….
Your statement is said by Islamic Preachers, Hebrew Isrealites, Bahaii, Hindu’s and every single religion that ever existed, exists now and will exist.
Yes we are all aware of this drivel…YOUR religion out of 50000+ others is the SOLE VALIDLY SUPREME one…if you don’t follow you go to hell. Our minds can’t COMPREHEND the secrets of your faith. You must believe…throw logic out the window.
We are all well aware of this generalist copy-paste point of view.
To Rk Lewis,
You make some dumb assumptions without evidence. I know my identity down to the tribe and my ancestry far beyond slavery. Do you? It is ignorant that you attack me instead of trying to address the facts of the article. This just shows you cannot refute anything I wrote. Not a thing. So you change the subject then throw out mall minded insults based on nothing but inaccurate assumptions. You are making yourself look foolish. Maybe you should work for Trump because you are doing exactly what he does. And I am not offended by you any more than I am offended by a child who does not know any better.
From the Author to R.K. Lewis again:
I write with intensity. You assumed that meant I am distressed. Wrong.
Passion and truth are not distress. You should not make such assumptions.
Christianity is NOT a religion and Muslims will tell you Islam is not either. Christianity is a relationship and it is far superior to other belief systems. You would not understand that because you are obviously not in the Christian family of the Children of God. Thus the secrets of the Kingdom are not open to you. Your idea of nothing being superior is flat out wrong You have no evidence for any of your claims.
To R.K. Lewis From The Author,
Did I say I believed the white man was superior? Where did you get that BS from?
Second of all, unity of faith is stronger than unity of color.
Third, there is no eternal life in color.
Fourth, do you think you are black? Then compare your hands to car tires or a black belt or shoes. You are brown and calling us “black” in America was in fact a racist propaganda deception. You need to read my articles on this site that deal with that topic. Then you will see you were asleep and never knew you were.
Fifth, this article is on the truth of Islam, not unity for the “black” community. I have written several articles on rebuilding, deprogramming and repairing the African American community but this is not one of them.
Sixth, keep up. Stop trying to change the subject. Address the evidence and subject matter of THIS article.
My dear stressed Black Warrior.
Do you believe the White Man is superior, and all other peoples are inferior?
Of course you don’t. That isn’t rational. Where do you think White People got this idea from? Before you battle White Supremacy you have to battle Supremacy.
Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism, all have similar beliefs/values. They all have amazing material in their books. All people have felt voices, and dreams and experienced miracles. All believe someone else is going to Hell because their religion is Superior.
No Religion is Superior…Because a truly loving God wouldn’t need to practice jealousy. Jealousy is a dark trait, let alone violence needed to accomplish this and carry it out historically. (Even Today)
Regardless of how you feel about Islam it is gaining followers (at least in relation to Christianity) in the black community.
Calling their prophet a “pedophile” is simply a right-wing white supremacist talking point, and proves Christians will always have hate in their hearts over people who aren’t their own.
We can’t unify this way…..
I’m tearing up as I type this Trevo Craw…
You were probably the original Africans who captured, rape tortured other Africans to convert to “Christianity” alongside their white overlords.
When I said “bring it”, you must have thought I meant for you to bring the BS without proof nor evidence to refute anything in the article. And because you cannot reproof the proof I supplied here, you simply change the subject to Jesus or Christianity. Nice try, correction, poor try.
To the Unwise lord fake,
You lack understanding so badly that you don’t even see it. First don’t judge an entire religion by what some do. What if I did that with all people as lost as you? Secondly, Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship. Which shows how little you know. Thirdly, this article is neither in defense of nor against Christianity. Can you read and comprehend?
I dare you to refute the article and address he subject matter at hand.
Don’t change the subject. Don’t set up strawman arguments.
Supply evidence to support your points instead of just making noise to pretend you know something when really you don’t.
To Pro Black Atheist,
You are an empty wagon making a little bit of foolish noise. Even science now acknowledges intelligent design. However people like you almost make me believe that you did come from a primate or primordial slime.
You are your own god and that is sad because you cannot save yourself from anything. Further you make a weak point without citing any references or evidence of fact regarding the God of the Bible. I do see your point about Muhammad but not about Allah, unless you are trying to say Allah approves of pedophiles. But you said gods in the plural sense. Stop throwing out a point with no proof and no explanation. You sound like the Quran.
