3 Things You Should Know About Dysphagia.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) There are roughly 10 million Americans suffering from a disorder that most people know very little about or have even heard of before. The swallowing disorder known as Dysphagia can be brought on due to a neurological issue or other physical problem. The disorder affects people by damaging the nerves, tissues and muscles that make the swallowing process happen. Whether you have suffered from this disorder, know someone who has or simply want to learn more, there are a few things that can help to build your knowledge base.

Types and Symptoms

There are two different types of Dysphagia that affect people. One of these types is known as high Dysphagia. This version of the disorder causes problems in the mouth and/or throat. This is typically caused by a neurological condition that affects the nerves and muscles in these areas. The other type is known as low Dysphagia. This version of the disorder causes problems in the esophagus and is caused by some sort of blockage or other irritation. Both forms of Dysphagia are treatable, but doctors usually say that the high version is a bit more difficult to treat, and the low version requires a surgical procedure to treat. There are other at home remedies that you can try including using a product like SimplyThick Nectar. This product is a thickener that uses Xanthan Gum. It can be used with foods and beverages to make them easier to swallow. Some of the symptoms of this disorder include: drooling, pain while swallowing, a sensation of food getting stuck, inability to control saliva and difficulty initiating swallowing.


One of the biggest challenges that can come with this disorder is a lack of proper nutrition and hydration. When your body is not getting the proper nutrients it can cause several other issues to arise. This can take an already difficult issue and exacerbate the problem even further. This is where seeking some short and long term solutions can be helpful. It is also advantageous to look for nutritional supplements that can help your body get the nutrients it needs. Dealing with Dysphagia can also lead to feelings of not wanting to eat, or of being embarrassed to eat or drink in public places. If you or someone you know is suffering through this disorder, making some accommodations and modifications to how eating and drinking happen can have a positive impact.

Early Intervention

When any type of disorder occurs within the body, it is important to intervene as early as possible. Early intervention with Dysphagia can have a large impact on successful treatment. If you are noticing signs of the disorder, a trip to the doctor is in order. The doctor can then make a referral to a specialist that can put a treatment plan in place. The treatments can include some exercises that are designed to strengthen the muscles. Starting these exercises can help with being able to continue to eat and drink regular foods.

Chewing and swallowing are things that you do on a regular basis without thinking. These are two of several bodily functions that we take for granted and simply assume they will happen. When symptoms of Dysphagia are noticed, it is vital to contact a primary care doctor and start the process of getting treated. The disorder can be treated with supplements, exercises and in some cases surgery. The earlier an intervention program can be put in place, the better the treatments can go.

Staff Writer; Greg Day