The Fix: Three Gym Habits NOT to Follow this New Year.

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( Here we are again, the beginning of a New Year and, always on cue; the gym is literally filled with people chasing their New Year’s resolutions.

As an acute observer of social trends and customs, I’ve picked up on some tendencies that “newbies” all seem to exhibit.

I try to help people stay focused at this time of the year by coaching them to create clear, effective and manageable exercise programs that will keep them in the game and in the gym. Obviously, I can’t help everybody, and the very, very few times I do give advice (you can get cursed out in the gym these days!) I do it very gingerly.

I have discovered in my almost ten years as a fit pro that most people lack four components to a quality exercise program: structure, accountability, expertise and inspiration (to pair with their own motivation).

Obviously, a fit pro brings all four components and more. But everybody can’t afford a fit pro. I gotcha. That means you have to go it alone. This article is for you, so that you can get the best of your fitness journey.

Every gym in America is filled with people who exhibit the following bad habits: Those who lack clear direction; those who are just lifting weights to be lifting weights and those who are at the gym primarily to socialize.  There are more categories, these are just a few.

If you find yourself exhibiting one or more of aforementioned, just pay attention to the Fix to get more out of your exercise program and experience.

#1Lack of Clear Direction

Lack of direction and focus is by far at the top of my list. These are people who are just mindlessly and aimlessly walking the floors of America’s gyms like zombies from the hit cable series The Walking Dead. No direction. No focus. No results.

The Fix:

Get a plan. Consult with a fit pro on ideas about different muscle groups and how best to stress them (it’s called a fitness assessment and most health clubs offer them for free!). That way, should you decide not to pursue the services of a fit pro, at least you have a semblance of a working program to get you going.

#2Lifting Weights Just to Be Lifting Weights

This one gets me the most because it’s quite harrowing to see people use weights so carelessly as to risk their lives.  People do just mindlessly throw weights around at the gym. This is serious because it could actually lead to potential injury.

The Fix:

This is really important because you are at risk of serious injury. Have a plan of which muscle group you want to target for each workout. Resist the urge to follow what I call a “willy nilly” program – arms here, calves there, chest here – a program that’s got you all over the gym. Work that muscle group for the day. Come back the next scheduled day at the gym and work a different set of muscles.

#3Over Socializing

Let’s face it. The gym is one big social scene, especially at this time of the year. A lot of people are there to be seen and nothing else.

The Fix:

Fix the first problem listed here and this will automatically be solved. The more focused you are, the less distracted you become. You are on a mission. Your walk, your talk, your gait – all of that points to “I will talk to you some other time. I got to get my workout on!”

Your best body is your best life!

Staff Writer; W. Eric Croomes

This talented brother is a holistic lifestyle exercise expert and founder and executive coach of Infinite Strategies LLC, a multi-level coaching firm that develops and executes strategies for fitness training, youth achievement and lifestyle management. Eric is an author, fitness professional, holistic life coach and motivational speaker.

In October 2015, Eric released Life’s A Gym: Seven Fitness Principles to Get the Best of Both, which shows readers how to use exercise to attract a feeling of wellness, success and freedom (Infinite Strategies Coaching LLC, 2015) –