(ThyBlackMan.com) You can barely breathe when you have to juggle your job and household chores. Imagine if you realized that you do not have enough financial resources and decide to take a second job. It could be impossible for you to survive the challenge. The truth is that a lot of people are taking second jobs while managing a family. You can do it with these tips.
Check the company policy first
You need to check with your first employer if they allow you to take a second job. Although technically you are free to do what you want after office hours, it is possible to still face tasks during random days that would require you to go beyond the office hours. Therefore, you need to ask your company first if they will allow you to take a second job. You also need to inform them about this decision to avoid giving excuses about why you rush out after office hours are over.
Give extra time in between jobs
Do not get a second job that will require you to work right away. You need time to rest before you move on to the next post; otherwise, you will try to rush things and not have enough energy to start the second job. Besides, you also do not have a guarantee that you will finish your first job on time. You need that extra time to travel and prepare what you need to do the other job.
Do something different (or the same)
When you are trying to get a second job, you need to ensure that it is different from what you are doing for your day job. It allows you to become mentally active and extract your creative juices. When you have two posts of a similar nature, you might get tired or burnt out at some point. On the other hand, you might hate moving back and forth between jobs that are way too different from each other. You could easily get confused with the regular shift. If you think this way, it helps if you take a second job which is similar to what you are doing during the day.
Set a goal
It feels like a burden when you have to take on another job when you already have a day job to deal with. You are taking this job for a reason. It could be because of a house mortgage that you could not afford to pay. It could also be educational loans that you need to finish paying. It is crucial that you set goals so that when you hit them, you can stop your second job.
Ask for help
Since you now have additional income, you can afford to pay for home services that you are unable to do. For instance, if your trash starts to pile up, you can ask junk removal companies to come over and help. You can check out usatrashremoval.com for more information regarding this service. Even if you are paying them for the services provided, you are saving time and energy.
You will now feel less overwhelmed since you can manage home maintenance and two jobs.
Staff Writer; Paul Shaw
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