To Wise Lord (which you are not):
Your ignorance proves you need a new title and fast.
Stop trying to hijack the topic of this article because you did not write one of your own. I could answer every weak point you made but the article is not in defense of nor against Jesus. Apparently that fact went right over your head or in one ear and out the other with nothing to slow it down.
Your points are for another article, another debate, another time. But you better hope the Messiah has come because if not, you are screwed with no chance of anything but burning in Hell.
Your Pedophile God’s are driving you mad.
Both Islamic and Christian trash are free to debate us.
Please Visit our Facebook Page.
Do you even believe in Jesus Christ sir?
Thou who protest too much…
This is totally disgusting…
One of the sole true conservative faiths and you have to bash it like an insane mentally ill viper in the grass. What is wrong with you? Did a Muslim man steal your wife? You sound like an id!ot. I’m not a Muslim-Stan, but brother something is wrong with you mentally.
Many of my BLACK close businesses and work associates in central Florida get harassment from their own because of religion!
Who does that? Christianity…the religion whose origin to our people is no less violent then Islam itself. “Obey Thou Master” What kind of disgusting quote is this?
1) Why would God need to wait hundreds of years to introduce the concept of hell in the Old Testament. Sheol a prototype concept of the state of death surely doesn’t count.
2) Jesus doesn’t follow ANY of the Judia claims to be Messiah. Where is world peace for example? Why are there STILL other religions? How about you read Judaism’s texts and see the QUALIFICATIONS it takes to be Messiah. I can’t just claim to be a Doctor because God or Doctor-ish men said o.
3) Luke 11:14
One day Jesus cast out a demon from a man who couldn’t speak, and when the demon was gone, the man began to speak. The crowds were amazed…
This above quote from the bible is taking straight from the pagan days. “A” demon? This is obviously witchcraft. What about Free Will? You wonder why preachers are “copying” Jesus in healing people form Wheelchairs. At least Islam clumsily TRIES to cover up its pagan practices with exception to the Black Rock.
4) Jesus is NOT the only prophet people claimed doing “amazing” things.
Enter Hezekiah the bandit, Simon of Peraea, Athronges the shepherd boy, and Judas the Galilean.
Believing in the God of your Conquerors will NEVER help us as a people. No “you’re brainwashed” or “you interpret text correctly” or “you’re doomed to hell” is going to change this.
Has the ThyBlackMan.com transformed into some WWE religious smackdown?
Lunatics the lot of you.
Hey Clueless Ibraheem,
You must not have noticed that the man who wrote the article said he was also quoting various references/sources. You accused him of dogging out Islam so I take it you have not been able to tell what he said and what he quoted.
It would be laughable the little points you make if it were not for your ignorance. Wow. Can you read? Or are you more like Muhammad was?
And yet even more proof that Allah is a pagan moon god, not the God of the Bible and not the true God.
And yet more info. Allah, the pagan moon god. More proof.
Allah, the pagan moon god. More proof.
Allah, the pagan moon god, identified as such before Muhammad was even born.
To Ibraheem From The Author Again,
I agree with number 6 but the other person who commented before this comment is write. That changes nor refutes nothing in this entire article. Further you don’t even know about the other Muslim sects so educate yourself. Further you don’t successfully refute anything I said so you bring up other people like Moses.
You might be interested to know that Muhammad first did not believe it was Gabriel. He was convinced by his Uncle and his wife, a fact many Muslims like to hide or dismiss. Do some homework before you even remotely attempt to say what I should do and throw out some distractions as you have.
You make the attacks personal because you cannot refute the facts of this article. Big Trump-like distraction.
And by the way, it was not Gabriel speaking to Muhammad because Gabriel would have had to either go rogue (no hint of that in scripture) or forget or contradict what he told Mary about having the Son of God.
Sadly Ibraheem all you did is show how much you don’t know, try to distract and make yourself look foolish. The truth only scares the lost so you must be terrified.
To Ibraheem,
The author is on point and you are full of nonsense. Your number 6 simply pits one group against another. And that writer told you that was not the objective here. So even if your #6 is true, that takes nothing away from this strong article. Wake up bro. You lost.
