Breaking The Chains Of Drug Addiction.

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( Drug abuse, which often leads to addiction, is one of the most difficult vices to overcome. However, it is not impossible to fight and win the war. The sure way to break free from an ingrained drug habit is to assess yourself introspectively and discover the root of the problem. It may be a traumatic event, a problematic phase in your life, crushed dreams or pressure from your peers. Whatever it is, getting to the cause of your addiction is a step in the right direction towards recovery.

Read on for some tips on breaking the chains of drug addiction.

Can You Beat Addiction Alone?

The answer to this question may not be as simple and as pleasurable as you think. The short answer is yes, you can beat drug addiction on your own, but the chances of you succeeding are very slim. It is usual for addicts to be presumptuous about their self-control. In the first few days, most addicts may show a good degree of self-discipline and sobriety, but the overwhelming thoughts, feelings, and cravings that precede recovery may eventually do them in. There are also embedded chemical changes in the brain caused by addiction that will draw addicts towards the drug almost helplessly.

How Then Do You Beat Drug Addiction?

When it comes to recovering from your drug habit, there are no right or wrong treatments. The best method to go about your recovery is by exploring every option available. Limiting yourself to a particular treatment may backfire, and this may shatter every hope of ever defeating your addiction.

A few treatment options to consider include:

1. Individualized therapy

This is a type of therapy where a patient-centric approach is used to assists in the recovery process. rather than assuming all addicts can be treated in the same manner, this treatment recognizes the individuality and circumstances of the patient that could have led to the drug habit and formulate techniques to assist in the recovery until successful.

2. Group Therapy

In this treatment, addicts can either be treated individually or as a group depending on ones preferred treatment. The advantage of these type of therapy is that patients can benefit from each other, learning, growing and motivating one another towards the common goal of recovery. The energy of combined therapies and the unifying factor of a common goal makes group therapy very effective for beating drug addiction.

3. Inpatient Rehabilitation

In inpatient rehabilitation, participants are sequestered in a controlled environment that is free of drugs or any other drug-related substance that may spark any cravings. The program will also involve a bit of therapy and detoxification of the harmful substances in the body. Most of the successful participants will either proceed to individualized and group therapy or a partial hospitalization program.

4. Partial Hospitalization Program

Here, recovering addicts reside in community housing. This is mostly a semi-private residence or apartment where recovering addicts are housed after successfully going through inpatient rehabilitation to undergo further treatment in a less restrictive environment. This program puts emphasis on continued structure and support while simultaneously allowing monitored community interaction. It is a transition phase from inpatient rehabilitation to outpatient rehabilitation.

5. Outpatient Rehabilitation

Unlike inpatient rehabilitation, outpatient rehabilitation gives the patient more freedom to interact with the family and loved ones. Outpatient rehabilitation allows for daily meetings with a volunteer or family and friends for treatment, monitoring, and evaluation. Some addicts even settle for less stringent outpatient rehabilitation that will enable them to proceed with their day-to-day activities without interruptions.

Even with all these treatment options, the decision to ultimately quit drugs and embrace a sober life starts with you. The many treatments are just stepping stones to your sobriety, and it is up to you to push yourself through the entire journey and never give up. Remember addiction is not a disease or curse, and it is possible to break from the chains of addiction and become a valuable member of the community.

Staff Writer; Doug Barker