10 Ways To Serve Others In Business.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) When it comes to first starting a business, you’re always going to find that you have your own priorities – that’s natural. Because we all look to start our businesses for different reasons. It may be to create a product that you feel is needed in the marketplace. It could be to become an entrepreneur. Or it may even be to help others. Now, if you decide to go with the latter, and this is your soul driver for launching your business, serving others will be in your heart. Yet, even if you start for any of the other reasons, it’s important for you not to forget about how you can serve your audience and others in the world with the actions you’re taking. Remember, now that you have a business of your own, you hold a lot of power, so isn’t it best to do something good with that power?

However, it’s then also important for you to know exactly how you’re going to serve others – and what will make the greatest impact. Sometimes, it’s natural to think that you won’t be able to make much of a difference with what you’re doing – but you can. There are so many different ways that you can look to serve others, every step of the way with your business. So let’s take a look at ten different ways that you can look at dong this, to get you started and feeling inspired.

  1. Have The Best Intentions

To start with, you need to make sure that you have the very best intentions with everything that you’re doing. If you know that you’re able to make a difference in the world and to the lives of others, just like Cynthia Telles, then you’re automatically serving others with everything that you’re doing. So before you start out, or in the middle, step back and work out what your intentions are in business.

  1. Have A Giving Heart

Now, from here, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re approaching this with a giving heart. When you do, the decisions you make will impact others in the right way. You’ll ensure that you’re trying to make a difference with what you’re doing and that you’re not in business for the wrong reasons.

  1. Set Core Values

One way that you can look to do this is to make sure that you’re setting core values that embody your intentions. Because if you make your business all about the need to make the lives of others better or to improve the community – or anything else, you’ll have a much better chance at actually making it happen.

  1. Put Your Customers First

Then, when it comes to the actual operation of your business, you’ll want to think about what you can do to put your customers first. Always. Ensure that you are focusing on what they want and need from your business. When you can do this, you’ll not only find that the business becomes much more successful, but also that you’re able to give generously to your audience.

  1. Care About The World

But that’s not all – you have to care about more than just your own customers too. They should come first, but you also need to care a lot more about the world and people in general. Think about where you sit in the economy and who your people are – then work out how you can bring the two together, along with your influence, to make the world a better place. No matter how big or small your impact may be!

  1. Mind Your Actions

And now, you need to make sure that your actions are starting to mirror your intentions. And you have to hold yourself and your business accountable to this. So are you focusing solely on what your audience wants? Are you providing a great service? Are you kind to your stakeholders? Think about your actions and what you’re doing to serve others in the best possible way.

  1. Be A Great Company

And then, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re creating a company that is just a great company! If you want to serve others, then you absolutely need to make sure that you’re putting great work out into the world and that you’re trying to harness your influence in the best ways possible.

  1. Be A Great Manager

Then, you need to make a conscious effort to also be a great manager too. Being a good company is only ever the start. You then need to make sure that you’re a great leader of the people that work for you too. Because being able to lead others is just as much about being a great manager as it is having a great product or idea. And this allows you to serve people too – those that work for you. You’re giving them a career they live and a better quality of life as a result.

  1. Plan For The Future

And then, you need to make sure that you’re planning ahead too. Because serving others isn’t all about today. It’s the changes that you’re planning to make and how you can make a positive influence. So put plans in place. Even if you’re not able to serve others in a set way today, you may be able to make a huge influence in the future.

  1. Mind Your Impact

Finally, you’re then going to want to be thinking about the overall impact that your company is having on the world. Do you know? Are you being kind to others and influencing their lives in a positive way? Are you making their lives easier? Happier? If so, then you’re serving them. If not, you may want to rethink your actions and the impact that you’re having on the world as standard, before you dive too much into trying to volunteer or donate. Start at home with your business aims first.

Staff Writer; Kwame Parker