From the Author to Ibraheem,
Classic tactic, to switch the subject to someone else. But that does not change the fact that Muhammad had nobody to verify. As for Moses, the people saw miraculous manifestations that were immediate. They also saw a change in Moses’ countenance. They also saw him come down from the mountain with tablets which had been carved into in such a way that Moses could not have done that. I could keep going but you should get the point by now. None of which happened with Muhammad.
Read more closely and you will see that I stated this article is not about a contest of religions or belief systems. Stick to the subject matter.
I quote the Quran and paint Muslims fundamentalists as they are. You are misguided and clearly I not only say good things about Islam, but I do not stereotype all Muslims in this article. Can you comprehend? Or do you just see what you want to see?
You should also read the First Amendment because I don’t have to keep quiet about the truth, not at all. You are confused so I won’t waste my time trying to enlighten someone who is comfortable in the deep, dark cave of denial. Yet you really should not mistake the points and claims of the article as you have done. Read.
1) “Nobody in the cave to verify it was him.”
What about Moses? Perhaps it was a demonic force by your logic (illogic)
2) The Pagan moon God? I discussed in my earlier comment that the Arabic Language is far older then Islam. Yes, some long-lost pagan society before islam used the word “Allah”, also the Kaaba was filled with idols.
3) What about the Phillistines and Sodom/Gommoorah? Was this an act of unsanctioned violence? Is everything happy go lucky with you?
4) You paint all muslims as blood-thirsty animals. Talk about stereotypical
I am black/moor not an arab drone…what about YOUR taxpayer dollars that fund the genocides of Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria.
5) Homosexuals and Indigenous Religons are being killed in Uganda as we speak.
Did you forget the “never forgo” the ways of the Old {Testament} ???
Maybe you should condemn THEM and keep quiet.
Same for South Sudan, Congo, Central African Republic, and Ethopia to name a small amount of Christian nations.
6) Sunni is the majority and Iran/part Lebanon is Shiite. I don’t know what the other “groups” you mention are. They aren’t as prevalent as your Baptists, Methodists, Jehovah Witnesses, Catholic, Isralite and Allah knows what other confused organization.
Guess what? They use the Bible to justify what they do.
Excuses, excuses blah blah blah for those who do not want to face the truth about Islam. I want to sell you some more black rocks and blue ones and green and which ever I can paint with .99 paint from Wal-mart.
From The Author,
I noticed a guy on a message board throwing out insults and his weak analysis. Then bro come on here and comment so we can address the issues. I am not perfect but I can read and write and Muhammad could do neither – FACT. Further, while some may try to attack the points I make by using small minded insults in other message boards, I do not see them successfully refuting the points. I see them telling me I don’t understand or I see them making excises for what the Quran says. I see them repeating at best what they have been indoctrinated with. Nice try but weak attempts that accomplish nothing.
If we really want to get into it, like I said, there was NOBODY to verify anything Muhammad said he heard in the cave. And it could not have been Gabriel because Gabriel would have contradicted what he told Mary hundred of years earlier.
So let’s see. Muslims follow the unverified word of a man who was alone in a cave and who did not write the Quran because he could neither read nor write. Muslims follow a man who as almost a senior citizen took a 6 year old wife? Muslims go to Mecca and walk around a structure in hopes of touching the BLACK STONE which is a meteorite which came from space and which is embedded in the structure. ALL FACTS! Sound odd? Yep.
For those of you who are so Islamic and against the truth I speak, why don’t you live in Saudi Arabia or the Gaza Strip or Libya etc? How long would you last? Do you pray 5 times a day? How many wives (and concubines) do you have here in America? American Muslims who half step talking a ton of BS? Give me a break. At least my Muslim friends from the Middle East are genuine.
The entire Hadith is based on the conveniences of Muhammad and Muslims know it. I have friends who are Muslim scholars and we discuss such matters all the time but they are honest, sincere, good people and not hostile when they hear the truth. You who get so angry, do you want to use your religion of “Peace” to cut off my head? Sure you do and you know it.
This article is not a contest between Christianity, Judaism and Islam. And if those Muslims who read it cannot admit the truth, they walk in the darkness of denial. Go back to the book. The Quran however is interesting because it makes points, declarations and statements without apparent explanations or the reasoning behind such statements.
I don’t have to be a Muslim scholar to see the truth. And the world was not in darkness before Muhammad. His own tribe had issues with him just as the Jews did. Be honest people and some of you Muslims love to slam other religions or belief systems but you can’t take it yourself when it comes to your own.