How Travelling Can Help With Depression.

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( Mental health has been in focus for the past decade. Depression is one of the most common mental disorders that people suffer from. However, it just so happens that the simple act of travelling can help alleviate this serious mental condition.

Mental health issues like depression can affect anyone at any point in their lives. According to the World Health Organization, over 300 million people of various age groups suffer from depression, with women more likely to be affected than men. In England alone, one in five women report being depressed, compared to one in eight men. In the last mental health survey done in England, it was found that 3.3 in 100 people suffered from depression.

Depression is a complex mental health illness that adversely affects a person’s mood, causing them to feel always sad or hopeless. Symptoms similar to those seen in depression can be found in people going through grief or trauma, but if these depressive symptoms last longer than two weeks, it may point towards a more serious depressive disorder.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), those with depression experience intense unhappiness, loss of sleep or excessive sleep, unintended and drastic weight gain or loss from changes in appetite, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and fatigue, coupled with difficulty concentrating. At its worst, depression may lead to self-harm or even suicide.

Along with psychological and pharmacological therapy for depression and depressive tendencies, there are other ways to help relieve depression. One such method is through travel.

Although there is no clear scientific research to establish a connection between travel and mental health, many of those who suffer from depression have felt more capable of coping with their mental illness after travelling.

Travelling is exciting

Going on a trip is an enormous mood-lifter, whether undertaken to recuperate at some exotic place or to meet and spend time with family.

The excitement and inspiration that people draw from travelling is in and of itself an effective antidote against depression and anxiety. The various exhilarating experiences one encounters causes a rise in endorphins and oxytocin in the body- both of which affect mood and positively influences the way one thinks, feels and experiences the world.

Travelling creates an opportunity for change

Those who suffer from depressive episodes often do so due to a repetitive or dull routine, perpetual isolation and a feeling of alienation from the surrounding people, which further escalates the depression. Caught in this vicious cycle, the depressed individual is cut off from anything in their surroundings that might potentially make them feel better.

When travelling, one gets exposed to situations that demand an altered frame of mind to solve the problems and hurdles that generally present themselves on a trip. This requires the person to fight through the haze of dreary emotions and respond to various circumstances. This effectively distracts one from their depression, showing them they have the potential to feel better, which is a critical step in recovery.

With practice and repeated exposure to motivating stimuli, the brain gets accustomed to not fixating on the negative internal monologue. Instead, it can now combat them with new, positive memories created through travelling.

Travelling helps with self-image

Exposure to different cultures and ways of life gives rise to unique ideas and a new mindset about one’s external environment as well as their inner self. The freedom to explore different aspects of life when on a trip galvanizes a person out of the helplessness brought on through depression, and gives them a whole other viewpoint of themselves and the world.

Low self-worth and hopelessness can trigger deeply depressive episodes. Self-esteem issues blind people to their true potential, making them believe they are incapable of doing anything of import. Discovering the world and experiencing it through travel educates them about themselves, proving to them that they are truly capable of more than they believe.

Travelling involves meeting different people

Meeting new people alleviates depression. Social anxiety and anti-social behaviour are frequently seen in those who are depressed. This may even keep them from leaving their homes. Going out and encountering people they know might also seem scary. However, if they push through the despair and reluctance, they will find that the more people they meet, the lower their anti-social tendencies become.

It is easier to strike up a conversation with strangers than with familiar people. When interacting with new people through travelling, depressed individuals often realize that they are more socially inclined than they previously thought.

Encountering folks from various walks of life can be enlightening or humbling, especially when getting to know the less fortunate and their views on life. They share perspective-shifting ideologies, change one’s outlook on life and help create positive memories that become the driving force to overcome depression.

Travelling Gives Perspective

Those who are depressed find the idea of merely being alive terrifying and exhausting. It is a perpetual internal struggle fought day in and day out. In this state, it is easy to get overwhelmed by day-to-day difficulties and lose sight of the bigger picture.

Going to different places and exposing the mind to new, fresh stimuli puts things into perspective. Seeing the world through the eyes of others, learning more about how they deal with life, and recognizing what is truly important creates a far more in-depth understanding of the world and, in turn, oneself- which is the secret to conquering depression.

That being said, a person suffering from depression should travel only after consulting a doctor. They may even be advised to continue taking their medications while they are on their journey. Furthermore, it is essential to stock up on other medicines to make sure they remain in good health throughout their trip. For those who are reluctant or unable to go out to buy medications, registered online pharmacies, like Click Pharmacy, provide the service of delivering prescription medications as well as over-the-counter drugs to their homes.

Beyond any doubt, travelling provides an immense opportunity for those with depression to experience dimensions of life that they were previously oblivious to. It offers a wealth of avenues for one to improve their mental health, work through their depression and renew their passion and appreciation for life.

Staff Writer; Craig Hall