What Scares You?

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(ThyBlackMan.com) You’re not afraid of much. You’re the protector of your family, the breadwinner of your home and the friend everyone calls when they need something heavy moved. You’re not afraid of the dark, nor afraid of speaking in public. Spiders and snakes meet their match in your presence. Housework and handyman chores alike get done with your capable hands. Heck, you’ve even mastered the art of doing laundry well.

There are two things in life that rattle your emotions, however.

1. Disappointing your mom.


2. Sunday evening. Sunday evenings are a whole other story. After your Sunday family rituals and traditions settle down, and Monday morning creeps in, minute by minute, the sunday scaries bubble up. What are sunday scaries you ask? That sinking, dreadful feeling you get the last few precious hours of the weekend before you start the fresh week on Monday morning.

Whether it’s because you’re going to miss spending the days with your family, or because your nearest co-worker is a loud talker with no discernible value to your team and you can’t stand another day in the same vicinity as them, you might benefit from some CBD oil to help calm your anxiety. Whether you integrate it into your daily health regime or take it only when you’re feeling extra anxious about upcoming plans, it’s proven to help many men quell their uneasy feelings and get better sleep at night.

There are other strategies you can implement into your weekly routine to prepare yourself to confidently be ready for a new week, like planning something enjoyable for weeknights to look forward to or getting in a good, hard workout in on Sunday nights. The book Eat That Frog comes to mind, to get a jumpstart with something hard, to make everything that follows seem smooth and achievable.

Staff Writer; Rick Johnson