Three Ways Your Best Body Boosts Your Best Life Baby.

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( Your best body is your best life! There are many ways this maxim is carried out through the course of one’s life. Exercise is not just for the body, it helps us to think more clearly, it relieves stress and it improves memory. These and other positive outcomes are among the ways our best body boosts our best life.

This is amply demonstrated in the everyday physical arena. Each day, our task is to operate within, and navigate among, the physical demands of our environment. The body accomplishes this feat daily with one amazing tool: metabolic rate. Your metabolic rate is simply the amount of energy your body is able to produce and use throughout the day.

When we boost our metabolic rate via exercise, we boost our body’s ability to cope with the physical demands of our environment. Specifically, our best body boosts our best life in these three (among many) ways.


Energy and Strength to Perform Daily Activities

What are daily activities? Daily activities are everything you do from the time you get out of bed in the morning to the time you get back into bed that same night. Daily activities include getting up to shower and dress, walking to your car or bus stop, any work-related activities and many others. In short, it’s what you do every day, all day.

Best Body Boost:

You need energy to perform your daily activities. You need energy to be your best – the best worker, the best manager, the best parent, the best boss and so on.

Boosting your metabolic rate will increase you energy and strength above and beyond your daily activity level. The higher the energy the better the results. One of the best forms of feedback I get from clients is, “I feel great and my energy is up!


Better Enjoyment of Leisure Time

Leisure time, for most, is substantially different than performing daily activities. The fact is many people, once they have completed daily activities, have no energy for leisure activity. Most people come home from their physical environment of work to tired to do anything else. Zero energy for playing with the kids or grandkids, zero energy for walks in the park, zero energy trips to the library or mall.

Best Body Boost:

This is what it’s all about for me. Enjoying your leisure time is the stuff of the good life! Who wants to live all work and no energy for play? Who’d choose to suffer lower back pain against playing catch with a grandchild?

Again, your body’s metabolic rate is the engine for boosting your desire for enjoying leisure time. Boost your rate and you will boost your energy for play time.


Meet Emergency Demands

Emergency demands are distinct from the demands of the physical environment and leisure activities. Emergency demands are those instances which require immediate response mechanisms to go into action on the part of your physical body (the so-called ‘flight or fight’ response). It’s not always as extreme as coming across a bear on a walking trail. It could be as simple as dealing with an uncooperative boss or co-worker or being forced to climb stairs during an emergency.

Best Body Boost:

Do we need to boost our energy to prepare for meeting a bear on a walking trail? Not likely. But we can have the needed energy for those rare occasions when we may need that extra push, whether a semi-emergency or an outright emergency. Also, increased metabolic rate improves our own body’s ability to navigate a potential health crisis.

Your best body is your best life!

Staff Writer; W. Eric Croomes

This talented brother is a holistic lifestyle exercise expert and founder and executive coach of Infinite Strategies LLC, a multi-level coaching firm that develops and executes strategies for fitness training, youth achievement and lifestyle management. Eric is an author, fitness professional, holistic life coach and motivational speaker.

In October 2015, Eric released Life’s A Gym: Seven Fitness Principles to Get the Best of Both, which shows readers how to use exercise to attract a feeling of wellness, success and freedom (Infinite Strategies Coaching LLC, 2015) –